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about this region

Nestled in the picturesque heartland of Italy, the Veneto wine region captivates with its bountiful vineyards and rich winemaking traditions. Stretching across rolling hills and charming valleys, this captivating region boasts an impressive diversity of grape varietals and wine styles.

The Veneto wine region is renowned for its mastery of Prosecco, the sparkling gem that has enchanted palates worldwide with its lively effervescence and delicate fruity notes. The region's viticultural prowess extends beyond bubbles, as it also produces distinguished red wines such as Amarone , crafted in the Amarone della Calpolicella appellation. This wine showcase the magic of appassimento, the unique process of drying grapes before fermentation.

The allure of Veneto lies not only in its exceptional wines but also in its enchanting landscapes and historic vineyard villages. From the breathtaking shores of Lake Garda to the romantic allure of Verona and the breathtaking views of San Donà di Piave, this region offers wine enthusiasts an immersive experience that marries art, history, and wine.

With a heritage rooted in centuries-old winemaking traditions and an unwavering commitment to quality, the Veneto wine region continues to flourish. It invites wine lovers to embark on a sensory journey, exploring its vine-clad landscapes, indulging in world-class wines, and savoring the essence of Italian winemaking at its finest. So, grab your glass and head to your closest Veneto winery.



Vineyard Hectares




growing degree days

Discover Terroir

The Veneto wine region, situated in northeastern Italy, stands as a captivating and versatile hub of wine production within the country. Nestled along the picturesque Adriatic Sea coast, Venice, the region's capital, adds to its allure. Bounded by Trentino-Alto Adige and Friuli-Venezia Giulia to the north, Emilia-Romagna to the west, and Lombardy to the northwest, Veneto boasts a diverse geographical landscape.

To the west, the majestic Apennine Mountains form a natural barrier, while the eastern expanse is defined by the enchanting Venetian Lagoon and the azure Adriatic Sea. While the Veneto wine region enjoys recognition primarily for its Veneto and Prosecco DOCs, it is also worth noting the emergence of other subregions, such as the Piave wine appellation or Piave Malanotte, which are increasingly garnering acclaim.

Within the Veneto wine region, a rich tapestry of grape varieties thrives, contributing to the region's esteemed viticultural heritage. Among the prominent Veneto grapes, Merlot stands as a distinguished red variety, known for its velvety texture and appealing flavors. Corvina, another notable grape, plays a vital role in the production of the renowned Amarone della Valpolicella, adding depth and complexity to this iconic wine. Glera, on the other hand, is the heart and soul of Prosecco, bestowing upon it the characteristic effervescence and crispness that have captivated palates worldwide. Lastly, Garganega, an indigenous white grape, lends its charm to Soave wines, celebrated for their elegance and floral notes. These grape varieties, deeply rooted in Veneto's terroir, embody the essence of this exceptional wine region.

The climate of the Veneto wine region is a harmonious symphony of nature's elements, playing a pivotal role in shaping the character of its wines. Nestled in northeastern Italy, this enchanting viticultural haven experiences a climate that dances between the gentle breath of the Adriatic Sea and the protective embrace of the Apennine Mountains, creating a diverse and dynamic viticultural environment.

The region's climate can be best described as a tale of two influences: the temperate maritime climate along the coast and the continental climate that prevails inland. Along the picturesque coastline, where the Adriatic Sea exerts its moderating influence, the climate is marked by mild winters and warm summers. This coastal caress provides a nurturing environment for the cultivation of white grape varieties like Glera and Garganega, as the mild temperatures during the growing season allow for a gradual ripening process, preserving the delicate nuances of these grapes.

Venturing inland, towards the western fringes of Veneto where the Apennine Mountains rise majestically, a more continental climate takes hold. Here, the temperature fluctuations between day and night are more pronounced, creating a perfect backdrop for the cultivation of red grape varieties such as Merlot and Corvina. The diurnal temperature variation encourages grapes to develop complexity and depth of flavor, resulting in wines with robust structure and character.

The Veneto wine region also experiences a well-defined seasonal rhythm. Spring brings a burst of vibrant life as vineyards awaken from their winter slumber, and bud break heralds the start of a new growing season. The warm and sun-kissed summers provide ample sunshine for photosynthesis, allowing grapes to mature to perfection. As autumn approaches, the Veneto landscape transforms into a tapestry of golden hues as vineyards prepare for the grape harvest. This pivotal moment is when the skill of winemakers is put to the test, as they carefully select the optimal time to pick each varietal to capture its unique essence.

Precipitation, though generally moderate, exhibits regional variation. Coastal areas benefit from more consistent rainfall, while the inland regions may require controlled irrigation to ensure vine health and fruit quality. The varied microclimates within Veneto also allow for the production of a wide range of wine styles, from the lively effervescence of Prosecco in the east to the rich and robust Amarone della Valpolicella in the west.

Nestled in the northeastern part of Italy, the Veneto wine region is not only celebrated for its diverse range of grape varieties and climatic influences but also for its rich and varied soils. These soils, each with its unique characteristics, contribute significantly to the region's viticultural tapestry. Let's embark on a journey to explore the different types of soils that shape the wines of Veneto.

  1. Alluvial Soils: Along the banks of the region's rivers, such as the Adige or the Piave wine region (also known as Piave DOC), alluvial soils reign supreme. These fertile soils, a result of centuries of river sediment deposition, offer excellent drainage and rich mineral content. They are the ideal cradle for white grape varieties like Glera and Garganega, resulting in crisp and refreshing wines that showcase the purity of their fruit.
  2. Calcareous Soils: In the hilly areas of Veneto, particularly in the Valpolicella and Soave zones, calcareous soils take center stage. Comprising limestone and marl, these well-draining soils provide a mineral-rich foundation for the vines. The Corvina and Garganega grapes, in particular, thrive in these conditions, yielding wines with striking minerality and a distinct sense of place.
  3. Volcanic Soils: The region's eastern hills, near the Venetian Lagoon, boast volcanic soils, which lend a unique character to the wines. These soils, derived from volcanic eruptions eons ago, are rich in nutrients and minerals. The Merlot grapes, when grown in volcanic soils, develop an intense complexity, with dark fruit flavors and a hint of earthiness.
  4. Clay and Limestone Mix: Some areas of Veneto feature a combination of clay and limestone soils. These vineyards often produce wines with a harmonious balance between structure and finesse. For instance, the Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes thrive in this environment, giving birth to red wines of depth and elegance.

Conclusion:In the Veneto wine region, the mosaic of soils tells a tale of terroir, where each soil type contributes to the unique flavor profile of the wines produced. From the alluvial soils nurturing lively Prosecco to the calcareous terrain crafting elegant Soave, and the volcanic earth infusing depth into Merlot, these soils form the foundation upon which the region's viticultural artistry thrives. Exploring the wines of Veneto is not just a tasting experience; it is a journey through its diverse soils and the captivating stories they whisper in every bottle.


The grapes of Veneto, including Merlot, Corvina, Glera, and Garganega, are the esteemed protagonists of the region's winemaking landscape. With their distinct physical characteristics and unique agricultural needs, these grape varieties thrive amidst the diverse terroirs and climatic influences of this northeastern Italian region.

  1. Merlot (Vitis vinifera): Merlot vines are recognized by their deep green, medium-sized leaves and compact clusters of dark-blue, almost black grapes. In Veneto, Merlot thrives under specific agricultural conditions. It prefers well-draining soils, such as clay-limestone or volcanic soils, which allow the vines to develop deep roots. Adequate sun exposure during the growing season is crucial, with moderate rainfall and a climate characterized by warm summers and mild winters. These conditions provide Merlot with the ideal environment to ripen evenly and fully.
  2. Corvina (Vitis vinifera): Corvina grapes are distinguishable by their thick, dark skins and small clusters. To cultivate Corvina successfully in Veneto, vineyards should have well-draining calcareous or alluvial soils. Corvina requires adequate air circulation around the clusters to prevent fungal issues, making vineyard management crucial. The climate for Corvina cultivation should feature warm, dry summers and relatively mild winters, allowing this grape to express its full potential.
  3. Glera (Vitis vinifera): Glera vines exhibit medium-sized, round leaves and compact bunches of greenish-yellow grapes. Agricultural practices for Glera center around trellising and canopy management to maximize sun exposure and airflow, reducing the risk of mildew and rot. Glera thrives in vineyards with well-drained, moderately fertile soils, and it flourishes under the maritime influence of the Veneto region, which provides the necessary temperature fluctuations for its development.
  4. Garganega (Vitis vinifera): Garganega vines boast large, vibrant green leaves and loose clusters of golden-yellow grapes. To cultivate Garganega successfully in Veneto, vineyards require well-draining volcanic or calcareous soils. Garganega is particularly suited to the region's climate, characterized by mild winters and warm, dry summers. Careful pruning and canopy management are essential to protect the grapes from excessive sun exposure, ensuring a balanced ripening process.

In the rich viticultural tapestry of Veneto, these grape varieties have found their niche, each requiring specific care and environmental conditions to flourish. Understanding their agricultural and climatic preferences is key to producing exceptional wines that reflect the unique terroir of this enchanting Italian wine region.

Veneto is home to several popular and esteemed wines that have gained recognition both nationally and internationally. Here are some of the most popular types of wines in Veneto:

  • Amarone della Valpolicella: Amarone is a prestigious and iconic wine made from grapes dried on graticci, predominantly Corvina, Rondinella, and Molinara varieties. It showcases intense flavours of dried fruits, raisins, chocolate, and spices, with a full-bodied profile and velvety texture. Amarone is highly regarded for its depth, complexity, and aging potential.
  • Valpolicella: Valpolicella is a red wine produced from the same grape varieties as Amarone, but made in a lighter style. It exhibits fresh red fruit flavours, vibrant acidity, and a medium-bodied character. Valpolicella is enjoyed for its approachability and versatility, often served alongside a variety of Italian dishes.
  • Soave: Soave is a renowned white wine crafted from the Garganega grape in the Soave DOC region. It offers crisp acidity, delicate floral aromas, and ripe citrus, pear, and almond flavours. Soave is known for its refreshing and balanced nature, making it a popular choice for both casual sipping and pairing with seafood and light dishes.
  • Prosecco: Originating from the Prosecco grape in the Conegliano-Valdobbiadene area, Prosecco is a sparkling wine that has gained immense popularity worldwide, that has its own appellation. This wine, that shares some similarieities with Champagne, an iconic French sparkling wine that is crafted in the region of the same name and with the Spanish Cava from the Catalan subregion of the same name, it is characterized by its lively bubbles, fruity apple, pear, and peach aromas, and crisp, off-dry taste. Prosecco is often enjoyed as an aperitif and is a staple for celebratory toasts.
  • Bardolino: Bardolino is a red wine produced from a blend of Corvina, Rondinella, and Molinara grapes in the Bardolino DOC region. It typically displays bright red fruit flavours, gentle tannins, and a light-to-medium body. Bardolino is appreciated for its easy-drinking nature and pairs well with various Italian dishes.

100 - 350 m


700 - 1000 mm


Alluvial with sedimentary deposits

top varietal

Glera, Garganega, Corvina

History of wine

The story of Veneto's winemaking begins in the Bronze Age, marking its initiation as one of the oldest winemaking regions in the world. Fast forward to around 200 B.C., the Roman Empire's influence in Veneto transformed winemaking from a local craft into a significant agricultural endeavor, significantly boosting the industry.

Post-Roman times saw the region adapting to changes brought by Barbarian invasions. Despite these disruptions, Veneto, supported by the thriving port of Venice, became a prominent center for art, fashion, and winemaking, enduring various political changes over the centuries.

Between the 13th and 15th centuries, Veneto became known for its distillation techniques, initially for medicinal purposes. This era also saw the writing of the treatise ‘De Conficienda Aqua Vitae’ in the 15th century, illustrating Veneto's early role in the distillation industry, especially in the production of grappa.

The 17th century brought about the 'Venetian method', a revolutionary approach to blending wines from different vintages to standardize quality. However, this century also signaled the start of a decline in Veneto's dominance in the wine trade, as new beverage preferences and competition from regions like Bordeaux emerged.

Veneto's educational advancements in winemaking took place in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Academy of Agriculture was established in Treviso, followed by the foundation of a similar academy in Conegliano and the school of Oenology.

Through these chronological developments, Veneto's winemaking history showcases a journey of enduring innovation, resilience, and adaptability, underpinning its significant role in the global wine narrative.

