Amarone della Valpolicella

Amarone della Valpolicella







about this subregion

The Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG, a distinguished appellation nestled in the Veneto region of northern Italy, embodies the epitome of Italian winemaking artistry. Originally a part of the Valpolicella DOC, it ascended to the status of a separate DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) in 2010, signifying its exceptional quality and distinct character.

Renowned for its sumptuous red wines, Amarone della Valpolicella is crafted from a blend of indigenous grape varieties, most notably Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, and Molinara. What sets this wine apart is the traditional method of production known as "appassimento." Harvested grapes are carefully dried, often on straw mats, intensifying their flavors and sugars before fermentation. This meticulous process results in wines of remarkable depth, complexity, and rich fruitiness.

In recent years, the region's average annual wine production has been approximately 114,400 hectoliters, a testament to its consistency and demand. Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG wines are characterized by their robust structure, intense aromas of ripe dark fruit, hints of chocolate and spice, and a harmonious balance between tannins and acidity.

Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG not only mirrors the traditional winemaking heritage of the region but also stands as an emblem of innovation and excellence in the ever-evolving world of viticulture. Its distinct story, meticulous craftsmanship, and captivating flavors continue to captivate the palates of wine enthusiasts worldwide.



Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG is located in the Veneto region of northeastern Italy, within the larger Valpolicella wine zone. It encompasses several valleys and hillsides near the city of Verona. This prestigious wine region is celebrated for its production of Amarone, a rich, opulent red wine that has garnered international acclaim. A distinctive winemaking process, where grapes are dried to concentrate flavors and sugars, results in a wine that is both powerful and elegant. Its complexity, intensity, and longevity make Amarone della Valpolicella a treasured selection among collectors and enthusiasts alike. Ensuring that the reputation and quality of wines from this DOCG are consistently upheld, the Consorzio Valpolicella plays a pivotal role. As stewards of this iconic wine region, the consortium guarantees that every bottle bearing the Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG label stands as a genuine embodiment of the region's rich heritage and meticulous craftsmanship.

The climate of the Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG region is characterized by a combination of Mediterranean and continental influences. The area benefits from the moderating effects of Lake Garda to the west, which helps temper temperature extremes. The growing season experiences warm summers and mild winters. The region's proximity to the Alps provides protection from harsh northern winds, contributing to a more favorable climate for viticulture.

The Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG region features a diverse range of soils, which play a significant role in shaping the character of the wines. The soil types include:

  1. Marl (Marna): Marl is a mixture of clay and limestone that provides good drainage and water retention. It contributes to the development of complex aromatics and structured wines.
  2. Clay: Various types of clay soils are found in the region, influencing the texture and fertility of the vineyards. Clay soils contribute to wines with body and depth.
  3. Limestone: Limestone-rich soils offer good drainage and contribute to the minerality and acidity of the wines.
  4. Alluvial Deposits: In some areas, alluvial soils deposited by ancient riverbeds add diversity to the terroir. These soils can contribute to wines with a softer character.


The Amarone della Valpolicella wine region is renowned for its unique and highly regarded red wines, and several grape varieties contribute to the distinctive character of these wines. While the region is known for its traditional appassimento winemaking process, where grapes are dried before fermentation, the grape varieties used play a crucial role in shaping the flavors, aromas, and overall profile of Amarone wines.

  1. Corvina: Corvina is the most prevalent grape variety in the Amarone della Valpolicella region. Known for its thick skin and high acidity, Corvina brings vibrant red fruit flavors, floral notes, and a distinctive bitterness that adds complexity to the wines. Its ability to retain acidity even after the drying process is essential for balancing the richness of Amarone wines.
  2. Rondinella: Rondinella is another primary grape used in Amarone production. It contributes to the wine's color, structure, and aromatic complexity. Rondinella's thick skin is suitable for the appassimento process, allowing it to retain its flavors and aromas even after the drying period.
  3. Corvinone: Corvinone is a close relative of Corvina and is often blended with it. It adds depth and intensity to the wines, with flavors that include dark fruit, spice, and earthy notes. Corvinone's contribution to Amarone wines is particularly important for achieving complexity and aging potential.
  4. Molinara: While less common than Corvina and Rondinella, Molinara is still present in some Amarone blends. Its light color and delicate aromatics make it a valuable component for adding finesse and floral character to the wines.

These grape varieties are carefully selected and often blended in varying proportions to create Amarone wines with layers of flavors, rich textures, and the ability to age gracefully. The traditional appassimento method concentrates the sugars, flavors, and aromas of the grapes, resulting in wines that exhibit dried fruit, chocolate, tobacco, and other complex nuances. The combination of these grape varieties and the unique winemaking process is what defines Amarone della Valpolicella as a world-class wine style, beloved for its opulence and ability to capture the essence of the Valpolicella region.

The red wines of Amarone della Valpolicella, celebrated for their opulence and complexity, encompass different styles while adhering to specific grape composition and aging requirements. Among these, the Rosso and Rosso Riserva stand out as quintessential expressions of the region's viticultural prowess.

Amarone della Valpolicella Rosso and Rosso Riserva are crafted from a harmonious blend of grape varieties that contribute to their distinctive character. The primary grape varieties include Corvina and/or Corvinone, which make up 45–95% of the blend. These grapes infuse the wines with vibrant red fruit flavors and the classic Amarone bitterness that adds depth. Rondinella, comprising 5–30% of the blend, contributes structure and aromatic complexity. The remaining up to 25% is dedicated to Other Authorized Red Grapes, with no single variety exceeding 10% and aromatic varieties combined not surpassing 10%. This thoughtful blend ensures a balanced and harmonious profile.

The aging process is a fundamental aspect of Amarone della Valpolicella wines. For Rosso wines, a minimum of 2 years of aging is required, contributing to the development of flavors and the integration of tannins. Rosso Riserva, on the other hand, demands even more patience, with a minimum aging period of 4 years. This extended aging imparts depth, complexity, and elegance to the wine.

Amarone della Valpolicella Rosso and Rosso Riserva wines offer a rich tapestry of flavors and aromas. The carefully curated blend of grape varieties results in wines with notes of ripe red and dark fruits, often accompanied by hints of spices, tobacco, and earthiness. The appassimento process, where grapes are dried before fermentation, concentrates the sugars and flavors, leading to wines with intense fruit sweetness balanced by a firm backbone of tannins and acidity.

These red wines are a testament to the unique terroir of the Valpolicella region. The diverse soils, microclimates, and the influence of Lake Garda contribute to the wines' complexity and depth. The grape varieties and aging requirements are harmoniously aligned with the region's natural attributes, allowing the wines to showcase the essence of Valpolicella.

Amarone della Valpolicella Rosso and Rosso Riserva exemplify the artistry of winemaking in this renowned Italian region. Crafted from a blend of carefully chosen grape varieties and aged to perfection, these wines captivate with their opulent flavors, layered aromatics, and the enduring spirit of Valpolicella's viticultural heritage.
