Alto Livenza (Veneto)

Alto Livenza (Veneto)







about this subregion

Nestled at the intersection of the Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia wine regions, the Alto Livenza IGT stands as a testament to the harmonious blending of two distinctive terroirs. Spanning across municipalities from Treviso to Pordenone, this IGT region boasts a varied environmental tapestry that weaves together the cooler Alpine breezes with the moderate Adriatic influences, resulting in a unique microclimate perfect for viticulture.

In this fertile landscape flourish grape varieties that capture the essence of both regions. Chardonnay, with its crisp acidity and notes of green apple and citrus, finds a welcome home alongside the indigenous Friulano, which mesmerizes with its floral bouquet and almond finish. The delicate Pinot Nero thrives here too, producing wines with a captivating mix of red fruits, earthiness, and a hint of spice. Not to be left behind, the Cabernet Franc carves its niche with its herbaceous tones, red berry flavors, and subtle hints of bell pepper.

The Alto Livenza IGT, in essence, offers a beautiful synthesis of two worlds. It brings together the winemaking traditions, grape varieties, and terroirs of both Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, crafting wines that resonate with the depth, complexity, and passion of northeastern Italy. Every bottle from this region is a journey through its diverse landscapes, rich history, and the artistry of generations of winemakers.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled in the northeastern corner of Italy, the Alto Livenza IGT stretches its vine-covered arms across two iconic wine regions: Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. The region is a beautiful mosaic of nature's finest offerings, each piece contributing to the rich tapestry of the landscape that has become synonymous with world-class winemaking.

The land is painted with rolling hills, often blanketed in neat rows of grapevines that seem to sway gently with the breeze. These vineyards, which form the heart and soul of the Alto Livenza IGT, enjoy the tender caress of the sun and the occasional shade from passing clouds, ensuring a balance of warmth and coolness that is vital for the grapes.

Between the vineyard stretches, one can find meandering streams and rivers, most notably the Livenza River, which lends its name to the region. This water source not only nourishes the land but also creates a series of picturesque spots, where the reflection of the sky on the water's surface plays a mesmerizing dance.

Ancient towns and villages dot the landscape, their spires and rooftops peeking through the canopy of trees. These settlements, some of which date back centuries, stand as guardians of the region's rich history and traditions. Their cobblestone streets and historic architecture serve as reminders of the generations of winemakers who have called Alto Livenza home.

Beyond the towns and vineyards, the horizon is often framed by distant mountains, their majestic peaks watching over the land like silent sentinels. These mountains play a vital role, not just as a backdrop for the stunning vistas but also in influencing the climate and soil of the region.

The Alto Livenza IGT is truly a feast for the eyes – a harmonious blend of nature, history, and viticulture, coming together to create a landscape that is as captivating as the wines it produces.

In the picturesque landscape of Alto Livenza IGT, nature has orchestrated a climate that serves as the silent maestro to the region's wine symphony. Here, the climate is neither a mere backdrop nor a passive spectator. It is an active participant, shaping the destiny of every grape, influencing every vintage, and ensuring the region's wines resonate with a distinctive character.

The climate in Alto Livenza is primarily continental, marked by distinct seasons, each leaving an indelible imprint on the vineyards. The warm, sun-drenched summers bestow upon the grapes the gift of ripeness. The sunlight filters through the canopy, touching each grape, filling it with sugars and aromas, and ensuring that it matures to perfection. These sunlit days are often tempered by gentle breezes, ensuring that the vines neither swelter in heat nor suffer from excessive moisture.

As the land transitions from summer to autumn, the temperature drops gradually, with cool nights following warm days. This diurnal temperature variation is a blessing for the grapes. It allows them to retain their natural acidity while developing a depth of flavor, leading to wines that are both aromatic and well-structured.

Winters in Alto Livenza are a time of rest. The cold is brisk but not harsh, allowing the vines to go into dormancy and gather strength for the next growing season. Occasional snowfall might blanket the vineyards, transforming them into serene landscapes of white, but beneath this snowy cover, the soil retains its warmth, ensuring the roots are protected.

Springs in the region are gentle affairs, with soft rains nurturing the budding vines, preparing them for the cycle ahead. The risk of late frosts is minimal, ensuring that the young buds and flowers face no abrupt challenges.

However, what truly sets the climate of Alto Livenza apart is its unique interplay with the surrounding geographical features. The distant mountains, the meandering Livenza River, and the positioning between Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia all converge to create microclimates. These pockets of varied climatic conditions, sometimes warmer, sometimes cooler, allow for a diverse range of grape varieties to thrive.

In essence, the climate of Alto Livenza IGT is a nurturing embrace, a balance of warmth and coolness, ensuring that the region's wines are a true reflection of the land and the skies above.

In the world of winemaking, the soil is often referred to as the soul of the vineyard. In Alto Livenza IGT, this sentiment rings particularly true, as the land boasts a diverse range of soil types, each contributing uniquely to the characteristics of the wines produced. This variance in soil composition is a testament to the region's complex geological history and its interplay with climatic and hydrological factors.

  1. Alluvial Soils:Often found closer to the riverbeds, especially near the Livenza River, these soils are a mix of sand, silt, and clay. The presence of these fine particles ensures good drainage, which is vital for grapevine roots. Grapes grown in alluvial soils tend to have a freshness and a certain minerality, making wines that are both vibrant and crisp.
  2. Clayey Soils:These soils are known for their ability to retain water, ensuring that the vines have a consistent source of moisture, especially during the warmer months. Vines rooted in clayey soils often produce grapes with a more robust flavor profile and greater tannic structure, leading to wines that have depth and a potential for aging.
  3. Loamy Soils:A balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay, loamy soils combine the best of the other soil types. They offer good water retention while ensuring adequate drainage. The balance in these soils is often reflected in the grapes, leading to wines that are harmonious, with a good balance between fruitiness, acidity, and tannins.
  4. Sandy Soils:Prominent in certain pockets of Alto Livenza, sandy soils ensure excellent drainage, reducing the risk of vine diseases. Grapes grown in these soils often have a pronounced aromatic profile, leading to wines that are fragrant, with delicate floral and fruity notes.
  5. Calcareous Soils:Characterized by their chalky or limestone content, these soils are alkaline in nature. They are known to stress the vines slightly, resulting in grapes with concentrated flavors. Wines from calcareous soils often have a notable minerality and a bright acidity, making them both refreshing and complex.
  6. Gravelly and Stony Soils:Often interspersed among the other soil types, patches of gravel and stones can be found. These elements ensure rapid drainage and store heat, releasing it during cooler nights. This results in grapes that mature well, having both ripeness and a preservation of acidity, leading to wines with a full body and a lingering finish.


The rolling vineyards of Alto Livenza IGT are a visual feast, presenting a mosaic of leafy greens and vibrant fruit colors. As the seasons change, these vineyards showcase a dynamic display – from the pale green of budding grapes to the deep hues of ripening clusters. Within this picturesque environment, four grape varieties stand out, each bringing its unique charm and flavor to the wines of the region.

  1. Chardonnay:Arguably one of the most versatile white grape varieties in the world, Chardonnay in Alto Livenza finds its distinct voice. The wines often exhibit bright notes of green apple, pear, and lemon zest. Depending on the winemaking process, there can be undertones of vanilla and butter, a result of oak aging. Its naturally high acidity makes it refreshing, and its full-bodied nature lends a creamy mouthfeel, creating a harmonious balance.
  2. Friulano:Indigenous to the region, Friulano is the reflection of Alto Livenza's soul. This white grape variety produces wines with an enticing aromatic profile of white flowers, green pear, and often a characteristic note of almonds on the finish. Medium-bodied with good acidity, Friulano wines are elegantly structured, leaving a lingering impression on the palate.
  3. Pinot Nero (Pinot Noir):In the gentle embrace of Alto Livenza's climate, Pinot Nero reveals its delicate side. The wines typically showcase aromas of ripe strawberries, cherries, and raspberries, with nuances of earth, tobacco, and sometimes a touch of rose petals. Light to medium-bodied, Pinot Nero from this region maintains a graceful acidity and silky tannins, making it both approachable and age-worthy.
  4. Cabernet Franc:This red grape variety, with its deep blue-black clusters, brings depth to Alto Livenza's portfolio. Wines produced from Cabernet Franc often have pronounced notes of red currants, raspberries, and bell pepper. There's an herbaceous quality to them, reminiscent of freshly picked green herbs. Structured yet supple, these wines can offer layers of flavors, from fruits to spices, making every sip an exploration.

The Alto Livenza IGT offers a treasure trove of wine styles, each tailored to capture the essence of its grape composition. From versatile whites and vibrant reds to captivating rosés, the wines from this region showcase a diversity that caters to a wide spectrum of palates.

  1. Bianco:Crafted from any combination of the grape varieties approved for the region, the Bianco wines are a reflection of the winemaker's vision and the terroir's expressiveness. A kaleidoscope of flavors, these wines can range from crisp and citrusy to floral and aromatic, often with a backbone of minerality and refreshing acidity. They serve as a canvas on which the region paints its ever-changing portrait.
  2. Bianco Varietals:A more focused expression of individual grape characteristics, the Bianco varietals hone in on the nuances of each variety. Whether it's the crisp apple notes of Chardonnay, the floral and almond hints of Friulano (known locally as Tai), or the exotic spice of Gewürztraminer, these wines dive deep into the soul of each grape. They often showcase pronounced aromatics, balanced acidity, and a depth that lingers on the palate.
  3. Rosso:The Rosso wines from Alto Livenza are a testament to the region's versatility in red winemaking. Depending on the grape composition, these wines can range from soft and fruity to bold and structured. They might dance between notes of ripe red fruits, earthy undertones, and hints of spices, all the while maintaining a balance that is quintessentially Alto Livenza.
  4. Rosso Varietals:Highlighting the individual strength and charm of each red grape variety, the Rosso varietals delve into the heart of grapes like Cabernet Franc with its herbaceous notes or Merlot with its plush red fruit profile. Pinot Nero might lend soft tannins and cherry aromas, while Syrah could introduce a gamey, peppery flair. Each bottle tells a story, a tale of its origin, its grape, and the hands that crafted it.
  5. Rosato:The rosé wines, or Rosato, of Alto Livenza capture the sun, the soil, and the breezes in a glass. With their delicate pink hues, they offer aromas of fresh strawberries, rose petals, and sometimes a hint of spice. These wines strike a balance between the vivacity of white wines and the depth of reds, making them perfect for various occasions.
  6. Rosato Varietals:Zeroing in on specific grape varieties, the Rosato varietals present a concentrated expression of grapes like Cabernet Franc or Marzemino. They might bring forth pronounced red berry notes, a touch of herbaceousness, or even a hint of tropical fruit. Each sip is a journey, an exploration of the varietal in its rosé avatar.