Colli Euganei

Colli Euganei

45° 16' 00" N


11° 48' 00" E




about this subregion

The Colli Euganei DOC covers the municipalities of Arquà Petrarca, Galzignano Terme and Torreglia and parts of Abano Terme, Montegrotto Terme, Battaglia Terme, Due Carrare, Monselice, Baone, Este, Cinto Euganeo, Lozzo Atestino, Vò, Rovolon, Cervarese S. Croce, Teolo and Selvazzano Dentro, all located in the province of Padua. The Colli Euganei DOC is part of the Veneto wine region and regulated by the Consorzio di Tutela Vini Colli Euganei.

The vineyards are usually located on the Euganean Hills due to the climatic conditions they offer, with mild winters, hot and dry summers and a good temperature range between day and night.

The region has soils formed from the disintegration of volcanic rocks, with good drainage and particularly rich in minerals and microelements. Vineyards destined to produce young and fruity wines are located more to the north, while those destined for more structured wines have a southern orientation.



Vineyard Hectares



2220 - 2500


Discover Terroir

The Colli Euganei DOC covers the municipalities of Arquà Petrarca, Galzignano Terme and Torreglia and parts of Abano Terme, Montegrotto Terme, Battaglia Terme, Due Carrare, Monselice, Baone, Este, Cinto Euganeo, Lozzo Atestino, Vò, Rovolon, Cervarese S. Croce, Teolo and Selvazzano Dentro, all located in the province of Padua. The Colli Euganei DOC is part of the Veneto wine region and regulated by the Consorzio di Tutela Vini Colli Euganei.

The vineyards are usually located on the Euganean Hills due to the climatic conditions they offer, with mild winters, hot and dry summers and a good temperature range between day and night.

The region has soils formed from the disintegration of volcanic rocks, with good drainage and particularly rich in minerals and microelements. Vineyards destined to produce young and fruity wines are located more to the north, while those destined for more structured wines have a southern orientation.


Most Planted Red Grape Varieties: Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenère, Merlot, Raboso

Most Planted White Grape Varieties: Chardonnay, Friulano, Garganega, Glera, Manzoni Bianco, Moscato, Pinella, Pinot Bianco, Sauvignon Blanc

The Colli Euganei wine region is a hidden gem known for its captivating red and white wines. The unique terroir, characterized by volcanic hills and a favorable microclimate, fosters the cultivation of exceptional grape varieties.

Among the most common red wines in Colli Euganei, the indigenous Raboso takes center stage. Renowned for its deep ruby hue and rich tannic structure, Raboso wines entice the palate with a delightful blend of dark berry flavors and subtle earthy undertones. The volcanic soils lend distinctive mineral notes, enhancing the wine's complexity and long-lasting finish. Colli Euganei winemakers skillfully craft single-varietal Raboso wines as well as delightful blends with Merlot and Cabernet Franc, showcasing their artistry in creating harmonious and expressive reds.

On the white wine front, Garganega reigns supreme as the region's flagship variety. Known for its aromatic finesse and refreshing acidity, Garganega wines captivate with delicate floral aromas, notes of citrus, and hints of almond. The volcanic terrain infuses these whites with distinctive minerality, lending a unique sense of place to every sip. Colli Euganei vintners also blend Garganega with Chardonnay or Pinot Bianco to craft delightful and well-balanced white blends, adding layers of complexity to their creations.

In addition to the indigenous stars, international grape varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot thrive in the Colli Euganei, reflecting the region's spirit of embracing diversity. These red varieties contribute to elegant Bordeaux-style blends, showcasing the region's winemaking versatility and capacity for innovation.

The Colli Euganei wine region offers wine enthusiasts a captivating journey through the symphony of flavors and aromas that the land and the skillful hands of winemakers produce. Whether one chooses to delight in the robust reds of Raboso or savor the delicate whites of Garganega, the wines of Colli Euganei exemplify the magic of Italian winemaking in this hidden oasis of viticultural treasures.
