

33°24'47.02" S


56°30'2.02" W




about this region

Discover the Center wine region of Uruguay

The Uruguay Center wine region is located in south-central Uruguay. It covers the departments of Durazno, Florida and Lavalleja. The region is situated in close proximity to the country's capital city, Montevideo and encompasses a diverse range of landscapes, including rolling hills, valleys, and coastal areas.

One of the distinguishing features of the Uruguay Centro wine region is its proximity to the Río de la Plata estuary. This large body of water, which acts as the border between Uruguay and Argentina, has a significant impact on the region's climate and viticulture. It helps to create a unique microclimate, characterized by cool breezes and increased humidity, which are favorable for grape cultivation.

According to an INAVI report, in 2022, there were 11 vineyards in this region, distributed as follows: 

  • The department of Florida had four vineyards planted on an area of 16 hectares. 
  • The department of Lavalleja also had four vineyards planted in an area of 9 hectares. 
  • Finally, the department of Durazno had three vineyards planted on 19 hectares.

The predominant grape variety grown in Uruguay Centro is Tannat, which has found a particularly favorable home in Uruguay. Tannat is known for producing robust, full-bodied red wines with rich tannins and dark fruit flavors. Other grape varieties grown in the region include Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Chardonnay.

Overall, the Uruguay Center wine region offers a combination of favorable climate, diverse soils, and maritime influence, creating an ideal terroir for grape cultivation. These conditions contribute to the production of high-quality wines that showcase the unique character and flavors of the region.


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Vineyard Hectares




growing degree days

Discover Terroir

The Central wine region extends through the departments of Durazno, Florida and Lavalleja. Here, rolling hills and green plains predominate, on which endless rows of vineyards are located. This landscape not only graces the view of those who visit the region, but they are also key for the grapes to have the number of hours of sunshine necessary to develop intense aromas and flavors.

The terroir of this region is rich and diverse, with a myriad of microclimates that provide specific characteristics to the grapes. From the sun-drenched plains, which give the grapes a greater intensity of flavor, to the higher elevations, which result in grapes with greater acidity, each of the microclimates plays a key role in the production of the region's distinctive wines.

The soils of the Center region, composed mainly of a mix of clay, limestone, granite, sand and gravel, have a good level of fertility, which is not excessive. This allows the vineyards to have the necessary nutrients for their development, without this implying a decrease in the quality of the grapes.

The combination of climate, soil and natural beauty in this wine region makes it ideal for both wine lovers and nature lovers.

The Center wine region of Uruguay experiences a warm climate that is suitable for the cultivation of late-ripening grape varieties, such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Tannat, as well as for white grapes such as Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay. This region, situated below the Lago Rincon del Bonete, features soil composed of clay and sand, providing reasonable drainage which is beneficial for viticulture. The geographical conditions of the Central wine region allow for a  warmer and more conducive environment for the grapes to achieve full ripeness compared to cooler regions​​.

Additionally, the region is renowned for its strategic location, which historically facilitated access to local markets, especially being near urban centers like Montevideo. This accessibility has helped sustain the viticulture in the area, with many vineyards benefitting from the moderate climate that helps in maintaining the balance of sugar, acidity, and tannins in the grapes, crucial for quality winemaking​​.

The Center wine region of Uruguay, known for its diverse soil composition, plays a key role in the production of high-quality wines with great character:

  1. Clay: Clay soils are prevalent in parts of the Center region, providing excellent moisture retention properties which are beneficial during dry periods. These soils are dense and can lead to a slower ripening of grapes, which helps in developing deeper flavors and more complex tannins in the wine.
  2. Limestone: Limestone soil is cherished for its ability to maintain a cool temperature even in warm climates. This type of soil is alkaline, which helps in maintaining acidity levels in grapes, crucial for producing balanced white wines. The mineral traces in limestone gives more complexity to the wines.
  3. Granite: Granite soils are well-drained and generally found in higher elevation areas within the region. The rapid drainage allows for excellent air circulation around the roots, which stresses the vines just enough to enhance the concentration and intensity of flavors in the grapes, typically resulting in vibrant and robust wines.
  4. Sand: Sandy soils are also common in the Center wine region and are particularly valued for their low fertility and excellent drainage. This soil type encourages vines to root deeply in search of nutrients and water, often leading to grapes with concentrated flavors. Wines from sandy soils are usually aromatic and have a delicate structure.
  5. Gravel: Gravel soil, characterized by its loose and stony composition, ensures exceptional drainage and reflects heat upwards, hastening the ripening process. This results in grapes that are rich in sugars and often produce wines with higher alcohol content and bold flavors.


In Uruguay's Center wine region, the  Tannat, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Chardonnay grapes have adapted to the region's distinctive terroir:

  1. Tannat: Tannat is the most prominent grape in Uruguay's Center region, thriving in the well-drained, loamy soils. The area's long growing season, moderated by the Atlantic Ocean, allows Tannat grapes to achieve full ripeness, contributing to their robust structure and strong tannins.
  2. Cabernet Sauvignon: Cabernet Sauvignon grapes benefits from the slightly cooler microclimates within the Canelones area, something that help the grapes to mantain its natural acidity and structure. On the other hand, the clay-rich soils mixed with limestone are ideal for this grape variety, supporting a not excesively vigorous growth. This helps the grapes to concentrate more flavors, which significantly impacts in the wines.
  3. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc grows best in the cooler areas of the Center wine region, and benefits from high moisture levels, key for preserving the natural acidity of the grapes. The sandy and stony soils of the region help to develop the resilience of the vines, while concentrating more flavor in the grapes.
  4. Chardonnay: Chardonnay vines in this wine region thrive in the diverse soils of the area, which impart unique characteristics to the grapes. The region's moderate climate, with mild summers and cooler nights, allows for a slower ripening of the grapes, ensuring a great balance between natural sugar and acidity.

The Center wine region of Uruguay is renowned for producing exceptional wines from grape varieties such as Tannat, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Chardonnay. Each wine offers a distinctive aromatic and flavor profile that reflects the unique terroir of this region:

  1. Tannat: Tannat is a cornerstone of Uruguayan viticulture, and its primarily enjoyed as a single varietal. Young Tannat wines have a vivid colour and strong tannins, as well as intense fruity notes in the palate.. Aged versions, on the other hand, are more elegant and have softened tannins. This versatility makes Tannat one of the top red wines in Uruguay.
  2. Cabernet Sauvignon: This wine, especially produced within the Durazno department, show notes  of black currant and black cherry in the palate, while in the nose usually features red fruit notes. Aged versions of Cabernet Franc usually show a peppery note, that makes the wine richer and complex.
  3. Sauvignon Blanc: This white wine is celebrated for its crisp and refreshing profile. Typically, in the nose it shows citrus and green apple notes, often complemented by subtle herbaceous character, thanks to the cool growing conditions of the region. In the palate, on the other hand, it shows a refreshing acidity and a zesty finish.
  4. Chardonnay: Chardonnay from the Center wine region often shows a great balance between its creamy texture and vibrant acidity, with fruity and herbal aromas. In the palate, flavors can range from tropical fruit to more subtle stone fruit and mineral notes, depending on the area where the grapes where grown.

50 - 300 m


1000 - 1500 mm


Sandy loam and gravel soils, with great drainage

top varietal

Tannat and Sauvignon Blanc

History of wine

The Center wine region did not have the same level of development in the 4 departments that comprise it (Durazno, Florida, Lavalleja and Treinta y Tres). In fact, during the period between 1898 and 1930, of the four departments, the only one that had a significant relevance for Uruguayan viticulture was Florida, a department that to this day continues to be key for the region. 

This wine region had a great growth between 1898 and 1930, due to the arrival of the railroad to the region, which connected the town of Nico Perez, located in Florida, with the department of Durazno. As a result, in 1898 the region had a planted area of 183 hectares of vineyards, of which Florida represented 135 hectares, in 1930 that number reached 366 hectares.

Through the years, the region managed to have a constant development, however Durazno was gaining more and more preponderance over the other departments, because it has ideal climatic conditions for a better ripening of the grapes. This meant that, in 2022, Durazno was the department with the largest wine-growing area in the Center region (19 ha) followed by Florida (16 ha).

