Southeastern Anatolia

Southeastern Anatolia

37°0'0" N


40°30'0" E




about this region

Discover the Southeastern Anatolia Wine Region of Turkey

Turkey, one of the world's oldest wine countries, harbours a very special wine region. This region does not produce much wine (it only accounts for around 3% of Turkey’s wine production, while other Turkish wine regions, like the Aegean wine region, produce a lot more). Turkey's wine production is notably diverse, with regions like the Aegean Coast and the Marmara wine region contributing significantly to the overall output. Still, it has a rich history and cultural significance in winemaking. Small-scale vineyards dominate here, using traditional practices like bush vineyard cultivation, giving the wines a unique character.

Here, you’ll find a range of native red and white grape varieties thriving in the semi-arid continental climate with hot, dry summers and cold winters. The diverse soils, like decomposed sandstone and red clay, offer excellent drainage and moisture retention, perfect for growing flavourful grapes and producing unique Turkish wines.

The Southeastern Anatolia region borders Eastern Anatolia to the north, Central Anatolia to the west, Syria to the south (where the Euphrates River is key), and Iraq to the east. In addition, this region is 14 hrs away from the Aegean wine region. Finally, to the west of this region is located the Mediterranean wine region.

So, wine enthusiasts, grab your bags and start a wine tourism journey through one of the oldest wine regions of the world!

Introduction to Turkish Wine

Turkish wine has a rich history dating back over 7,000 years, with evidence of grape cultivation and winemaking found in the ancient city of Göbekli Tepe. Despite its long history, Turkish wine has only recently gained recognition on the international stage. With its unique blend of indigenous grape varieties and modern winemaking techniques, Turkish wine is quickly becoming a favorite among wine enthusiasts. From the sun-kissed vineyards of the Aegean region to the rugged terrain of Eastern Anatolia, Turkey’s diverse wine culture is waiting to be discovered.

Soils of the Southeastern Anatolia Wine Region

The Southeastern Anatolia wine region is characterized by a diverse range of soils, including limestone, clay, and volcanic soils. The region’s unique terroir is influenced by the Taurus Mountains, which provide a moderating influence on the climate and soil conditions. The limestone soils of the region are particularly well-suited to the production of Öküzgözü and Boğazkere, two of Turkey’s most popular indigenous grape varieties. The clay soils, on the other hand, are better suited to the production of white wines, such as Narince.

Wine Tourism in Southeastern Anatolia

Southeastern Anatolia is a hidden gem for wine tourists, with its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the region’s ancient cities, including Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa, and sample some of the region’s best wines at local wineries. The region is also home to a number of wine festivals and events, including the Gaziantep Wine Festival, which takes place every September. With its unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, Southeastern Anatolia is a must-visit destination for any wine enthusiast.

Food and Wine Pairing in Southeastern Anatolia

The cuisine of Southeastern Anatolia is characterized by its rich flavors and aromas, with popular dishes including kebabs, stews, and dolmas. The region’s wines are perfectly suited to pairing with these dishes, with Öküzgözü and Boğazkere being particularly well-suited to pairing with red meat dishes. Narince, on the other hand, is a great match for seafood and vegetarian dishes. Visitors to the region can sample some of the local specialties, including baklava and kebabs, and learn about the art of food and wine pairing from local experts.


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Discover Terroir

Landscape and Wine Tourism of the Southeastern Anatolia Wine Region

The Southeastern Anatolia wine region has a rich and diverse landscape that mirrors its history.

Picture this: rugged mountains, wide-open plains, and historical landmarks all mixed, creating a striking contrast between the natural environment and the vineyards. The region is crisscrossed by the famous Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which means you get these breathtaking views of river valleys. It's not only important for growing grapes, but it's also just absolutely stunning to look at.

Wine-growing areas like Diyarbakır and Mardin are set in elevated, hilly terrain. The higher altitude means cooler nights, which is super important for growing grapes, even though it can get scorching hot during the day. You can imagine vineyards spread out across these high plateaus, blending in perfectly with the open plains. And if you look beyond the vineyards, you'll see ancient ruins dotting the landscape, like Hasankeyf and Göbekli Tepe. These ruins add a sense of historical grandeur to the already beautiful natural surroundings.

Old cities, like Mardin, are perched on top of hills and offer incredible panoramic views that stretch out over the plains. This unique backdrop to the vineyards reinforces the connection between Southeastern Anatolia's deep historical roots and its thriving wine industry today.

Climate of the Southeastern Anatolia Wine Region

This climate is known for its extreme temperatures, which actually make it perfect for growing certain types of grapes!

During the summer, it gets really hot and dry, with temperatures often reaching a scorching 37°C (98°F) in July and August. But then, in the winter, it gets pretty cold, with temperatures dropping down to around 1-8°C (34-47°F). This big difference between hot days and cool nights is actually really important for growing grapes because it helps them maintain their acidity and develop deeper flavours.

Most of the rain in this region falls during the winter months, from November to February, while the summers are extremely dry. It might snow a little in the winter, but it's usually pretty light. Because the summers are so dry, the vineyards have to rely on really efficient water management systems to keep the grapes happy.

The humidity in this region changes a lot throughout the year. In the summer, it can get as low as 15% humidity, which is super dry, but in the winter, it gets more humid. There are also moderate sea breezes, especially during the summer, which help cool the vineyards and provide some relief from the intense heat during the day.

It turns out that this kind of climate is actually perfect for certain grape varieties, like Boğazkere and Öküzgözü, which thrive in these dry, hot conditions.

Soils of the Southeastern Antalia Wine Region

Now, let's explore the different types of soil in the Southeastern Anatolia wine region in Turkey. These soils are crucial for growing grapes and making delicious wines. They affect things like water retention, drainage, and nutrient availability, which are all crucial for keeping the vines healthy and the grapes tasty.

  • Decomposed Sandstone: This type of soil is a real MVP in the region's vineyards. It's known for its excellent drainage, which is crucial for preventing the vines from sitting in water after it rains, especially during the winter. The loose structure of decomposed sandstone allows the vine roots to grow deep into the earth, helping them access moisture and important minerals. This makes it perfect for the dry summers in Southeastern Anatolia.
  • Red Clay: Red clay is packed with minerals, especially iron, and it's great at holding onto water—which the vines really appreciate during the hot, dry months. It's heavier soil compared to sandstone, which means it can retain moisture for longer periods. This slow release of water is essential for keeping the vines hydrated throughout the long summer, and the mineral content can add complexity to the wines produced here.
  • Alluvial Soils: These soils come from river sediment deposits, so they're a mix of sand, silt, and clay. This combination provides a nice balance of drainage and water retention, which is ideal for vine growth. Alluvial soils are also known for their fertility, offering plenty of nutrients for the vines to grow strong and healthy. Plus, the good drainage prevents the vines from getting waterlogged, keeping the roots in tip-top shape.
  • Chalky Clay: Chalky clay, which has a higher limestone content, is a standout soil type for promoting strong root systems and adding minerality to wines. Its ability to retain moisture while still allowing excess water to drain makes it perfect for the region's unpredictable weather patterns. The calcium-rich composition of chalky clay encourages healthy vine growth and contributes to the fresh, mineral-driven notes in wines from this area.

Southeastern Anatolia's diverse soils, from the fast-draining decomposed sandstone to the moisture-retentive red clay, create the perfect environment for growing grapes. The different soil types help produce wines with distinct flavours, making the region a unique and fascinating place for winemaking. What are you waiting for? Start your journey through Turkey and join a wine tasting in Southeastern Anatolia to taste and experience firsthand the unique wines and diverse wine culture this region has to offer!


Most Common Grapes of Southeastern Anatolia

The hot, dry summers and cool nights in this area are perfect for growing a variety of different red and white grape varietals.

Most Common Red Grape Varietals

  • Cabernet Sauvignon: This grape loves the warm climate and long growing season in Southeastern Anatolia. It does best in well-drained soils like gravel or sand, and the hot days help it get nice and sweet while the cool nights keep it from getting too tart.
  • Merlot: Merlot prefers slightly cooler soils, like clay or limestone, which are found in the higher parts of Southeastern Anatolia. It likes to ripen early to avoid the super hot summer temperatures.
  • Syrah: Syrah is a tough grape that can handle the heat and dryness of Southeastern Anatolia. It's not too picky about soil type, but it does need good drainage to keep its roots healthy.
  • Boğazkere: This grape is a native of Turkey, and it absolutely thrives in the hot, dry climate of Southeastern Anatolia. It doesn't need much water and can handle droughts like a champ.
  • Öküzgözü: Another Turkish grape, Öküzgözü, likes the cooler spots in Southeastern Anatolia, usually found at higher elevations. It needs well-drained soils and a mix of sun and shade to stay happy during the hot summers.
  • Kalecik Karası: Kalecik Karası also prefers the cooler areas in Southeastern Anatolia, typically at higher altitudes. It grows best in well-drained soils like sandy loam or clay and needs just the right amount of water to grow properly.

Most Common White Grape Varietals

  • Chardonnay: Chardonnay is a flexible grape, but it really likes the warm days and cool nights in Southeastern Anatolia. It grows best in well-drained soils, especially those with lots of minerals like limestone.
  • Sauvignon Blanc: Just like Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc loves warm days and cool nights. It prefers sandy or gravelly soils that drain well. In the hot, dry summers of Southeastern Anatolia, this grape needs careful watering to keep its acidity in check.
  • Narince: Narince is a Turkish grape perfectly suited for the warm, dry weather in Southeastern Anatolia. It also benefits from the cooler nights. It grows best in well-drained soils like sandy loam or soils rich in limestone.
  • Sultaniye: Sultaniye is a tough little grape that can handle hot, dry climates without much water. It thrives in sandy and loamy soils that drain well. Since it's drought-tolerant, it's an ideal grape for the dry conditions in Southeastern Anatolia, where saving water is super important.

Most Common Wines from Southern Anatolia

Let's explore the most common local wines from Southern Anatolia, a region in central Turkey that grows both native and international grape varieties. The hot days and cool nights in this area make for some seriously diverse and tasty red and white wines.

Most Common Red Wines of Southeastern Anatolia

  • Boğazkere: This wine is bold and structured, with a full body and strong tannins. Its flavours include dark fruits, tobacco, and spices like clove and pepper. When aged in oak, it can develop even more complex notes like leather, dried figs, and licorice. Its name literally means "throat burner," which tells you something about its intense character, but with some age, it mellows out into something truly elegant.
  • Öküzgözü: Öküzgözü has bright acidity and softer tannins, which makes it a great partner for Boğazkere in blends. But on its own, it really shines with bright red fruit flavours like raspberries, cherries, and a hint of mint. This grape makes lighter, more approachable red wines that still have some structure but are super easy to drink.
  • Cabernet Sauvignon: In Southeastern Anatolia, Cabernet Sauvignon shows off the region's warmth with ripe blackcurrant and plum flavours. These wines are usually full-bodied with noticeable tannins, and they might have hints of mint, eucalyptus, and sometimes a touch of cedar from oak aging. They're powerful but elegant, which makes them great for aging and pairing with rich foods.
  • Merlot: Merlot from this region tends to be smooth and medium-bodied, with softer tannins than Cabernet Sauvignon. Expect flavours of ripe red fruits like plum and cherry, with subtle hints of chocolate and spice. The warmth of the region brings out richer, juicier fruit flavours, making these wines really versatile and easy to enjoy.

600-1200 m


576 mm


The most common soils are decomposed sandstone, red clay, chalky clay and alluvial soils.

top varietal

Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Boğazkere, Öküzgözü, Kalecik Karası, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Narince, Sultaniye.

History of wine

History of Winemaking in the Turkish Wine Industry in Southeastern Anatolia

Winemaking in Southeastern Anatolia has a pretty fascinating story that goes way back in time!

People have been growing grapes in this region for thousands of years, possibly as far back as the Hittite period, which was around 1800-1600 BCE. That's a really long time ago! Archaeologists have found some cool stuff in places like Diyarbakir, including grape fossils and ancient tools used for making wine. This tells us that winemaking has been a big deal in Southeastern Anatolia for a very long time.

The Hittites were really good at farming, and they took their vineyards seriously. They used indigenous grapes and even had strict laws to protect them. This set the stage for a thriving grape and wine culture that kept growing through different civilizations like the Phrygians, Persians, and Byzantines. Grapes were so important to these societies that they even used grape designs on their religious and cultural artifacts.

During the Ottoman era, growing grapes was a big deal. Even though making wine was restricted under Islamic law, people still cultivated a lot of table grapes, so grapes remained a key part of life in Southeastern Anatolia.

Fast forward to today, and the winemaking industry in this region is going strong, building a modern industry up on its ancient roots. Winemakers focus on both native grape varieties like Boğazkere and Öküzgözü for the domestic market and Vitis vinifera grape varietals for the international markets. All of this makes Southeastern Anatolia one of the oldest wine-producing areas in the world and an increasingly important player in the Turkish wine industry and the wine world!

