

47°0'00'' N


28°50'00'' E




about this region

The Moldova wine region, nestled in Romania, stands as a beacon of vinicultural heritage and innovation. Encompassing a rich tapestry of historical and contemporary vineyards, this region is uniquely positioned at the crossroads of several other notable wine-producing areas: Crisana-Maramures to the west, Transylvania to the southwest, Dobrogea to the southeast, and Muntenia-Oltenia to the south. This strategic location not only enriches its cultural and historical depth but also contributes to a diverse climatic influence that is perfectly suited for viticulture.

Moldova's vineyards are famed for their cultivation of a wide array of grape varieties, each contributing to the region's renowned and diverse wine portfolio. Among these varieties, the indigenous Fetească Neagră and Rară Neagră stand out, along with Codrinschi, reflecting the region's rich tradition and wine making heritage. International varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Pinot Noir have also found a hospitable climate in Moldova, allowing winemakers to produce wines that compete on the global stage. Additionally, white wine varieties such as Sauvignon Blanc, Aligoté, and the aromatic Viorica add to the complexity and appeal of Moldova's wine offering, showcasing the region's versatility and skill in wine production.

Moldova's wine region is not just a testament to Romania's enduring relationship with viticulture but also a vibrant part of its contemporary culture and economy. With each vineyard and bottle, it tells a story of tradition, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.


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Discover Terroir

Nestled in the southeastern part of Europe, the Moldova wine region unfolds like a tapestry of rolling hills and verdant valleys, painting a picturesque panorama that captures the imagination of all who behold it. Stretching across the undulating landscape of this storied land are nine esteemed DOPs, Bohotin, Cotesti, Cotnari, Dealu Bujorului, Husi, Iasi, Iana, Panciu, and Odobesti, each bearing witness to centuries of winemaking tradition and innovation. These designated origin protected areas serve as the cradle of Moldova's viticultural heritage, nurturing vineyards that yield wines of unparalleled quality and distinction.

From the gentle slopes of Cotnari to the sun-kissed vineyards of Panciu, each DOP within the Moldova wine region possesses its own unique terroir, characterized by a harmonious interplay of soil, climate, and topography. The landscape, with its mosaic of chernozem soils, limestone bedrock, and meandering rivers, provides an ideal canvas for viticultural expression, offering a diverse array of microclimates and growing conditions.

In addition to the DOPs, the Moldova wine region also boasts two esteemed IGPs, Dealurile Moldovei and Dealurile Vrancei, further enriching its viticultural tapestry. These indications of geographical protection celebrate the distinctive characteristics of the region's wines, paying homage to the land and its people who have dedicated themselves to the art of winemaking for generations.

As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the vine-clad hills of Moldova, one cannot help but marvel at the beauty and bounty of this extraordinary wine region. Here, amidst the tranquil countryside and ancient villages, the spirit of winemaking thrives, beckoning travelers and oenophiles alike to embark on a sensory journey unlike any other. With each sip of wine, one can taste the essence of Moldova – a land where tradition meets innovation, and the landscape sings the praises of a rich and storied heritage.

The Moldova wine region, nestled in the heart of Eastern Europe, boasts a climatic tapestry that weaves together elements reminiscent of both Burgundy and Bordeaux, despite its latitude aligning closer to the latter. Situated between 46 and 48 degrees north, Moldova experiences a continental climate characterized by distinct seasons and unique weather patterns.

One of the defining features of Moldova's climate is its abundance of sunshine, with the region basking in approximately 2,100 to 2,500 hours of sunlight annually. This prolonged exposure to sunlight, coupled with moderate rainfall ranging from 350 to 600 millimeters per year, fosters optimal conditions for vine growth and grape ripening. The majority of rainfall occurs during the summer months, ensuring that the vines receive the necessary hydration during their crucial growing season.

The topography of Moldova further contributes to its viticultural success, with gentle rolling hills dominating the landscape. These undulating hills, coupled with nutrient-rich chernozem soils resting atop limestone bedrock, create an idyllic setting for vine cultivation. Additionally, many vineyards are strategically positioned on gently sloping sites with forested hilltops, providing natural protection against the region's occasional high winds and winter frosts. Indeed, temperatures in Moldova can plummet to as low as -30°C during the winter months, underscoring the importance of such protective measures for vineyard sustainability.

Moldova's viticultural landscape is as diverse as its climate and topography, boasting an impressive array of grape varieties that thrive in its unique terroir. Indigenous grapes such as Viorica and Rară Neagră coexist harmoniously with introduced varieties like Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, and Pinot Noir. This rich tapestry of grape varietals is a testament to Moldova's viticultural heritage and its ongoing commitment to innovation and experimentation.

The diversity of grape varieties cultivated in Moldova is reflected in the wide spectrum of wines produced across the region. From bold and powerful reds imbued with the essence of the land to aromatic whites that captivate the senses with their delicate nuances, Moldovan wines offer a sensorial journey unlike any other. Each bottle tells a story of tradition, craftsmanship, and the indomitable spirit of a region that continues to leave its mark on the world stage of winemaking.

The Moldova wine region's reputation for exceptional wines is deeply rooted in its diverse and dynamic soil composition, a fundamental aspect that shapes the character and quality of its vineyards. Let's delve into a detailed exploration of the various types of soils that contribute to Moldova's viticultural tapestry:

  1. Chernozem: Dominating vast swathes of Moldova's landscape, chernozem stands as a symbol of fertility and abundance. This rich black soil, renowned for its high humus content, serves as the lifeblood of the region's vineyards. Not only does chernozem provide essential nutrients to the vines, but its exceptional moisture retention capabilities ensure sustained hydration during the dry summer months. The result is grapes of unparalleled richness and concentration, laying the foundation for wines that exude opulence and depth.
  2. Limestone Bedrock: Beneath the fertile surface of Moldova's vineyards lies a hidden treasure trove of limestone bedrock. This ancient geological formation, with its porous structure and mineral-rich composition, plays a pivotal role in shaping the terroir of the region. As vines delve deep into the earth, their roots intertwine with the labyrinthine network of limestone, drawing forth a symphony of minerals that infuse the grapes with complexity and character. The influence of limestone bedrock is unmistakable in the wines of Moldova, imparting a distinct minerality and structural integrity that elevates them to unparalleled heights of excellence.

Each soil type in Moldova's viticultural mosaic contributes its own unique imprint to the wines produced within its embrace. From the earthy undertones of chernozem to the mineral backbone bestowed by limestone bedrock, every element plays a vital role in shaping the sensory journey offered by Moldovan wines.


The Moldova wine region of Romania, with its rich soil and varied climate, provides an ideal environment for a diverse array of grape varieties, each with unique agricultural and climatic requirements. From the indigenous Fetească Neagră to the international Cabernet Sauvignon, this region's viticultural landscape is a testament to the adaptability and resilience of its vineyards.

  1. Fetească Neagră: Fetească Neagră, deeply intertwined with the history of Romanian viticulture, thrives in the diverse microclimates of the Moldova region. This red grape requires loamy soils that ensure adequate drainage, preventing root diseases and promoting healthy vine development. It benefits from a climate that offers a balance of sunny days and cool nights during the ripening period, enhancing the complexity of the grapes. Precise pruning and canopy management are essential to control yield and ensure the quality of the fruit, showcasing the viticultural skill required to cultivate this esteemed variety.
  2. Rară Neagră: A grape with ancient roots, the Rară Neagră red grape is well-suited to the warm, sunny climate of southern Moldova, where it enjoys the reflective heat from the river valleys. The grape flourishes in mineral-rich soils that provide the essential nutrients for growth, while controlled irrigation techniques are often necessary to manage water stress during hot, dry summers. The vine's natural resilience to local climate variations makes it a valued part of the region's viticultural heritage, requiring vigilant vineyard practices to achieve its full potential.
  3. Codrinschi: As a relatively new variety resulting from selective breeding, Codrinschi combines the hardiness of its parent strains. It demands a delicate balance of warmth and light, with vineyards ideally positioned to capture the gentle afternoon sun. Fertile, airy soils contribute to its health, enabling deep rooting and stability. The climate's influence is significant, with a preference for areas that avoid the risk of frost during critical growth phases, highlighting the importance of site selection in nurturing this promising variety.
  4. Cabernet Sauvignon: This internationally renowned red wines grape adapts well to Moldova's climatic conditions, favoring the warmer sites with good sun exposure. Cabernet Sauvignon requires deep, clay-rich soils that can retain moisture to sustain the vines during dry spells. Its thick skin contributes to its resilience against diseases, but strategic leaf thinning is necessary to ensure adequate sunlight penetration and air circulation around the fruit clusters, optimizing ripening and health.
  5. Merlot: In Moldova, Merlot vines prosper in the region's clay-limestone soils, which offer the right balance of moisture retention and drainage. This grape variety appreciates the temperate climate, with its vulnerability to cold necessitating protective measures against late spring frosts. Merlot's versatility is evident in its ability to adapt to various vineyard practices, although careful water management is crucial during hot, dry periods to maintain vine balance and fruit quality.
  6. Pinot Noir: The finicky Pinot Noir finds its niche in Moldova's cooler locales, where the microclimate and soil composition mirror its native Burgundy. Preferring well-drained, chalky soils, Pinot Noir vines are sensitive to both excessive heat and humidity, requiring meticulous canopy management to ensure a healthy microclimate around the clusters. The grape's thin skin and susceptibility to disease underscore the need for vigilant pest and disease management strategies, making it a challenging yet rewarding variety for local vintners.
  7. Sauvignon Blanc: Thriving in the cooler, elevated parts of the Moldova wine region, Sauvignon Blanc demands well-drained, fertile soils to express its characteristic vigor and aroma. This variety benefits from a careful balance of sunlight and shade, necessitating precise canopy management to protect the grapes from scorching while ensuring enough light for optimal flavor development. Irrigation practices must be judiciously managed to avoid diluting the grape's intense aromatic profile, emphasizing the importance of water stress management.
  8. Aligoté: Aligoté, a variety that favors cooler growing conditions, adapts well to the higher altitudes of Moldova. It thrives in limestone-rich soils, which help to impart a distinctive minerality to the wine. The grape's early budding nature exposes it to frost risk, requiring site selection that minimizes this hazard. Aligoté's moderate vigor makes it less demanding in terms of vineyard management, but achieving the balance between acidity and ripeness at harvest is crucial for quality.
  9. Viorica: Indigenous to Moldova, Viorica is celebrated for its aromatic intensity, which is maximized in well-exposed vineyards that capture ample sunlight. The variety prefers sandy-loam soils, ensuring good drainage and root penetration. Viorica's adaptability to the local climate, with its capacity to withstand variations in temperature and precipitation, is enhanced by careful vineyard practices that focus on maintaining the right balance of leaf coverage to fruit exposure, optimizing the synthesis of its aromatic compounds.

The Moldova wine region's array of grape varieties, each with its specific requirements and characteristics, illustrates the rich tapestry of Romanian viticulture. From indigenous varieties that reflect the region's history to international grapes that add diversity to its wine offerings, Moldova's vineyards continue to evolve, embracing both tradition and modernity in their pursuit of wine making excellence.

The Moldova wine region of Romania, with its rich tapestry of terrains and climates, serves as a crucible for the production of a diverse and enchanting array of wines. From the robust and hearty red wines to the light and aromatic white wines, the wines from this region exemplify the unique viticultural heritage of Moldova, enhanced by both traditional and innovative winemaking techniques.

  1. Fetească Neagră: Renowned for its mesmerizing deep ruby hue, Fetească Neagră is a wine that captivates from the first glance. Its complex bouquet is a symphony of dark berries, ripe plums, and subtle spices, teasing the senses with every swirl of the glass. Upon tasting, it unveils a tapestry of robust tannins that dance harmoniously with the flavors echoing its aromatic profile. Yet, it's the gentle embrace of vanilla and toast, courtesy of meticulous oak aging, that elevates this wine to a realm of richness and sophistication, leaving behind a lingering, unforgettable finish that whispers of its unparalleled complexity.
  2. Rară Neagră: In contrast to its bolder counterpart, Rară Neagră possesses a graceful allure, expressed through its lighter body and delicate nuances. Aromas of red fruits interlace with whispers of florals and a subtle hint of earthiness, creating an olfactory experience that is both inviting and enchanting. On the palate, this wine reveals its true elegance, balancing fruitiness with a refreshing acidity that beckons for another sip, making it an approachable delight for any occasion.
  3. Codrinschi: A true testament to Moldovan winemaking ingenuity, Codrinschi stands as a masterpiece born from the fusion of its parent grapes.The bouquet of these red wines, reminiscent of sun-ripened black fruits, is accentuated by delicate floral undertones and a touch of peppery spice, offering a tantalizing preview of the sensory journey to come. With each sip, the palate is enveloped in a full-bodied embrace, guided by a structured tannic framework towards a finale that resonates with the wine's intricate aromatic tapestry, leaving an indelible mark on the senses.
  4. Cabernet Sauvignon: Moldova's rendition of the classic Cabernet Sauvignon is a testament to the region's prowess in crafting bold and memorable wines. Dark fruit reigns supreme in the profile of this red wine, with blackcurrant and black cherry taking center stage, complemented by whispers of green bell pepper, cedar, and tobacco that add layers of complexity. The well-defined tannins and subtle spice from oak aging of this red wine create a symphony of flavors that linger long after the last sip, ensuring an experience that is both robust and refined.
  5. Merlot: Moldovan Merlot presents a softer, more nuanced expression of this beloved varietal, inviting the palate with aromas of ripe red fruits, entwined with hints of blackberry, plum, and a subtle kiss of chocolate and herbs. Silky smooth on the tongue, it unveils a harmonious interplay between fruit and tannins, offering a velvety texture that caresses with each sip, making it an irresistible indulgence for any wine enthusiast.
  6. Pinot Noir:  Pinot Noir red wines from this region are a study in finesse, distinguished by their lighter body and vibrant acidity that enlivens the senses. Red berries and cherry dance gracefully on the nose, accompanied by delicate notes of violet and a whisper of earthy minerality that adds depth to its aromatic allure. Delicate yet complex on the palate, these red wines speak softly, but at the same time leave a lasting impression, with fruit flavors that mirror their elegant bouquet in perfect harmony.
  7. Sauvignon Blanc: Moldova's Sauvignon Blanc stands as a beacon of freshness, with crisp acidity and a vivid aromatic profile that beckons with every pour. Green apple, citrus, and tropical fruits mingle playfully with characteristic herbal and grassy undertones, creating a sensory experience that is as invigorating as it is inviting. On the palate, these white wines dance with lively energy, leaving behind a clean, persistent finish that lingers like a fond memory.
  8. Aligoté: Bright acidity and floral aromatics define Moldovan Aligoté, a wine cherished for its refreshing character and nuanced flavors. Lemon and green apple take center stage, supported by a touch of minerality that adds depth and complexity to each sip. Dry and crisp on the finish, it's a wine that refreshes the palate while tantalizing the senses, making it a delightful choice for any occasion.
  9. Viorica: A true gem of Moldovan winemaking, Viorica casts a spell with its intensely aromatic profile that transports the imbiber to a world of fragrant bliss. Rose petals, lychee, and peach intertwine in a mesmerizing dance of aromas, setting the stage for a palate that is as sweet as it is balanced. With a hint of spice adding intrigue to its luscious flavor, Viorica is a wine that defies convention and captivates the soul, leaving an indelible mark on all who have the pleasure of tasting its magic.

Each wine from the Moldova region, coupled with other wines like the sweet wines made from Feteasca Alba, reflects the diverse terroir and the winemakers' dedication to crafting beverages that speak to both the heart and palate. Whether through the bold and complex red wines or the light and fragrant white wines, Moldova's wines continue to enchant and evolve, promising every sip is a journey through the rich wine making heritage of this esteemed region.


122 m


450-550 mm


The most common soils in the Moldova wine region are Chernozem and Limestone soils.

top varietal

Fetească Neagră, Rară Neagră, Codrinschi, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Aligoté, Viorica

History of wine

The history of winemaking in the Moldova wine region of Romania traces back to ancient times, highlighting a rich tradition that has evolved over centuries. In ancient periods, the Carpathian-Danube-Pontic space, inhabited by the ancestors of the Romanian people, was naturally conducive to vine cultivation. Historical records from Greek and Roman historians mention the viticulture practices of the Thracian tribes, including the Geto-Dacians, who not only harvested wild vines but also cultivated them to produce wine. Notably, Homer mentioned that the Geto-Dacians were familiar with wine, which they obtained from their ancestors, the Agathyrsi, from present-day Transylvania.

During the medieval period, Moldova continued to cultivate vineyards and produce wine, with the nobility and monasteries playing significant roles in viticulture. The reign of Ştefan cel Mare in Moldova marked a golden age for viticulture, with the establishment of the "paharnic" position at the royal court, responsible for overseeing vineyards and wine production.

The modern period saw a significant expansion of vineyard areas, with Moldova's viticultural area growing steadily through the 19th and into the 20th century. However, the phylloxera invasion caused widespread destruction, though recovery was aided by the import of quality grape varieties from France and the scientific cultivation of vines initiated in the late 19th century.

The contemporary period has seen a resurgence in the M wine industry, with a focus on both recovering indigenous varieties and cultivating international grapes. Despite challenges, such as the impact of the communist regime on production and the post-1989 reduction in vineyard area due to the dissolution of state and cooperative farms, the last two decades have witnessed a revival of the wine sector, marked by new plantings and high-quality wines, though vineyard sizes remain small​​​​.

In recent years, crame (wineries) like Crama Gîrboiu and Crama Hermeziu have become notable for their production of both indigenous and international wine varieties, showcasing the ongoing evolution and excellence of Moldova's wine tradition. Crama Gîrboiu, for instance, leverages the unique mineral-rich soil conditions of southeastern Moldova, along with favorable climatic conditions, to produce exceptional Romanian wines from both native and international grape varieties. Their approach combines tradition with modern technology, offering a range of experiences for wine enthusiasts, from basic tours to premium tasting packages​​.

This overview underscores the deep historical roots and dynamic evolution of winemaking in the Moldova region, highlighting its significant contributions to both the national and international wine landscapes.

