

34° 55' 23'' N


33° 38' 3'' E




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about this region

The Larnaka wine region, situated in the southeast of Cyprus, is a vibrant and historically rich area for viticulture. It is bordered by the Lefkosia and Lemesos wine regions, creating a diverse wine-producing landscape. The region  boast a PGI (the Larnaka PGI) underlining its unique terroir and the authenticity of its winemaking traditions. The Larnaka region is home to several indigenous grape varieties, including Maratheftiko, Mavro, Xynisteri, and Sultanina, as well as of international grapes such as Cabernet Sauvignon, which are integral to its winemaking identity.

Wineries in Larnaka produce up to 80,000 bottles of wine annually, reflecting the region's commitment to quality and excellence. This production not only supports the local economy but also enhances the region’s appeal as a wine tourism destination. Visitors to Larnaka can explore picturesque vineyards, participate in wine tastings, and experience the rich cultural heritage that is interwoven with its viticultural practices.

Larnaka's strategic location, coupled with its rich history and modern winemaking techniques, makes it a significant player in Cyprus's overall wine industry. The region's dedication to preserving traditional methods while embracing innovation ensures that its wines continue to gain recognition both locally and internationally. So, grab your glass and start your journey through the history of Larnaka in one of the wine tasting events that are developed by the regional wineries.


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Vineyard Hectares




growing degree days

Discover Terroir

Landscape Characteristics of the Larnaka Wine Region

The Larnaka wine region in Cyprus is renowned for its picturesque and diverse landscape, which plays a significant role in the character and quality of its wines. Here are the key features that define this region's landscape:

Rolling Hills and Valleys

The Larnaka wine region is characterized by its gently rolling hills and expansive valleys. These undulating landscapes provide an ideal setting for vineyards, offering excellent drainage and varying microclimates that benefit grape cultivation. The hills of the Lefkara Valley, in particular, are home to several notable vineyards and wineries, such as Ktima Dafermou, which blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings​​​​.

Traditional Villages

Scattered throughout the Larnaka wine region are traditional villages that add to the charm and cultural richness of the landscape. Villages like Kato Drys and Lefkara are not only picturesque with their stone-built houses and narrow winding streets but also significant for their contributions to the region's viticulture. These villages often host local wineries, such as Ktima Christoudia, where visitors can experience both the beauty of the landscape and the deep-rooted traditions of Cypriot winemaking​​​​.

Vineyards and Agricultural Land

Vineyards are a dominant feature of the Larnaka landscape, interspersed with rural areas, used for different purposes. The region's vineyards are typically small to medium-sized and are often terraced on the hillsides, maximizing exposure to sunlight and optimizing the microclimates. This arrangement not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the region but also supports sustainable agricultural practices​​.

Scenic Routes and Trails

The Larnaka wine region is crisscrossed by scenic routes and trails that offer breathtaking views of the vineyards, hills, and traditional villages. These routes, such as the Mountainous Larnaka - Lefkosia Wine Route, allow visitors to explore the region's natural beauty and cultural heritage. The trails provide opportunities for hiking, cycling, and leisurely walks, making the landscape accessible and enjoyable for both locals and tourists​​.

Overall, the landscape of the Larnaka wine region is a harmonious blend of natural beauty, rural areas, and cultural heritage. It not only supports high-quality wine production but also offers a stunning backdrop for visitors seeking to explore the rich history and vibrant traditions of Cypriot winemaking.

Climate of the Larnaka wine region

The Larnaka wine region in Cyprus enjoys a Mediterranean climate, which plays a crucial role in its viticulture. This climate is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters, making it ideal for grape growing.


Larnaka experiences high temperatures during the summer months, with averages ranging from 30.3°C (86.5°F) in June to 32.7°C (90.9°F) in August. Winters are mild, with average high temperatures around 16.8°C (62.2°F) in January and February. The mean annual temperature is about 20.6°C (69.2°F), providing a long growing season for the vines​​​​.


Rainfall in the Larnaka region follows the typical Mediterranean pattern, with most precipitation occurring in the winter months. December is the wettest month, averaging 95 mm of rain, while the summer months, particularly July and August, are extremely dry with virtually no rainfall. The region receives about 352 mm (13.86 inches) of rain annually, spread over approximately 37.7 rainy days​​​​.

Humidity and Sunshine

Humidity levels in Larnaka vary throughout the year, being higher in the winter months and lower in the summer. January and February have the highest humidity, around 73%, while June has the lowest at 63%. Sunshine is abundant, especially during the summer, with June offering the most sunshine hours, averaging 12.6 hours per day. Even in the winter months, Larnaka enjoys a substantial amount of sunlight, making it conducive for viticulture​​​​.

Wind and Sea Influence

The coastal proximity of Larnaka influences its climate significantly, providing a moderating effect on temperatures and contributing to the overall humidity. The region experiences moderate winds throughout the year, which can help reduce disease pressure on vines and improve grape quality​​.

Overall, the Mediterranean climate of the Larnaka wine region, with its hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters, creates ideal conditions for growing a variety of grapevines, supporting the production of high-quality wines.

The Larnaka wine region in Cyprus features diverse soil types that contribute significantly to its viticulture. The soils in this region are predominantly limestone-based, which provides excellent drainage and helps vines develop deep root systems. This is beneficial for vine health and the concentration of flavors in the grapes.

Limestone-Rich-Soils: The majority of vineyards in the Larnaka region are planted on limestone-rich soils. These soils are known for their ability to retain moisture while providing excellent drainage, creating ideal conditions for grapevines. The high calcium content in limestone also contributes to the structural integrity of the vines, which can enhance the minerality and complexity of the wines produced​​.

Volcanic Soils: In some parts of the Larnaka region, particularly those that are closer to the foothills of the Troodos Mountains, volcanic soils are present. These soils are rich in minerals and offer unique advantages for viticulture, including improved water retention and the ability to support vigorous vine growth. Volcanic soils can also impart distinctive flavor characteristics to the wines, adding to their complexity​​.

Alluvial Soils: Near river valleys and flatter areas, alluvial soils are found. These soils are composed of clay, silt, sand, and gravel, deposited by water flows. Alluvial soils are fertile and well-drained, supporting vigorous vine growth and healthy fruit development. They are particularly favorable for growing white grape varieties like Xynisteri​​.

Overall, the varied soil types in the Larnaka wine region, from limestone and volcanic to alluvial, provide a robust foundation for cultivating high-quality grapes. This diversity in soil composition allows winemakers to produce a wide range of wine styles, each reflecting the unique terroir of the region.


Most Common Grapes of the Larnaka Wine Region

The Larnaka wine region in Cyprus is renowned for its rich viticultural heritage and diverse grape varieties. Among the most common grapes cultivated in this region are Maratheftiko and Mavro for red wines, and Xynisteri and Sultanina for white wines. These grapes thrive in the unique agricultural and climatic conditions of Larnaka, contributing to the region's distinctive wine production.

Most Common Red Grapes

Maratheftiko: Maratheftiko is an indigenous red grape variety that requires careful cultivation due to its specific agricultural needs. It thrives in well-drained, sandy-loam soils, which are prevalent in the Larnaka region. This grape variety benefits from the region's Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Maratheftiko vines require ample sunlight and moderate irrigation to ensure proper growth and fruit ripening. The grape is sensitive to humidity and prone to diseases, necessitating vigilant vineyard management practices.

Mavro: Mavro is another prominent red grape variety in the Larnaka wine region. It is well-suited to the region's calcareous and clay-rich soils, which provide the necessary nutrients for vigorous vine growth. Mavro grapes flourish under the warm and sunny conditions typical of Larnaka's Mediterranean climate. The grape requires a balanced water supply, with irrigation practices adjusted to prevent water stress during the hot summer months. Effective canopy management is essential to protect the grapes from excessive sunlight and to ensure even ripening.

Most Common White Grapes

Xynisteri: Xynisteri is a widely cultivated white grape variety in Larnaka, known for its resilience and adaptability to the local climate. This grape thrives in the region's limestone and sandy soils, which offer good drainage and aeration. Xynisteri vines benefit from the ample sunlight and warm temperatures, which promote healthy vine growth and optimal grape development. The grape's cultivation requires moderate irrigation, especially during the dry summer months, to maintain vine health and prevent drought stress. Additionally, Xynisteri is relatively resistant to common grapevine diseases, making it a reliable choice for sustainable viticulture.

Sultanina (Thompson Seedless): Sultanina, also known as Thompson Seedless, is a versatile white grape variety primarily used for both table grapes and wine production. In the Larnaka region, Sultanina grows best in well-drained, fertile soils with adequate organic matter. The grape requires a warm climate with long, sunny days to achieve full maturity. Effective irrigation management is crucial to support the vine's water needs, particularly during the prolonged dry periods characteristic of the Mediterranean climate. Sultanina vines benefit from trellising and pruning techniques that maximize sunlight exposure and airflow, reducing the risk of fungal diseases.

The Larnaka wine region's agricultural and climatic conditions are ideally suited for the cultivation of Maratheftiko, Mavro, Xynisteri, and Sultanina grapes, as well as of other grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon. Each of these grape varieties has specific requirements that are met by the region's soil types, sunlight, and irrigation practices, contributing to the production of high-quality wines that reflect the unique terroir of Larnaka.

Most Common Wines from the Larnaka Wine Region

The Larnaka wine region in Cyprus is known for producing a variety of high-quality wines, with Maratheftiko and Xynisteri being the most prominent. These wines reflect the unique terroir of the region, offering distinctive aromatic and flavor profiles that have made them favorites among wine enthusiasts. Below, we explore the characteristics of these common wines from Larnaka, highlighting their unique attributes.

Maratheftiko: Maratheftiko is a celebrated red wine from the Larnaka region, known for its deep, rich color and complex flavor profile. Aromatically, these red wines often exhibit intense notes of dark berries such as blackberry and black cherry, complemented by subtle hints of violet and rose petals. As the wine opens up, earthy undertones and a touch of spice, such as black pepper and clove, become more pronounced. On the palate, Maratheftiko is full-bodied with firm tannins and balanced acidity. The flavor profile of these red wines typically includes layers of dark fruit, such as plum and black currant, alongside hints of chocolate, tobacco, and a minerally finish that reflects the vineyard’s terroir. This complexity makes Maratheftiko a versatile wine, suitable for aging and perfect for pairing with rich, savory dishes.

Xynisteri: Xynisteri is the most prominent white wine from the Larnaka region, renowned for its fresh and vibrant characteristics. The aromatic profile of Xynisteri wines is typically light and floral, with predominant notes of citrus blossoms, green apple, and hints of tropical fruits like pineapple and melon. There is often a subtle minerality that adds depth to the aroma. On the palate, Xynisteri is crisp and refreshing, with a well-balanced acidity that enhances its light body. The flavor profile includes zesty citrus fruits such as lemon and grapefruit, combined with nuances of pear and a touch of almond. The clean, mineral-driven finish makes Xynisteri an excellent wine for enjoying on its own or pairing with seafood, salads, and light Mediterranean dishes.

The Larnaka wine region's Maratheftiko and Xynisteri wines are exemplary of the area's rich viticultural heritage. Each of these wines, coupled with other less produced wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon, offer a unique wine tasting experience for wine lovers. These wines not only reflect the unique terroir of Larnaka but also the skill and tradition of the local winemakers.


200-600 m


41-84 mm


The most common soils within the Larnaka wine region are limestone, volcanic and alluvial soils.

top varietal

Maratheftiko, Mavro, Xynisteri and Sultanina

History of wine

The History of Winemaking in the Larnaka Wine Region

The Larnaka wine region of Cyprus boasts a rich and storied history of winemaking that dates back thousands of years. This history reflects the region’s deep-rooted connection to viticulture and its evolution through various historical periods.

Ancient Beginnings

The origins of winemaking in Larnaka trace back to around 2000 BCE during the Bronze Age. Archaeological findings, such as ancient wine presses and amphorae, indicate that wine was integral to both daily life and ceremonial practices in the region. By the classical period (500 BCE - 300 CE), Larnaka, along with the rest of Cyprus, had developed a thriving wine trade across the Mediterranean, establishing a reputation for high-quality wines​​​​.

Byzantine and Medieval Periods

During the Byzantine era (330 CE - 1191 CE), the Larnaka region continued to cultivate its winemaking traditions. Monasteries played a significant role in advancing viticulture, maintaining ancient techniques, and cultivating vineyards. This period also saw the production of Commandaria, a renowned sweet wine that is considered one of the oldest named wines in the world. Commandaria's origins near Larnaka highlight the region's historical significance in the broader context of Cypriot wine production​​​​.

Venetian and Ottoman Periods

The Larnaka region adapted to changes in governance during the Venetian (1489 - 1571) and Ottoman (1571 - 1878) periods. Despite the imposition of taxes and changing political landscapes, viticulture remained a vital economic activity. The adaptability and resilience of the wine producers in Larnaka ensured the continuation and evolution of winemaking practices during these centuries​​​​.

British Colonial Era

The British colonial period (1878 - 1960) marked significant modernization in the Larnaka wine region. The introduction of new grape varieties and the adoption of modern winemaking techniques led to improvements in both the quality and volume of wine production. This era laid the groundwork for the contemporary wine industry in Larnaka, setting the stage for further advancements and global recognition​​.

Modern Winemaking

Today, the Larnaka wine region seamlessly blends its ancient traditions with cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices. Wineries such as Ktima Christoudia and Ktima Dafermou represent this harmony, producing wines from both indigenous and international grape varieties. The region is also a key part of the Mountainous Larnaka - Lefkosia Wine Route, which promotes wine tourism and highlights the cultural heritage of the area. Visitors to Larnaka can explore its picturesque vineyards, learn about its rich winemaking history, and enjoy its unique wines​​​​.


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