Consorzio Vini Venezia

Consorzio Vini Venezia

Consorzio Vini Venezia was formed in 2011 through the merger of Consorzio di Tutela DOC Lison Pramaggiore and Consorzio Vini del Piave DOC. Since then and until today, it has been carrying out various actions to protect both the wines and the producers of an area as rich in natural resources and breathtaking landscapes as Venice.

The Consorzio Vini Venezia is responsible for ensuring the quality of the wines produced in the DOCs Venezia, Lison-Pramaggiore and Piave and the DOCGs Lison and Piave Malanotte, as well as their promotion to the thousands of tourists who visit this amazing region every year.

Some of the actions carried out by the Consorzio to protect the interests of the more than 200 member producers, as well as to strengthen the name of each of the DOCs and DOCGS that are part of the Consorzio, are:

  • Participation in a large number of wine fairs.
  • Dissemination of each of the DOCs and DOCGs through social media.
  • Organization of tasting events for wine aficionados or experts.
  • Creation of regulations that allow to increase the quality of the wines of each DOC and DOCG.
  • Distribution of agro-economic newsletters for producers.

Association Descriptors

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