Consorzio Erbaluce Carema

Consorzio Erbaluce Carema

At the heart of Piedmontese wine production lies the Consorzio Erbaluce Carema, an institution dedicated to both the defense and the celebration of the esteemed Caluso, Carema, and Canavese DOC wines. Established as a guardian of authenticity, the Consortium diligently supervises adherence to production regulations and takes a staunch stance against any illicit actions that might tarnish the reputation of these illustrious names. These commitments are cemented by the provisions of the Ministerial Decree of agricultural policies n. 256 of 06/04/1997 and law n. 164 of 1992.

A journey back in time reveals the Consortium's roots embedded in the Caluso DOC Wine Protection and Enhancement Center, an initiative brought to life by seven passionate winegrowers in 1986. This evolution in 1991 saw the birth of the current Consortium, which expanded its scope to embrace the Carema DOC in 1996 and subsequently the Canavese DOC in 1998 - the most recent addition to the family of esteemed denominations. Today, the Consortium is a robust alliance of 37 members, representing a commendable 90% of the appellation's producers.

The Guiding Mission

  1. Protection and Enhancement: The Consortium stands as a beacon of authenticity, aiming to safeguard, elevate, and champion the wines of the Piedmont region, especially those under the current DOC and DOCG banners.
  2. Education and Celebration: An ardent advocate for the region's wines, the Consortium endeavors to illuminate their unique characteristics. This extends to exploring harmonious pairings with regional and local cuisine and other signature agri-food products, enriching the gastronomic narrative.
  3. Tourism and Hospitality: Beyond wine, the Consortium plays an active role in fostering the broader tourist development of the region. They curate immersive experiences, offering insights into the wine, gastronomy, and the bucolic charm of the area. The region's rich tapestry of landscapes, environmental wonders, gastronomic delights, historical landmarks, and vibrant popular traditions are passionately promoted. Through these efforts, the Consortium also champions conservation and documentation, ensuring that the region's stories and legacy continue to inspire future generations.

In essence, the Consorzio Erbaluce Carema is more than just an institution; it's a testament to the dedication and love for the land and the exquisite nectars it produces.

Association Descriptors

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