

36° 48' 00'' N


34° 38' 00'' E




about this subregion

Discover the Mersin Wine Sub-Region of Turkey

Mersin, a coastal city along Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, is emerging as a noteworthy area within the country’s wine landscape. While primarily known for its citrus production and scenic beauty, Mersin is steadily developing its viticultural identity. This region blends ancient heritage with contemporary winemaking techniques, creating a unique position in Turkey’s wine narrative.

Historical Significance of Winemaking

Mersin's winemaking tradition is deeply rooted in Turkey's rich viticultural history. The ancient ruins of Soli Pompeiopolis and the Alahan Monastery stand as testaments to the civilizations that have shaped this region's agricultural practices. These historical sites provide context for Mersin's current wine industry, underscoring a legacy that spans millennia.

Geographic Location and Unique Terroir

The Mediterranean climate profoundly influences Mersin's terroir. Hot summers tempered by cool sea breezes create favorable conditions for viticulture. The region's varied topography, from coastal lowlands south to the Taurus Mountains foothills, offers diverse microclimates and soil compositions, contributing to the complexity of wines produced here.

The Terroir of Mersin

Elevation and Climate

Mersin’s vineyards are typically situated at moderate elevations, averaging around 150 meters, with some extending higher into the Taurus range. This elevation profile, combined with the Mediterranean climate, provides an extended growing season beneficial to varieties such as Syrah and Chardonnay. The interplay of warm days and cool nights, known as diurnal temperature variation, allows for optimal grape development.

Soil Composition

The soil diversity in Mersin significantly impacts wine characteristics. Calcareous soils prevalent in some areas retain heat effectively, promoting grape ripening. Gravelly soils in other parts ensure good drainage, encouraging deep root systems that yield grapes with concentrated flavours. This soil variation contributes to the distinct profiles of Mersin's wines.

Impact of Elevation and Climate on Grape Varieties

Mersin’s terroir supports both indigenous grape varieties and international grape varieties. The climate allows for full grape maturation while maintaining acidity levels, crucial for well-structured wines. Native varieties like Acıkara and Fersun are particularly well-adapted to local conditions, developing unique characteristics that reflect Mersin’s terroir.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Environmental Factors Affecting Wine Production

Mersin faces specific environmental challenges, including irregular rainfall patterns that necessitate careful water management. Climate change poses additional concerns, requiring adaptive strategies to maintain grape quality and mitigate increased disease risks.

Economic Factors

The wine industry in Mersin contends with limited domestic consumption and regulatory restrictions on marketing. However, the growing interest in wine tourism presents a significant opportunity for local producers to showcase their products and attract visitors interested in exploring Turkey's viticultural heritage.

Emerging Trends and Innovations

Sustainability is becoming more important in Mersin's wine industry. Many wineries are adopting environmentally friendly practices, including organic farming methods and improved water conservation techniques. These initiatives are positioning Mersin's wine industry for greater recognition in both domestic and international markets.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



2000-2500 GDD


Discover Terroir

Landscape of the Mersin Wine Sub-Region

In Mersin, you will find a blend of natural beauty and ancient history. This seaside destination combines golden beaches, lush plains, and dramatic mountain ranges, each telling its own story.

As you stroll along the coastline, you'll find gems like Kızkalesi and Yapraklı beaches. Here, the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean lap gently against soft, sandy shores, inviting visitors to bask in the sun or dive into refreshing waves. These picturesque beaches offer more than just relaxation; they're gateways to a wide range of water activities.

Venture inland, and you'll find yourself in the heart of the Çukurova Plain, a verdant expanse that showcases Mersin's agricultural prowess. This fertile landscape is a patchwork of citrus orchards and olive groves, their fragrances mingling in the air to create a sensory experience that's quintessentially Mediterranean.

Framing this pastoral scene are the majestic Taurus Mountains, their rugged peaks standing sentinel over the plains and coastline. These mountains aren't mere scenery; they're a playground for outdoor enthusiasts. Hiking trails wind through diverse terrain, offering everything from leisurely walks to challenging climbs.

But Mersin's mountains offer more than just natural beauty. Nestled among the peaks are traditional villages where the Yörük culture thrives. Here, you can experience warm hospitality firsthand, eat out and find unique handcrafted goods.

Finally, Mersin is also steeped in history, with ancient sites dotting the landscape. Places like Soli Pompeiopolis and Mamure Castle stand as proud reminders of civilizations from the past, adding a layer of historical depth to your journey.

Climate of the Mersin Wine Sub-Region

In Mersin, the Mediterranean climate offers a perfect blend of warm summers and mild winters. This isn't just pleasant weather - it's nature's hospitality at its finest.

Summers here are hot and sun-drenched. July and August take center stage, with temperatures often exceeding 30°C (86°F) and sometimes reaching a toasty 40°C (104°F). RClimate of the Mersin Wine Sub-Region

In Mersin, the Mediterranean climate offers a perfect blend of warm summers and mild winters. This isn't just pleasant weather - it's nature's hospitality at its finest.

Summers here are hot and sun-drenched. July and August take center stage, with temperatures often exceeding 30°C (86°F) and sometimes reaching a toasty 40°C (104°F). Rain becomes a rare guest, while the sun puts on a daily 12 to 13-hour show. It's paradise for beach lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Winter, on the other hand, plays a gentler tune. January keeps things cool but comfortable, with temperatures ranging from 6°C to 15°C (43°F to 59°F). December brings the most rainfall, contributing significantly to the annual 600-700 mm (24-28 inches). Snow is a no-show thanks to Mersin's coastal location, but winter still offers a respectable 5-6 hours of daily sunshine.

This climate isn't just about human comfort - it's a boon for agriculture. Mersin's famous citrus groves thrive in the sunny summers, while the vineyards benefit from both the warm growing season and the replenishing winter rains.

Soils of the Mersin Wine Sub-Region

Let's dive into the earth beneath Mersin's vineyards and orchards. Here, three distinct soil types play crucial roles in shaping the region's agriculture and wines: Calcisols, Leptosols, and Vertisols.

  • Calcisols: These are the workhorses of Mersin's wine country. Rich in calcium carbonate, they excel at draining water while retaining heat - perfect for Mediterranean crops. For grapevines, these soils are like a nurturing parent, promoting strong root growth and contributing to the quality of Mersin's wines. Imagine these soils as a natural incubator, creating the ideal environment for grapes to develop their unique flavors.
  • Leptosols: Found in the hilly areas near the Taurus Mountains, these are the tough love soils. Shallow and stony, they challenge vines to grow deep, sturdy roots. The result? Grapes with intense flavors that translate into wines with real character. These soils might seem harsh, but they're the secret behind some of Mersin's most interesting wines.
  • Vertisols: These are the drama queens of Mersin's lowlands. Clay-rich and fertile, they're excellent at holding water and nutrients. But they also swell when wet and shrink when dry, keeping farmers on their toes. With proper management, however, these soils produce bountiful crops and grapes. They're like that high-maintenance friend who's worth the effort because they throw the best parties.


Most Common Grapes of the Burdur Wine Sub-Region

Mersin’s warm, dry summers and mild winters create an optimal setting for a wide range of grapes. Among the most common grape varieties, we can mention

Most Common Red Grapes

  • Acıkara: Acıkara, a native Turkish variety, flourishes in the higher elevations of Mersin's Taurus Mountains. The region's long, sunny days promote full ripening, while cooler nights maintain crucial acidity. Acıkara shows a particular affinity for well-drained, calcareous soils, which encourage deep root systems and robust vine health. These conditions allow Acıkara to express its full potential, resulting in wines that truly embody Mersin's terroir.
  • Syrah: Syrah thrives in the region's gravelly soils, which ensure excellent drainage and encourage the vines to develop deep root systems. This struggle for nutrients enhances flavor concentration in the grapes. Mersin's diurnal temperature variations, particularly the cool nights, help Syrah maintain its characteristic acidity, resulting in well-balanced wines.
  • Cabernet Sauvignon: Cabernet Sauvignon adapts remarkably well to Mersin's sunny climate and well-drained soils. These conditions prevent water-logging while providing sufficient hydration for optimal growth. The warm days and cooler nights of Mersin facilitate a gradual, even ripening process for Cabernet Sauvignon, allowing it to develop its full flavor profile while retaining balanced acidity.
  • Patkara: Finally, Patkara grapes grow best in Mersin’s dry Mediterranean climate, where the big temperature swings from day to night help the grapes keep their natural acidity. This early ripening grape thrives in sandy, limestone-rich soils, which drain well but also retain minerals that support healthy vine growth. These soils tend to limit the vines' iron uptake, so local farmers often supplement with fertilizers to keep the vines in balance.

Most Common White Grapes

  • Fersun: Fersun, an indigenous white grape, demonstrates excellent adaptability to Mersin's moderate climate. It shows a preference for well-drained soils, making it particularly suited to the region's drier summer months. Fersun's natural resilience allows it to thrive with minimal irrigation, capitalizing on spring rains and efficiently managing water resources during the drier periods.
  • Chardonnay: Known for its versatility, Chardonnay excels in Mersin's warm climate. It shows a particular affinity for the region's clay-limestone and calcareous soils, which provide excellent drainage. The cooler night temperatures in Mersin play a crucial role in preserving Chardonnay's acidity, allowing the grape to achieve full ripeness while maintaining a harmonious flavor profile.
  • Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon blanc performs remarkably well in the region's calcareous and gravelly soils, which ensure an efficient drainage. The warm days in Mersin allow Sauvignon Blanc to reach optimal ripeness, while the cool nights help maintain its characteristic vibrant acidity. These conditions enable Sauvignon Blanc to develop its full aromatic potential with minimal intervention.

Most Common Wines of the Mersin Wine Sub-Region

Mersin's diverse terroir gives rise to captivating and expressive wines, each telling its own story of the land and climate that shaped it. Among the most common, we can mention Acıkara, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Fersun, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc.

Most Common Red Wines

  • Acıkara: This native Turkish variety flourishes in Mersin's terroir. Acıkara produces a robust wine with pronounced flavors of blackberry and plum, complemented by subtle earthy undertones. Its firm tannins and balanced acidity make it an excellent companion for hearty dishes. The long growing season and calcareous soils of Mersin contribute significantly to the wine's complexity and depth.
  • Syrah: Mersin's climate brings out the best in Syrah, resulting in a full-bodied wine rich with flavors of ripe blackberries and dark plums, accented by a distinctive black pepper note. The region's warm days and cool nights create a perfect balance of structure and acidity, making this Syrah an ideal pairing for spiced meats and savory stews.
  • Cabernet Sauvignon: In Mersin, Cabernet Sauvignon develops an intense profile characterized by rich blackcurrant and plum flavors, underpinned by earthy notes such as leather or bay leaf. The region's dry climate and well-drained soils facilitate a gradual ripening process, resulting in a wine with a remarkably smooth finish that complements robust meat dishes beautifully.

Parkara: Patkara wines are known for their rich aromatic and flavor profile. They’re fruit-driven, with aromas of black cherry and plum that blend with hints of earth, spice black pepper, and a touch of herbal notes like sandalwood and nutmeg. These wines are light to medium-bodied with moderate acidity, giving them a refreshing edge, while their low tannins make them smooth and easy to drink. Patkara’s unique character, both aromatic and approachable, makes it an ideal choice for warm climates and pairs well with a variety of dishes

Most Common White Wines

  • Fersun: This indigenous white variety thrives in Mersin, producing a refreshingly crisp wine with a lively acidity and distinctive mineral edge. Fersun typically showcases lively green apple and citrus notes, making it an excellent choice for pairing with seafood and Mediterranean salads. The calcareous soils and warm climate of Mersin impart a unique mineral complexity to this wine.
  • Chardonnay: Mersin's Chardonnay exhibits remarkable versatility, ranging from crisp and fresh styles to fuller, oak-influenced versions. Common flavor profiles include apple and citrus, sometimes with hints of tropical or dried fruit. The region's climate ensures optimal ripeness while preserving the grape's natural acidity, resulting in a Chardonnay suitable for a wide range of food pairings.
  • Sauvignon Blanc: The Sauvignon Blanc from Mersin is medium bodied, and its characterized by its bright profile featuring herbal aromas and green apple flavors. The interplay of warm days and cooler nights in the region maintains the wine's vibrant acidity, making it an ideal complement to herb-forward dishes and seafood.

Unique Characteristics of Mersin Wines

Mersin’s proximity to the Mediterranean Sea and its distinctive soil composition contribute to wines with robust structure and pronounced minerality. These conditions enhance the vibrant acidity and layered mineral complexity in both red and white wines, showcasing the region’s unique terroir.

Wine Tourism and Experiences

Popular Wine Areas within Mersin

The vineyards of Mersin, often set against the backdrop of the Taurus Mountains, offer a picturesque setting for wine enthusiasts. Traditional terraced vineyards add to the region's visual appeal and viticultural heritage.

Wine Tasting Tours and Events

Mersin's wine events provide immersive experiences that highlight both indigenous and international varieties. These gatherings offer visitors a comprehensive exploration tour of the region's evolving wine culture.

Culinary Experiences Paired with Mersin Wines

The wines of Mersin pair exceptionally well with local Mediterranean and Turkish cuisine. Robust reds like Acıkara and Cabernet Sauvignon complement lamb and beef dishes, while crisp whites such as Fersun naturally accompany local seafood and fresh salads, offering flavors of spice black pepper, and a touch of herbal notes.

Accommodation Options for Wine Enthusiasts

Visitors to Mersin can choose from a range of accommodations, from luxurious city hotels to intimate guesthouses near the vineyards, providing ideal bases for exploring the region's wine offerings.

Renowned Wineries and Producers within Mersin

  • Likya Winery: Situated along the coast, Likya Winery blends traditional and modern winemaking techniques. They specialize in native grapes like Acıkara, producing wines that reflect the earthy and mineral qualities of Mersin. Their commitment to sustainable practices underscores their dedication to quality.
  • Tasheli Winery: This boutique winery emphasizes Mersin's unique terroir by focusing on local grapes such as Fersun. Tasheli's winemaking philosophy prioritizes freshness and balance, resulting in wines that pair harmoniously with local cuisine and showcase the diverse potential of Mersin's vineyards.