Terasele Dunarii IGP

Terasele Dunarii IGP

45°14'43.2" N


28°07'50.2" E




about this subregion

The Terasele Dunarii IGP, nestled in the Dobrogea wine region of Romania, is a captivating area where wine production thrives, influenced by the unique environmental conditions of the area. This IGP benefits from a climate that combines warm, sunny days and cooling breezes from the Black Sea, creating an ideal setting for vine growth and grape maturation. The diverse soil types, ranging from molisoils to grey soils, contribute to the distinctiveness of the wines produced here.

The identity of the Terasele Dunarii IGP is shaped by its main grape varieties, which include a mix of native and international types: Fetească Neagră, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Sangiovese, Aligoté, Fetească Albă, Fetească Regală, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Șarbă, Tămâioasa Românească, Grasă de Cotnari, and Crâmpoșie Selecționată. These varieties benefit from the region's climatic and soil conditions, each contributing to the rich tapestry of wines that reflect the unique terroir of this IGP. The combination of these factors makes Terasele Dunarii IGP a noteworthy and dynamic wine-producing area within Romania's diverse viticultural landscape.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Terasele Dunarii IGP wine subregion is nestled within the scenic Dobrogea wine region, sharing its territory with Colinele Dobrogei. Situated in southeastern Romania, this subregion boasts a distinctive landscape that captivates the senses.

As one traverses the Terasele Dunarii IGP, they are greeted by rolling hills that gently slope towards the serene waters of the Danube River. The undulating terrain provides a picturesque backdrop for the vineyards that carpet the landscape, creating a patchwork of vibrant greenery against the azure sky.

The Danube River, a lifeline for the region, meanders gracefully through the vineyards, bestowing upon the land its fertile soils and temperate climate. The river not only nourishes the vines but also lends a sense of tranquility to the surroundings, as its waters shimmer under the sunlight, casting a serene ambiance over the entire area.

The Terasele Dunarii IGP has a great soil diversity, ranging from sandy to clay-rich compositions, each contributing its own unique characteristics to the wines produced here. These soils, combined with ample sunshine and moderated temperatures, provide an ideal terroir for cultivating a variety of grape varietals, including both indigenous and international favorites.

In addition to its natural beauty, the Terasele Dunarii IGP is also characterized by a rich cultural heritage, with vine cultivation dating back centuries. The traditional methods of winemaking are deeply ingrained in the local identity, infusing the wines of the region with a sense of history and authenticity.

The Terasele Dunării IGP, nestled in the southeastern part of Romania, experiences a climate defined by its steppe and forest-steppe landscape,  influenced by its adjacency to the Black Sea and the majestic Danube River. This unique setting endows the region with distinctive climatic features that play a crucial role in the quality and characteristics of the regional wines.

One of the characteristics of the Terasele Dunării IGP's climate is its abundant sunshine, boasting the highest duration of sunlight in the entire country. This prolonged exposure to sunlight, coupled with relatively low levels of precipitation, fosters an optimal environment for grape cultivation. The ample sunshine accelerates the ripening process of the grapes, leading to a higher concentration of sugars within the fruit, which contributes to the rich flavor profiles of the wines produced here.

Despite its modest water resources, the Terasele Dunării IGP benefits significantly from the presence of the Danube River. The river not only serves as a vital water source for irrigation but also plays a crucial role in moderating the region's climate. Its proximity helps mitigate the arid conditions by providing a cooling effect, particularly during the hot summer months, thus creating a more favorable environment for grapevine growth and development.

Furthermore, the Terasele Dunării IGP's proximity to the Black Sea influences its climate through maritime influences, helping to regulate temperature and humidity levels. These factors contribute to the region's overall microclimate, adding complexity to the terroir and influencing the character of the wines produced.

The Terasele Dunării IGP, situated within the expansive Dobrogea wine region, showcases a great range of soil types, key for viticulture within the region:

  1. Molisols (Cernoziomuri): These fertile soils, characterized by their high organic matter content, serve as the cornerstone of vine cultivation in the region. With their excellent nutrient retention properties, Molisols create an optimal environment for vine growth, resulting in healthy vines and high-quality grapes.
  2. Bălane Soils: Similar to Molisols in their fertility and composition, Bălane Soils provide another fertile ground for vineyards within the Terasele Dunării IGP. Their ability to support vigorous vine growth contributes significantly to the region's thriving viticultural landscape.
  3. Forest-Steppe Molisols (Cernoziomuri Cambice): Representing another prominent soil type in the area, Forest-Steppe Molisols are known for their nutrient-rich characteristics and exceptional water retention capabilities. These soils play a vital role in sustaining vine health, ensuring the continuous growth and development of grapevines even during periods of drought.
  4. Grey Soils and Calcareous Rendzinas: Adding further diversity to the region's soil profile, Grey Soils and Calcareous Rendzinas are distinguished by their well-drained nature. These soils are particularly beneficial for certain grape varieties, contributing to the complexity and diversity of the Terasele Dunării IGP's terroir.

Each soil type within the Terasele Dunării IGP offers a unique set of attributes that influence vine growth and wine production. Together, they contribute to the region's rich winemaking heritage, shaping the distinct character and flavor profiles of the wines produced here.


The Terasele Dunării IGP wine subregion, is known by the great range of grape varieties that thrive within the region:  

  1. Fetească Neagră: This indigenous Romanian grape variety thrives in the sunny, sloping hillside vineyards scattered throughout Romania's picturesque landscapes. To reach its full potential, Fetească Neagră demands a warm and dry climate, allowing the grapes to ripen fully and develop wines with a robust body and rich, complex flavors. Remarkably adaptable, Fetească Neagră can thrive in a wide range of soil types. However, it thrives in well-drained, fertile soils, where the roots can penetrate deeply, absorbing the rich nutrients and minerals that contribute to the grape's unique taste profile.
  2. Cabernet Sauvignon: Renowned for its incredible adaptability and robust nature, Cabernet Sauvignon exhibits a preference for warmer climates and many hours of sunlight. This allows the grapes to reach ideal levels of maturation, developing the depth and complexity for which this grape is most known. Cabernet Sauvignon shows a great resilience to drought conditions, something that is a clear sign of its hardy nature. However, to show its most profound and complex flavor profile, it requires deep, well-drained soils that are rich in minerals. These soil conditions support the vines in developing the rich flavors and tannins that make Cabernet Sauvignon the wines we all know and love.
  3. Pinot Noir: Pinot Noir has a slight preference for cooler climates, and requires a meticulous selection of vineyard sites, particularly within the Terasele Dunării IGP. Pinot Noir  thrives in calcareous clay soils, benefiting from their ability to provide excellent drainage and retain moisture during periods of low rainfall. This balance is crucial for Pinot Noir, as it helps maintain a steady growth cycle and supports the development of the grape's subtle and delicate flavor profiles. The cooler climate not only preserves the grape's acidity but also allows for a slow ripening process, which is essential for developing the nuanced flavors and aromas characteristic of Pinot Noir wines.
  4. Merlot: Merlot showcases its versatility across various climatic conditions but achieves its best expression in warm, sunny regions, with consistent moisture levels. It has a particular affinity for clay-limestone soils, which play a key role regulating the water that the vine receives. These soils also help to maintain moderate temperatures within the root zone, which is essential for the development of Merlot's lush, velvety tannins and rich, fruity flavors. The combination of climate and favorable soil conditions allows Merlot to produce wines with a perfect balance of structure and elegance, making it a favorite among wine enthusiasts.
  5. Sangiovese: Sangiovese grapes flourish in the long, warm growing seasons of very specific climates, benefiting from dry conditions that help to concentrate the grape's flavors. This grape variety shows a great adaptability to a wide range of soil types, although it has a preference for well-drained soils. These optimal conditions favor the development of Sangiovese's complex flavor profile, characterized by a bright acidity and robust tannins. The adaptability of Sangiovese to various soil types, combined with its preference for warm, sunny climates, underscores its potential to produce wines of exceptional quality and distinctive character.
  6. Aligoté: Aligoté stands out for its remarkable resilience in cooler climates,  thriving under these challenging conditions. This grape is very versatile when it comes to soil preference, flourishing across a spectrum of soil types. However, it shows a  special affinity for chalky or marly soils. These soil types play a crucial role in defining the unique character of Aligoté wines, contributing to their great acidity and freshness. This particular terroir gives Aligoté wines their signature vibrancy and liveliness, making them very appreciated for their crispness.
  7. Fetească Albă: As an indigenous variety deeply rooted to România, Fetească Albă adapts exceptionally well to cooler climates found within its native region. It shows a slight preference for fertile, loamy soils, which are ideal for its development. These soils, characterized by their excellent drainage, are essential for preventing excessive vegetative growth, thereby allowing for the production of grapes with concentrated flavors. This careful balance between climate and soil types helps to preserve the grape's delicate aromas and enhance its flavor profile, resulting in very aromatic and expressive wines.
  8. Fetească Regală:This grape variety shows the versatility and resilience for which the Fetească family is known, combining the hardiness of Fetească Albă with a great adaptability to a wide range of climatic conditions. Fetească Regală thrives especially in sandy or loamy soils, with their excellent drainage being pivotal for the grape's development. These soil types ensure that the grape can express its full potential. The adaptability of Fetească Regală to these soil types, coupled with its inherent robustness, allows it to produce wines that are both flavorful and balanced, with an attractive complexity.
  9. Pinot Gris:  Pinot Gris grape has a preference for cooler climates, where it can find the perfect balance between sunlight exposure and protective shade. This delicate equilibrium is crucial for the grape to develop its full spectrum of flavors while retaining the signature acidity that defines its character. To achieve its optimal expression, Pinot Gris requires well-drained soils that are rich in nutrients. These conditions not only support the health and vigor of the vine but also contribute to the complexity and depth of the wine's flavor, resulting in wines that are both nuanced and refreshingly acidic.
  10. Chardonnay: Chardonnay shows a great adaptability to different climates, although it has a slight preference for moderate temperatures. The presence of nearby water bodies can help to moderate the temperatures, creating an ideal microclimate for the grape. In terms of soil, Chardonnay also is very adaptable, but has a preference for limestone soils. These soils contribute to the optimal concentration of acidity in the grapes, a critical factor for the wine's balance and structure. The adaptability of Chardonnay to different soil types, combined with its preference for moderate climates, shows its potential to produce wines of great complexity, with the limestone soils enhancing the mineral undertones and elegance in the wine's profile.
  11. Șarbă: Șarbă is a unique grape from the region that does really well in this particular weather. It needs a great temperature variation between daytime and nighttime to help develop its rich smells. This grape prefers soils that let air through easily and are rich in nutrients. These kinds of soils make sure the vines get enough air and food to grow strong and produce quality grapes. This careful mix of the right weather and good soil helps Șarbă make wines that are very aromatic and have a lively taste.
  12. Tămâioasa Românească: Tămâioasa Românească thrives in sunny places and needs the warmth of long autumns to bring out its natural sweetness and strong aromas. These conditions are perfect for making the grape sweet and flavorful. The grape does best in sandy-loam soils, which are great at draining water. This type of soil helps avoid too much water for the vines, which is good for the health of the plant and helps concentrate the grape’s flavors. This perfect match between sunny weather and the right soil makes Tămâioasa Românească wines sweet, fragrant, and distinct.
  13. Grasă de Cotnari: Grasă de Cotnari is a grape that throws in the particular weather in its area, especially when it gets a bit humid towards the end of the growing season. This humidity is important because it helps develop a special kind of rot that makes the grapes sweeter and more flavorful. It grows best in rich, loamy soils, with plenty of sunshine. This particular conditions are key for the grape to develop its signature taste, making wines that are rich, sweet, and unique.
  14. Crâmpoșie Selecționată: Crâmpoșie Selecționată is a versatile grape that can thrive under different weather conditions but grows best in the warm and sunny climate of the Terasele Dunării IGP. This weather helps the grape develop its signature taste, making for excellent wines. Regarding soils, it prefers sandy soils with great water drainage, because they help to prevent the vines from receiving excessive water. This preference for soils with good drainage and warm climates with many hours of sunshine, means Crâmpoșie Selecționată grows well in Terasele Dunării, making wines that stand out for their bright flavors.

Each of these grape varieties brings its unique characteristics to the wines of the Terasele Dunării IGP, showing the region's rich viticultural diversity.

The Terasele Dunării IGP is distinguished by its diverse wine styles that capture the essence of both the land and the grape varieties that thrive there.

  1. Fetească Neagră Wines: These wines enchant wine lovers with their captivating deep, dark ruby color and an elaborate bouquet that includes a great range of ripe, dark fruit aromas such as blackberries and plums. This rich fruitiness is coupled with subtle spices that may remind you of clove or black pepper, adding complexity. On the palate, they show a unique set of tasting notes, from the richness of dark chocolate to the warmness of vanilla, all supported by smooth, velvety tannins. This harmonious blend ends with a lingering finish, leaving a memorable impression that encourages another sip.
  2. Cabernet Sauvignon Wines: Esteemed for their robust structure and their great ability to age, Cabernet Sauvignon wines from this region are a treasure for wine enthusiasts. They boast an aromatic profile dominated by the deep, rich scents of cassis and black cherry, supported sometimes by a hint of green bell pepper, which adds complexity. In the palate, this wine shows a powerful fruit forward profile, with notes of red fruits balanced by earthy notes of tobacco and leather, all backed by a great structure provided by firm tannins. 
  3. Pinot Noir Wines: These wines are renowned for their lighter body and refined elegance, offering an aromatic journey that starts with fresh, vibrant red fruit notes, such as strawberries and cherries. This elegant notes are complemented by an underlying earthiness. In the palate, Pinot Noir wines show a delicate yet profound profile, featuring a blend of red fruit flavors with subtle spicy notes, all backed up by  silky, smooth tannins that caresses the palate, making each glass a testament to the subtlety and complexity of Pinot Noir.
  4. Merlot Wines: Merlot wines present a softer, more approachable option for those seeking both pleasure and complexity. The nose is greeted with a profile of aromas dominated by ripe red fruits, such as raspberries or cherries, which are complemented by hints of cocoa and mint. On the palate, these wines show a fruity yet balanced profile, with natural fruit sweetness backed up by  soft, plush tannins. This helps  to create an accessible yet complex wine.
  5. Sangiovese Wines: Sangiovese wines charm with their unique acidity and authentic rustiqueness, offering an aromatic profile that brings together the tartness of cherries and the grounded essence of earth, with a herbaceous backdrop adding depth. The taste profile is savory, with the presence of red fruits, leather, and anise. This leads to a tangy, thoroughly satisfying finish, making each sip of Sangiovese a rich and vibrant experience, full of character, offering a wine experience that is both hearty and heartwarming.
  6. Aligoté Wines: Aligoté wines bring a lively and refreshing taste to the palate. They're known for their zesty acidity that dances on the tongue, paired with beautiful floral notes that remind of a blooming garden. In the first  sip, you'll notice flavors of lemon and green apple, bringing a bright and tangy sensation, along with a slight mineral touch that adds depth to the tasting experience. These wines are crisp and invigorating, with a light and clean profile that shines with citrus and floral notes, making every sip a lively experience.
  7. Chardonnay Wines: Chardonnay from the Terasele Dunării IGP comes in a great range of styles, but they usually show fresh aromas of green apple, a burst of citrus, and the gentle sweetness of pear. When aged in oak barrels, they show a layer of complexity that makes these wines rich and full, with a buttery smoothness. In addition, these wines have a balance between the richness of the fruit flavors and the refreshing acidity, creating a luxurious and creamy texture that's both indulgent and harmonious.
  8. Șarbă Wines: Șarbă wines are a local treasure, standing out with their impressive bouquet of aromas. They fill the nose with a mix of floral notes, mingled with fresh citrus and green fruits. In the palate, these wines will greet you with a fresh acidity that helps to accentuate the flavors. The taste profile is very similar to the aromatic, with citrus and green fruit flavors leading to a finish that is bright and zesty, leaving a lively and refreshing aftertaste that invites another sip.
  9. Tămâioasa Românească Wines: These wines are a celebration of sweetness, and are packed with an intense and inviting aromatic profile. This wines show an aromatic bouquet of honey, orange blossoms, and a hint of exotic spices. The palate, on the other hand.  is a rich tapestry of sweetness, featuring dried apricot, honey, and a reminiscence of ginger at the end. Despite their sweetness, these wines are balanced with a vibrant acidity, ensuring that the sweetness enriches rather than overwhelms your senses.

Each wine style from the Terasele Dunării IGP offers a unique expression of the region's winemaking heritage, providing wine lovers with a great range of sensory experiences.
