Dealurile Zarandului IGP

Dealurile Zarandului IGP







about this subregion

The Dealurile Zarandului IGP, nestled in the Crisana-Maramures wine region of Romania, offers distinctive wines and an unique environment for viticulture, marked by a Mediterranean-influenced microclimate and a great diversity of soil types. that are conducive to grapegrowing.

This region is characterized by its early springs, which tend to be moist, and its autumns, which are long, warm, and dry—optimal conditions for the ripening of grapes. The area's predominant soil types include skeletal, brown podzolic, and rendzina-like rendzinas. These soils are noted for their richness in iron and microelements, which are vital for vine health and enhance the growth and development of the vines.

The region is home to several key grape varieties, such as Cadarcă, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Mustoasă de Măderat, Fetească Regală, Sauvignon Blanc, and Muscat Ottonel. These varieties benefit greatly from the unique climatic conditions and soil profiles, allowing vintners to produce diverse and richly flavored wines. The combination of these environmental factors makes the Dealurile Zarandului IGP a promising area for producing high-quality wines with distinct characteristics reflective of their terroir.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Dealurile Zarandului IGP is located within the larger Crisana-Maramures wine region, alongside the Crisana DOP, the Minis DOP, the Dealurile Satmarului IGP, and the Dealurile Crisanei IGP. Nestled in western Romania, this subregion has a picturesque landscape characterized by undulating hills and valleys. Vineyards spread through the terrain, stretching across slopes that catch the sun's rays and provide the optimal conditions for grape ripening. The climate here is continental, with hot summers and cold winters, ideal for the cultivation of a great range of grapes.

The landscape is marked by its diversity, with soils ranging from limestone to loess, offering a rich tapestry for viticulture. As one traverses the region, they encounter charming villages nestled amidst the vineyards, adding to the unique charm of the area. The rolling hills provide not only a scenic backdrop, but also natural drainage for the vineyards, something key for the health and quality of the grapes.

Overall, the Dealurile Zarandului IGP wine subregion has a captivating blend of natural beauty and agricultural productivity, making it a distinctive part of Romania's winemaking heritage.

The climate of the Dealurile Zarandului IGP its driven by its unique microclimate that has unique Mediterranean influences. These tapestry of unique weather patterns creates ideal conditions for grape cultivation, shaping the essence of the region's viticultural identity.

Characterized by early, moist springs and long, warm, and dry autumns, the climate allows for a prolonged growing season. With the majority of vineyards located on south-facing slopes, and some on southwest or southeast facing terraced slopes, they get plenty of sunlight, allowing them to develop more intense aromas and flavors.

This microclimate creates an environment where grapes can slowly ripen to perfection, and allows for a great concentration of natural sugar and acidity. Furthermore, the warm and dry conditions during the crucial ripening months act as a natural shield against the onslaught of vine diseases, allowing the grapes to reach their full potential, and to produce wines with great acidity and color intensity.

The Dealurile Zarandului IGP wine subregion has an unique terroir, characterized by a great range of soil types that  influence the wines produced within the area. Some of the most common soils within this IGP are:

  1. Skeletal Soils: These are shallow soils with a great amount of coarse elements like gravel and stones, enhancing drainage and heat retention, which benefits the maturation of the grapes.
  2. Brown Podzolic Soils: These eroded soils are typical in this region,and contirbute to the minerality of the wines produced within this region
  3. Rendzinas and Regosol-like Rendzinas: These soils are calcareous, and have a dark, organic-rich top layer over a softer, carbonate-rich subsoil. These characteristics gives these soils a great fertility, as well as a good moisture retention capacity, something thst supports vine health during dry periods.

These soil types, coupled with the region’s microclimate, creates an environment that supports the growth of diverse grape varieties, and contribute with unique characteristics to the profile of the wines produced.


The Dealurile Zarandului IGP is getting more recognizement thanks to the great range of grape varieties that thrive in this area:

  1. Cadarcă: Thriving in the warm, sunny climate of Dealurile Zarandului, Cadarcă requires well-drained, fertile soils to an optimal growth. The grape benefits from the region's extended growing seasons, which provide enough time for grapes to ripen. This allows the grapes to develop complex flavors and robust color, something that is key for producing high-quality wines.
  2. Merlot: This grape, which prefers clay-limestone soils that are moderately fertile, finds an ideal environment in this IGP. It requires a great balance of warmth and sunlight for optimal growth and fruit development, although it must be managed carefully to avoid the negative impacts of high humidity, which can lead to vine diseases and affect grape quality.
  3. Pinot Noir: This grape variety is more demanding, and requires a cooler microclimate within this region to thrive. Pinot Noir grows best in well-drained, calcareous soils and is very sensitive to variations in climate and soil, making its cultivation a challenge for winemakers. The growers must monitor and adjust to these conditions  to ensure the health and quality of the vineyards.
  4. Mustoasă de Măderat:This grape thrives in light, sandy soils, with good drainage and heat retention capacity. The dry summers and cold winters of this region favor the growth cycle of this variety, and provide the ideal conditions for the production of high-quality grapes. 
  5. Fetească Regală: Fetească Regală, a grape suited to cooler climates, thrives in deep, loamy soils. It requires a balanced exposure to sunlight and enough humidity to grow in the best conditions. The climatic conditions of Dealurile Zarandului, which balance these factors, make it a perfect location for this grape variety.
  6. Sauvignon Blanc: Favoring the cooler spots within the region, Sauvignon Blanc needs mineral-rich, well-drained soils. This grapes is very sensitive to drought and excessive water, and for this reason growers need to pick carefully the location of the vineyards, in order to manage these risks. This will help to maintain the health and vigor of the vines.
  7. Muscat Ottonel: This variety thrives in sandy soils that provide good exposure to sunlight and retain heat. Muscat Ottonel has a good resistance to drought periods, which makes it suitable for the drier parts of the region. Its lower water requirements make it easier to manage using a dry farming approach. 

These grape varieties, coupled with other aproved grapes such as Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Gris, contribute to the rich tapestry of wine production within the Dealurile Zarandului IGP.

The Dealurile Zarandului IGP is making a name for itself through a great diversity of distinctive wines, that reflect both the unique terroir and the diverse grape varieties cultivated here:

  1. Cadarcă: Cadarcă wines from this region are renowned for their deep, intense color, often showing rich aromas of dark fruits such as blackberries and plums, complemented by spicy undertones like black pepper and clove. The flavor profile of this robust and full-bodied wine has a great tannic backbone, that makes it a grate prospect for aging. As the wine matures, it develops a complex profile of berries, dried herbs, and subtle earthy notes, making it an excellent choice for wine lovers that appreciate depth and complexity in wine.
  2. Merlot: Merlot wines from this region are full-bodied, and highly praised for their plush, velvety texture. In the nose, this wine usually shows a fruit driven profile, while the palate shows notes of ripe plums and black cherries, enriched with subtle undertones of vanilla and cocoa from oak aging. The great balance of this wine, coupled with its moderate acidity and soft tannins,  makes it a great option to those looking for an approachable and elegant wine. 
  3. Pinot Noir: The Pinot Noir wines of Dealurile Zarandului are delicate and  complex. The aromatic profile of this red wine usually shows a mix of strawberries, red cherries, and a subtle touch of earthiness, which adds depth. In the palate, these wines are light to medium-bodied, with a smooth texture and a smooth finish, that often shows hints of spice and floral notes. This wine is perfect for those looking for a more subtle and refined experience in each sip. 
  4. Mustoasă de Măderat: This light and refreshing wine is perfect for a hot day of summer. In the nose, it shows a bouquet of floral aromas, which includes notes of white blossoms, while in the palate it has a crisp and clean profile. The flavor profile usually shows hints of stone fruits like peaches and apricots, balanced with a zesty acidity. This wine is a great option to pair with light dishes, like salads.
  5. Fetească Regală: Fetească Regală wine typically presents a floral profile in the nose, as well as subtle and vibrant undertones of lime and pear. On the palate, this wine is fresh and lively, often showing hints of mineral notes and a crisp finish. This wine's refreshing profile makes it a great choice for those that are looking for a wine with a bright, clean profile.
  6. Sauvignon Blanc: This wine, that has an intense aroma aromatic, features strong notes of green apple, gooseberry, and freshly cut grass in the nose, creating a vibrant experience. The taste is sharp and lively, often marked by a high acidity that makes this wine very refreshing. This wine is perfect for those who enjoy crisp, aromatic white wines that awaken the palate.
  7. Muscat Ottonel: Muscat Ottonel stands out especially for its aromatic profile, dominated by notes of white peaches and orange blossoms. The flavor is typically sweet and fruity, with a light body and a smooth, clean finish. This makes it a great option for enjoying it as a dessert wine, paired with pastries.

Each of these wines, coupled woth other wines like Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Gris, brings a unique set of flavors and aromas, reflecting the wine production tradition of the Dealurile Zarandului IGP.
