Vino Nobile di Montepulciano

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano







about this subregion

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG, set amidst the rolling hills of southern Tuscany, is a wine region steeped in history and winemaking tradition. It's an area where nature and culture intertwine, yielding wines that are reflective of both the land and the centuries-old expertise of its inhabitants.

Central to the wines of Montepulciano is the Sangiovese grape, locally known as "Prugnolo Gentile." This noble grape finds a perfect home in the region's varied soils and temperate climate, which together craft a wine with a harmonious balance of acidity, tannin, and fruit expression.

The Vino Nobile is a testament to the elegance of Sangiovese. This wine exudes aromas of red cherries, plums, and hints of tobacco and spice. Its graceful palate and enduring finish make it a favorite among Tuscan wine enthusiasts.

For those seeking added depth and complexity, the Vino Nobile Riserva takes the experience a notch higher. With an extended aging period, this wine evolves into a more profound expression of the land. Darker fruits, leather, and earthy undertones become more pronounced, offering a wine that is both robust and refined.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG is nestled in the heart of southern Tuscany, a region renowned for its undulating landscapes, historic towns, and a deep-rooted winemaking tradition. Montepulciano, the central town around which the vineyards sprawl, stands proudly atop a limestone ridge, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

The landscape of this prestigious wine region is a picturesque tapestry of rolling hills blanketed by vineyards, punctuated by cypress trees, olive groves, and ancient oaks. The terrain is diverse, with slopes ranging from gentle to steep, allowing vintners to take advantage of varied microclimates and soil compositions. Here, the verdant vine rows are interspersed with historic villas, medieval stone buildings, and the occasional patch of wildflowers, painting a scene that feels frozen in time.

As one traverses the region, the presence of the past is palpable. Ancient dry-stone walls mark boundaries, and winding roads lead to centuries-old hamlets and fortresses. The very soil speaks of history, with layers of marine sediment, clay, and sandstone bearing testament to the region's ancient seabed origins.

The celebrated wines of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG owe much of their character to the region's unique climatic conditions. Nestled in southern Tuscany, Montepulciano enjoys the best of a temperate Mediterranean climate, enriched by nuances that set it apart.

Warm, sun-soaked summers give the grapes an optimal ripening window. Yet, it's the drop in temperature during nighttime that's the unsung hero, preserving the fruit's natural acidity and aromatic vitality. While the winters tend to be mild, occasional cold spells ensure the vines experience a vital dormant period, rejuvenating them for the next growing season.

Elevation is another game-changer here. With Montepulciano perched on high ground, the vineyards sprawl across varied altitudes and facets. This topographical dance creates a mosaic of microclimates, each affecting the ripening process and flavor profiles in its unique way.

Water, too, plays its part harmoniously. Rain graces the region mainly during the spring and autumn, refreshing the vines and recharging the soil. The dryness of summer, however, is a boon—it minimizes disease and encourages grapes to concentrate their flavors.

But perhaps the most poetic touch to this climate comes from the breezes drifting from the Tyrrhenian Sea. These gentle winds not only deter vine ailments but also introduce a whisper of salinity, tempering the warmth and adding a subtle maritime touch to the landscape.

In the heart of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG, it's a blend of sun, wind, and timely rains that crafts a climate conducive to wine magic. Here, Sangiovese and its companion grapes find a home where they can express their fullest, most authentic selves.

The soils of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG are as varied and complex as the wines they help produce. The interplay of different soil types, each with its unique composition and characteristics, significantly contributes to the region's diverse wine profiles. Here's a look at the primary soil types found in this esteemed wine-growing region:

  1. Galestro: This is a type of marly clay that dominates many parts of Tuscany. In Montepulciano, Galestro appears as compacted layers, breaking down into fine shards. It offers excellent drainage and ensures the vines develop deep root systems, essential for extracting minerals and other vital nutrients. Wines from Galestro soils often exhibit marked minerality and a robust structure.
  2. Clay: Rich and dense, clayey soils are prevalent in lower-lying areas of the region. Their moisture-retentive nature ensures vines remain hydrated, especially during the drier summer months. Wines from clay-heavy vineyards are typically fuller-bodied with intense fruit concentration and softer tannins.
  3. Sandy Loam: Found in pockets throughout the region, sandy soils contribute to good drainage, preventing water stagnation and root diseases. These soils tend to produce wines with aromatic finesse, offering floral and red fruit notes coupled with a delicate palate.
  4. Limestone: This calcareous rock has a significant influence in certain vineyard sites. Limestone-rich soils are alkaline and free-draining, which encourages vines to burrow deep in search of water and nutrients. This results in wines with heightened aromatics and a pronounced minerally undertone.
  5. Silt: Silt is a fine soil component that, when mixed with other soil types, can add a silky texture to the wine. It retains moisture well, ensuring consistent hydration for the vines, and often contributes to the wine's elegance and softer mouthfeel.
  6. Pliocene Sediments: Harking back to an era when this region was submerged under the sea, there are patches with marine-origin sediments. These soils infuse the wine with a unique saline note and added complexity.


The Sangiovese grape, when one mentions it in the context of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG, is often referred to as "Prugnolo Gentile." This particular clone of Sangiovese is the backbone of the wines from this esteemed Tuscan region. Physically, the grape exhibits a medium to large size with a thin skin, which lends itself to a deep ruby coloration in the wines it produces. The leaves of the vine are typically large, with five lobes, and the clusters tend to be elongated and cylindrical.

Diving into the aromatic and flavor profile of the Sangiovese grape, it reveals a symphony of sensations. On the nose, one is greeted with an alluring bouquet of red cherries, fresh plums, and floral notes, often reminiscent of violets. These primary aromas evolve, and as the wine ages, it begins to showcase hints of dried herbs, leather, tobacco, and even a touch of earthiness. On the palate, Sangiovese from Montepulciano is both vibrant and layered. Its high acidity and pronounced tannins frame flavors of tart cherries, red berries, and sometimes a hint of tea leaf or dried orange peel. As the wine matures, these flavors deepen and intertwine, giving rise to a more complex, textured wine that speaks eloquently of its Tuscan heritage.

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG and its esteemed Riserva variant are wines that epitomize the elegance and storied history of Tuscany. Predominantly crafted from Sangiovese, locally referred to as Prugnolo Gentile, they also incorporate nuances from other authorized red grapes and, in smaller quantities, specific white varieties, enriching the complexity and dimension of these wines.

  1. Vino Nobile: Aged for a minimum of two years, the Vino Nobile showcases the vibrant energy of young Sangiovese. The wine exudes aromatic bouquets of fresh red cherries, violets, and hints of Mediterranean herbs. When it touches the palate, one can expect a harmonious balance of lively acidity and soft tannins, underpinned by flavors of ripe red berries, earth, and subtle notes of vanilla and spice. The aging process, which can involve either a year in the barrel followed by six months in the bottle or a more extended eighteen months in barrels, imparts additional layers of depth, often introducing hints of leather or dried fruits to its profile.
  2. Vino Nobile Riserva: Reserved for exceptional vintages, the Vino Nobile Riserva offers a more profound and intricate experience. Aged for at least three years, with a compulsory year in barrel and half a year in the bottle, this wine evolves into a full-bodied, multi-dimensional delight. The aromatic profile is more intense, with darker fruits like black cherries and plums taking center stage, complemented by notes of tobacco, chocolate, and sometimes truffles. On the palate, its matured character shines, offering a rich tapestry of flavors ranging from ripe forest fruits to savory undertones of cured meats and espresso.