Vin Santo di Carmignano

Vin Santo di Carmignano







about this subregion

This DOC is located in the Montalbano mountain range, which begins in Serravalle Pistoiese and ends in the south of Artimino.

Due to the openness of the Camagno hill on the Florence-Pistoia plain, the vines receive a lot of sunshine and fresh air currents. Other key climatic conditions are that rainfall does not usually reach an annual average of 1000 mm, and summers are less dry than expected.

On the other hand, two types of soils predominate in this region: loose sandstone soils with sandy loam texture and good potassium content, and soils derived from clay and limestone with a fine clay loam texture and high calcium and iron oxide content



Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Vin Santo di Carmignano DOC is located within the Carmignano wine region in Tuscany, Italy. The Carmignano region is nestled in the rolling hills just to the west of Florence, with the Arno River cutting through parts of the territory. This region has a Consorzio in charge of ensuring the quality of the wines produced within the DOC, the Consorzio Vini Carmignano.

The landscape of the Vin Santo di Carmignano DOC is quintessentially Tuscan, characterized by gentle hills, vineyards, olive groves, and cypress trees. These hills offer varying altitudes and exposures, creating a patchwork of microclimates ideal for viticulture.

Historically, the region has been recognized for the quality of its wines, and the landscape reflects this agricultural heritage. Stone farmhouses, known as "casali", dot the countryside, and ancient terraces can be found in some vineyards. These terraces were built to harness the varied terrain, making use of every possible patch of fertile land for the cultivation of vines.

The soil composition in the region varies but generally features a combination of clay, limestone, and schist, contributing to the distinct flavor profiles of the wines produced here, including the celebrated Vin Santo di Carmignano.

Additionally, the proximity of the Tyrrhenian Sea, to the west, moderates the climate, ensuring that the vines receive ample warmth without excessive heat. The combination of these climatic conditions and the varied terrain gives the wines of the Vin Santo di Carmignano DOC a unique character that reflects the rich tapestry of its landscape.

In essence, the landscape of the Vin Santo di Carmignano DOC is a harmonious blend of natural beauty, agricultural heritage, and millennia of viticultural tradition.

The climate of Vin Santo di Carmignano DOC, embedded in the Carmignano region of Tuscany, is marked by its Mediterranean temperament but also benefits from a series of unique microclimates, adding layers of depth and complexity to its terroir.

Summers in the region are characterized by warm and sun-filled days. The consistent sunshine ensures the optimal ripening of grapes, imbuing them with a delicate balance of sugars and acids. But, it's not just the warmth that influences the grapes; it's the cadence of the seasons. While daytime temperatures can rise, evenings often bring a gentle reprieve with cooler breezes, especially with the moderating influence of the nearby Tyrrhenian Sea. This diurnal temperature variation is paramount for preserving acidity in the grapes and adding a vivacious freshness to the wines, especially the cherished Vin Santo.

Winters are generally mild, with infrequent frost, providing the vines with a peaceful dormancy period without the threat of extreme cold damaging the plants. Rainfall is more abundant during the winter and spring months, ensuring that the soil retains necessary moisture, which is gradually released to the vines during the drier summer months.

Another intriguing facet of the Carmignano climate is the occasional winds. These winds, especially the maritime breezes from the Tyrrhenian Sea, play an indispensable role in vine health. They circulate air, reducing the risk of fungal diseases and ensuring that the grape bunches remain dry and healthy. Additionally, these breezes carry with them a hint of salinity, which some believe adds a subtle mineral nuance to the wines.

However, the true magic of the climate lies in its interaction with the rolling landscape of Carmignano. The hills and valleys, the varying altitudes and exposures, all come together to form a symphony of microclimates. Each vineyard plot, each slope, and each terrace might experience the climate a tad differently, offering a plethora of expressions for the winemaker to harness.

In conclusion, the climate of Vin Santo di Carmignano DOC is not just a backdrop; it's an active participant, a sculptor, shaping the character of the wines with a gentle yet persistent hand, and bestowing upon them a fluid dance of sun, sea, wind, and earth.

The soils in the Vin Santo di Carmignano DOC are diverse and lend a unique terroir to the wines produced in the region. Let's delve into the specific types:

1. Clay:Clay-rich soils dominate certain areas of Carmignano. These soils have the unique property of retaining water, which is beneficial during the hotter months, ensuring that vines have a consistent supply. Wines produced from vineyards with predominant clay soils tend to be fuller-bodied, with pronounced fruit flavors and a round texture. The water retention property can also mean slower ripening of grapes, allowing for longer hang time and thus a deeper concentration of flavors.

2. Limestone:Limestone soils are renowned in many wine-producing regions around the world for their ability to produce wines with finesse and elegance. In Carmignano, limestone imparts a certain minerality to the wines, giving them a crisp, refreshing edge. The alkaline nature of limestone can also influence the grape’s acidity, producing wines that age gracefully, developing complex bouquets over time.

3. Schist:Schist is a type of metamorphic rock that often flakes into thin, plate-like structures. In Carmignano, vineyards with schistous soils are valued for the excellent drainage they provide. These well-draining soils stress the vines just enough to produce smaller, more concentrated berries. The resultant wines often exhibit concentrated aromas and flavors, with a notable mineral undertone.

4. Alluvial Deposits:In areas closer to the Arno River, one might encounter soils characterized by alluvial deposits. These are typically a mix of sand, silt, and clay, transported by the waters of the river over millennia. Alluvial soils can be quite fertile and can produce wines that are fruit-forward, aromatic, and approachable at an earlier age.

5. Gravel and Stony Patches:In some vineyards, one can find patches of soil interspersed with gravel and stones. These rocky components provide excellent drainage, ensuring that vines don’t get waterlogged. They also absorb heat during the day and release it at night, creating a more consistent temperature around the vine roots. Wines from these terrains tend to have a vibrant fruit character, underscored by an earthy depth.


Most Planted Red Grape Varieties: Sangiovese. Learn about the unique profile and tradition of Sangiovese wines in our comprehensive in-depth profile.

Most Planted White Grape Varieties: Malvasia, Trebbiano

The wines from the Vin Santo di Carmignano DOC are celebrated expressions of Tuscany's rich winemaking tradition. With a foundation on carefully selected grape compositions, Vin Santo primarily leans on Malvasia Bianca Lunga and/or Trebbiano Toscano, while the Vin Santo Occhio di Pernice prominently features Sangiovese. The Riserva designation can be attributed to either style, signifying extended aging. A hallmark of these wines is the meticulous process by which the grapes are air-dried, ensuring a high sugar concentration. This method dictates that pressing can only occur between December 1 and March 31. After fermentation, the wines are aged gracefully in caratelli, with the Vin Santo and Occhio di Pernice requiring a minimum of three years and the Riserva demanding at least four years in these small barrels.

1. Vin Santo:Vin Santo exemplifies the elegance and depth that Tuscany's white grapes can achieve when meticulously crafted. The nose often unfolds with scents of dried apricot, honey, and toasted almonds, punctuated by floral undertones. On the palate, it presents a harmonious balance of sweetness and acidity, with flavors of caramelized orange peel, golden raisins, and a hint of marzipan. The lingering finish often leaves notes of saffron and dried figs, making it an unforgettable experience.

2. Vin Santo Occhio di Pernice:Occhio di Pernice, with its significant Sangiovese composition, boasts a deeper, more intense hue, reminiscent of the eye of a partridge, which is what its name translates to. Aromatically, it dazzles with hints of cherries soaked in spirits, dark chocolate, and spiced plum jam. Its flavor profile is rich and intense, presenting layers of blackberry compote, dried rose petals, and a whisper of leather. The wine's structure, while sweet, remains vibrant with acidity, ensuring a dynamic tasting experience.

3. Vin Santo Riserva:The Riserva designation, with its extended aging, produces wines of remarkable complexity and depth. Whether based on the white grape blend of the Vin Santo or the red-leaning Occhio di Pernice, the Riserva dazzles with an evolved aromatic profile. Notes of old libraries, tobacco, and dried herbs intertwine with the core fruit or floral aromas. On the palate, there's a heightened sense of maturity, where flavors of molasses, dried fig, and roasted nuts dance in harmony with the wine's innate fruitiness. The extra year in the barrel bestows a refined texture and a finish that seems to echo through time.
