Valdarno di Sopra

Valdarno di Sopra

43° 33' 12" N


11° 26' 55" E




about this subregion

The Valdarno di Sopra DOC region, located in the heart of Tuscany, Italy, is a captivating wine-producing area that combines stunning landscapes, historical significance, and exceptional wines. Nestled between the Casentino valley and the Chianti region, in the province of Arezzo, Valdarno di Sopra boasts a rich winemaking heritage dating back centuries.

The region is characterized by its picturesque hills, vineyard-dotted landscapes, and a favourable Mediterranean climate. Valdarno di Sopra is renowned for its production of both red and white wines, showcasing a range of grape varieties. Red wines often feature the esteemed Sangiovese grape, known for its elegance and notes of cherries and earth. Indigenous grape varieties like Pugnitello, Trebbiano, and Malvasia, as well as international varieties such as Merlot, Syrah, and Chardonnay, also thrive in the region's vineyards.

The winemakers of Valdarno di Sopra blend tradition and innovation, focusing on quality and sustainability. The region is aspiring to become the first entirely organic Italian designation of origin. They craft wines that reflect the terroir, utilizing meticulous vineyard practices and careful winemaking techniques. The resulting wines exhibit complexity, balance, and a true sense of place. The region is home to historical landmarks, charming medieval towns, and the iconic Ponte a Buriano, a Romanesque bridge that served as the backdrop for Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Exploring Valdarno di Sopra allows visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of the countryside while experiencing the art, history, and gastronomy that Tuscany is renowned for.



Vineyard Hectares



1700 - 2000


Discover Terroir

The Valdarno di Sopra DOC region, located in the heart of Tuscany, Italy, is a captivating wine-producing area that combines stunning landscapes, historical significance, and exceptional wines. Nestled between the Casentino valley and the Chianti region, in the province of Arezzo, Valdarno di Sopra boasts a rich winemaking heritage dating back centuries. The Consorzio di Tutela Valdarno di Sopra DOC, with its mission of ensuring the quality of the wines of Valdarno di Sopra DOC, plays a pivotal role in preserving and promoting the excellence of this esteemed wine region.

Valdarno di Sopra is characterized by a temperate to cool climate, with Mediterranean influences that generate warm summers. The climate is influenced by its inland location, which is slightly warmer than coastal areas.

The region benefits from a favourable climate for viticulture. Summers are hot, with average temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C (77°F to 95°F), promoting optimal grape ripening. Winters are mild, with average temperatures ranging from 5°C to 15°C (41°F to 59°F), allowing the vines to rest and prepare for the growing season. The region experiences moderate rainfall throughout the year, between 550 and 700 mm, with slightly drier summers.

Valdarno di Sopra showcases a range of soil types, contributing to the complexity and diversity of its wines. The soils can vary within the region but generally include the following types:

  • Clay: Clay soils are common in Valdarno di Sopra, offering good water retention and fertility, which supports healthy vine growth.
  • Sand and Gravel: Sandy and gravelly soils provide excellent drainage, promoting deep root development and ensuring optimal grape ripening.
  • Limestone and Marl: Limestone and marl soils contribute to the mineral character of the wines and can enhance the complexity and structure.

The combination of the Mediterranean climate, diverse terroir, and unique soil types allows for the cultivation of various grape varieties in Valdarno di Sopra. These factors, along with the expertise and dedication of local winemakers, contribute to the production of distinctive and high-quality wines that showcase the region's specific characteristics and sense of place.


Valdarno di Sopra is known for its production of high-quality wines. It is only 1 of 4 regions favoured by Cosimo Medici. The region cultivates a range of grape varieties, both indigenous and international, to create its distinctive wines. Here are some of the most planted grape varieties in Valdarno di Sopra:

Red Grape Varieties:
  1. Sangiovese: Sangiovese is the flagship red grape variety of Tuscany and holds a significant presence in Valdarno di Sopra. It is known for producing elegant, medium to full-bodied red wines with vibrant acidity, cherry flavors, and earthy undertones.
  2. Canaiolo Nero: Canaiolo Nero is a traditional Tuscan grape variety often used as a blending partner with Sangiovese. It contributes softness, roundness, and floral notes to the wines. Canaiolo Nero can add complexity and balance to the final blend.
  3. Merlot: Merlot, an international grape variety, is also grown in Valdarno di Sopra. It adds depth, softness, and ripe fruit flavors to the wines, often blending harmoniously with Sangiovese and other local red varieties.
White Grape Varieties:
  1. Trebbiano Toscano: Trebbiano Toscano is a white grape variety commonly found in Tuscany, including Valdarno di Sopra. It produces crisp, dry white wines with a subtle floral aroma, delicate citrus flavors, and refreshing acidity.
  2. Malvasia Bianca Lunga: Malvasia Bianca Lunga is another indigenous white grape variety grown in Valdarno di Sopra. It contributes to the production of aromatic white wines with floral and tropical fruit notes, good acidity, and a pleasant texture.
  3. Chardonnay: Chardonnay, an international grape variety, is also cultivated in Valdarno di Sopra. It produces expressive white wines with a range of flavors, from tropical fruits to citrus, and can add complexity and richness to the final blends.

These grape varieties reflect the diverse viticultural landscape of Valdarno di Sopra and the region's commitment to crafting wines that highlight both indigenous traditions and international appeal. The combination of these grape varieties, coupled with the terroir and winemaking expertise, contributes to the unique character and quality of wines produced in Valdarno di Sopra.

The Val d'Arbia DOC region, nestled in the heart of Tuscany, Italy, is a treasure trove of diverse and captivating wines that reflect the rich tapestry of its terroir. Each wine variety—Bianco, Rosso, Rosato, Spumante di Qualità, and Passito—exudes a unique character and embodies the meticulous artistry of winemaking.

Bianco, a harmonious blend, showcases a nuanced interplay of grape varieties. Chardonnay takes center stage, complemented by the delicate nuances of Malvasia Bianca Lunga and Trebbiano Toscano. Other authorized white grapes contribute to the wine's complexity, resulting in a balanced and aromatic expression.

In Rosso and Rosato, the Val d'Arbia DOC region offers a symphony of red grapes. Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah take the lead, weaving a rich narrative of flavors. These wines capture the essence of the region, displaying a captivating amalgamation of ripe fruit, subtle spice, and a touch of terroir.

The effervescent charm of Spumante di Qualità emanates from its blend, predominantly featuring Chardonnay, accented by the grace of Malvasia Bianca Lunga and Trebbiano Toscano. Other authorized white grapes contribute to the sparkling wine's finesse, making it a delightful choice for celebratory moments.

The Passito wine, a testament to the region's winemaking mastery, celebrates the luscious sweetness of Malvasia Bianca Lunga. Chardonnay and other authorized white grapes lend their distinct personalities to the blend, resulting in a wine of exceptional depth and opulence.

The Val d'Arbia DOC wines embody the region's commitment to preserving tradition while embracing innovation. Each sip tells a story of meticulous grape selection, thoughtful blending, and patient aging. Whether it's the crisp elegance of Bianco, the bold allure of Rosso and Rosato, the effervescence of Spumante di Qualità, or the indulgence of Passito, these wines invite wine enthusiasts to embark on an enchanting journey through the unique flavors of Val d'Arbia.
