Barbera del Monferrato Superiore

Barbera del Monferrato Superiore







about this subregion

Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG is nestled in the picturesque region of Piedmont, Italy, a tapestry of rolling hills, ancient vineyards, and historical villages. At the heart of this prestigious designation lies the verdant landscape of the Monferrato area, where undulating terrains embrace the vines and give birth to wines of unparalleled depth.

The star grape variety here is Barbera, known for producing wines with vibrant acidity, plush red fruit characteristics, and an inherent ability to reflect the nuances of the terroir. As the vines dig deep into the soil, they capture the essence of the region, resulting in wines that resonate with the very soul of Monferrato. This rich heritage and passion for winemaking are upheld by the Consorzio Tutela Barbera d’Asti e Vini del Monferrato, the principal association for winemakers. The organization champions the preservation of quality, authenticity, and the age-old traditions that have made Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG a name revered in wine circles.

As you sip a glass of authentic Superiore wine, it's not just the taste but the very landscape of Monferrato that will danceon the palate, inviting a deeper exploration of its storied past and vibrant present.



Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG is beautifully situated in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy. This prestigious wine-producing zone lies amidst the scenic backdrop of the Monferrato hills, which are recognized for their rich viticultural heritage.

The terrain is characterized by rolling hills, verdant valleys, and ancient vineyards that have been cultivated for centuries. The region is enclosed by the majestic Alps to the north and west, providing a dramatic natural barrier and influencing the area's unique microclimate. The Po River, Italy's longest river, flows through the southern parts of Piedmont, adding to the region's natural allure.

The quality of the wines produced in this distinguished zone is ensured by the Consorzio Colline del Monferrato Casalese, an association dedicated to maintaining the high standards that make Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG a standout among Italian wines.

The Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG, nestled in Italy's renowned Piedmont region, benefits from a climate intricately shaped by a blend of continental and mild maritime influences.

At its core, the region boasts a continental climate. The cold winters juxtaposed against warm summers give the grapes ample time for a prolonged ripening process. This slow maturation ensures they accumulate the right balance of sugars, acidity, and aromatic compounds. Yet, despite its inland setting, the area is occasionally caressed by the milder breezes from the Ligurian Sea to the south. These breezes moderate temperatures, ensuring grapes mature at a steady pace without exposure to temperature extremes.

A standout climatic feature is the pronounced diurnal temperature variation. The grapes bask under the sun's warmth during the day, accumulating sugars, while the cool nights lock in their acidity and aromatic profile. This daily temperature swing carves out wines with an enviable balance and complexity.

Rain is most frequent during spring and autumn, rejuvenating the vines post-winter and prepping them for the forthcoming dormancy. However, the timing can be a double-edged sword, as excessive rainfall nearing the harvest can potentially compromise grape quality.

The towering Alps play a protective role, casting a shield against the cold northern winds and ensuring the region remains relatively dry and sunny, especially during the grape maturation phase. This natural barrier, combined with the area's undulating landscapes and varying altitudes, gives rise to multiple microclimates. These pockets of nuanced climatic conditions introduce subtle variations in wines even within this singular region.

In summation, the climate of Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG, with its dance of sun, rain, and alpine influences, crafts wines that echo both the region's unique terroir and its unwavering commitment to quality.

The soils of Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG, nestled in the heart of the Piedmont region, play a pivotal role in conferring the wines with their distinctive character and complexity. The area boasts a diverse tapestry of soil types, each contributing its unique set of qualities to the vines rooted within them.

  1. Calcareous Clay: One of the predominant soil types in the region, calcareous clay is rich in limestone and offers good drainage. This type of soil tends to produce wines with pronounced minerality and elegance, emphasizing the wine's acidity and structure.
  2. Sandy Soils: Found in patches across the region, sandy soils ensure good aeration and drainage. Vines grown in such soils often yield wines with delicate aromas and a softer mouthfeel, emphasizing the fruit-forward characteristics.
  3. Marl: Characterized by a blend of clay and limestone, marl soils are particularly beneficial for retaining moisture without waterlogging the roots. The resulting wines tend to have a depth of flavor, showcasing both fruitiness and a notable mineral undertone.
  4. Silt: Areas with silty soil are relatively less common but contribute to the region's diversity. Such soils are fine-grained and retain moisture well, often resulting in wines with lush, rounded profiles.
  5. Loam: This is a balanced blend of sand, silt, and clay, offering both good water retention and drainage. Vines planted in loamy soils benefit from its rich nutrients and balanced properties, producing well-rounded wines that represent a harmony of the region's terroir.
  6. Alluvial Deposits: Along the lower slopes and valleys, one might encounter patches of alluvial soils, which are mixtures of gravel, sand, and clay. These soils, shaped by ancient river and stream actions, are often fertile and deep, yielding wines with pronounced aromatics and a vibrant palate.


Heralding from the fertile terrains of Piedmont, the Barbera grape boasts a distinct visual appeal. It features a deep violet-blue skin that, upon maturity, hints at the profound and sumptuous red wine it's destined to become. The berries are medium-sized with a somewhat elliptical shape, bearing thick skins that make them resilient to various climatic challenges. A healthy Barbera cluster is typically compact, with the grapes densely packed, exuding a lustrous sheen.

There are several reasons why the Barbera grape is especially valued:

  1. Adaptable Nature: Barbera is known for its ability to thrive in various soil types and climates. While it naturally prospers in the specific terroir of Monferrato, its adaptability has made it a favored choice for vineyards beyond its native Italy.
  2. Distinct Flavor Profile: Barbera wines are celebrated for their bright red fruit flavors, notably cherry, combined with a refreshing acidity. This acidity not only adds to the wine's longevity but also complements a variety of dishes, making it a favorite for pairings.
  3. Aging Potential: While many Barbera wines can be enjoyed young, the best expressions, particularly those from Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG, possess excellent aging potential. Over time, they develop complex tertiary flavors, enhancing their appeal to connoisseurs.
  4. Cultural and Historical Significance: The Barbera grape has been cultivated in Piedmont for centuries. Its history is intertwined with the culture and traditions of the region, making it a cherished grape variety that carries with it the legacy of the winemaking traditions of the area.

In essence, the Barbera grape is not just a fruit; it's a symbol of Piedmont's rich viticultural heritage, with Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG standing as one of its most illustrious expressions.

Nestled in the scenic landscapes of Piedmont lies the distinguished Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG, a wine region celebrated for its exceptional Superiore wines. These wines are a harmonious blend, predominantly comprised of the robust Barbera grape, enriched with the subtle intricacies of other indigenous varieties like Dolcetto, Freisa, and Grignolino. This unique melange not only defines the character of these wines but also resonates with the vibrant viticultural tapestry of the region.

The Superiore wines of Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG invite the senses with a captivating bouquet. The dominance of Barbera ensures a foundation of ripe red fruits like cherries and raspberries, seamlessly interwoven with the floral hints from Freisa and the earthy, almond-like undertones from Dolcetto. Grignolino introduces a sprightly hint of spice, adding an element of surprise to every sip. On the palate, these wines impress with their notable acidity, a signature of the Barbera grape, complemented by soft tannins. This acidity is beautifully balanced with flavors of plum, blackberry, and a touch of vanilla, often derived from judicious oak aging. The finish is typically long and persistent, leaving traces of dried herbs and licorice, making every sip a journey through the heart of Piedmont's winemaking prowess.
