Verdicchio di Matelica DOC

Verdicchio di Matelica DOC

43°15′25'' N


13°00′00' E




about this subregion

Discover the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC wines

The Verdicchio di Matelica DOC is situated in the Marche region of Italy. This DOC, renowned for its white, sparkling and dessert wines, shares its location with the Verdicchio di Matelica Riserva DOCG and is surrounded by the Colli Maceratesi DOC and the Esino DOC.


The vineyards of Verdicchio di Matelica are located in a north-south valley within the Apennine Mountains, at elevations ranging from 300 to 450 meters above sea level. This unique positioning provides a continental climate, characterized by significant diurnal temperature variations. Summers are warm, tempered by mountain breezes, while winters can be intensely cold due to the lack of maritime influence​​​​.


The region's soils are varied and rich, including calcareous clay, marl, and limestone. These soils are high in mineral content, such as calcium carbonate, iron, and magnesium, which are beneficial for vine health and grape quality. The soils also offer excellent drainage, essential for high-quality viticulture

Grape Varieties

The primary grape variety grown in the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC is Verdicchio. This variety thrives in the region's unique climate and diverse soils, resulting in wines with distinct character and quality.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Characteristics of the Landscape of the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC

Verdicchio di Matelica DOC, located in the Marche region of Italy, is renowned not only for its wines but also for its distinctive and picturesque landscape. This region is defined by its unique topography and historical elements, which contribute to the character of its vineyards.


The landscape of Verdicchio di Matelica DOC is characterized by its positioning in the Apennine Mountains, specifically within a valley that runs north-south, which is unusual for the Marche region where most valleys run west-east. This valley is bordered by the Umbro-Marchigiano Apennines and the Sibillini Mountains, creating a scenic backdrop for the vineyards. The vineyards are typically situated at altitudes ranging from 300 to 450 meters above sea level, providing excellent conditions for grape growing due to the high elevation and sloped terrain​​​​.

Natural Features

The region is landlocked and shielded from the maritime influences of the Adriatic Sea by a series of hills, resulting in a more continental climate. The valley's formation is due to the erosive effects of streams running down the Apennine foothills, which have created a diverse landscape of hills and gentle slopes. This area was once a closed saltwater sea, which left behind mineral-rich soils that are beneficial for viticulture​​​​.

Historical Elements

Adding to the charm of the landscape are numerous historical castles and fortresses, dating back to between the 12th and 14th centuries. These castles, with their high towers, were historically used for hunting and signaling, creating a picturesque and historically rich environment that stretches from the Adriatic coast to the Apennine Mountains. This historical aspect enhances the cultural and aesthetic value of the Verdicchio di Matelica region​​.

Influence of the Esino River

The Esino River, which flows through the valley, plays a significant role in shaping the region’s topography. It contributes to the alluvial deposits found in the valley, which are rich in minerals. The river's presence ensures that the vineyards benefit from the natural irrigation and fertile conditions provided by the riverbanks, further enhancing the suitability of this landscape for high-quality viticulture​​.

Overall, the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC's landscape, with its high-altitude vineyards, historical castles, and unique valley formation, creates a distinctive environment that is both beautiful and ideal for producing exceptional wines.

Climate of the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC

The Verdicchio di Matelica DOC, located in the Marche region of Italy, is characterized by a unique and distinctive climate that significantly influences its wine production. This region, nestled in the Apennine Mountains, enjoys a continental climate, distinct from its coastal neighbor Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi.

Temperature and Seasonal Variations

The climate in Verdicchio di Matelica DOC is marked by significant temperature variations between day and night, which are beneficial for grape ripening. Summers can be hot, but the higher altitude of the vineyards, ranging from 300 to 450 meters above sea level, helps moderate these temperatures. Winters are typically cold, with the absence of maritime influence leading to more pronounced seasonal changes​​​​.

Rainfall and Humidity

The region receives adequate rainfall, averaging between 700 to 800 millimeters per year, which is crucial for the health of the vineyards. The rainfall is well-distributed throughout the year, ensuring that the vines have sufficient water during the growing season while avoiding excessive moisture that can lead to disease. The overall climate is relatively dry, with little wind, creating a stable environment for viticulture.

Influence of the Apennine Mountains

The Apennine Mountains play a significant role in shaping the climate of the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC. The vineyards are located in a valley that runs north-south, protected from the maritime influences of the Adriatic Sea by a series of hills. This topographical feature contributes to the continental climate, with cooler mountain breezes contrasting with the warmer temperatures found in other parts of the Marche region​​.


The microclimate within the Matelica valley is ideal for growing Verdicchio grapes. The combination of high altitude, mineral-rich soils, and significant diurnal temperature variation helps in developing the aromatic complexity and balanced acidity of the wines. The region's specific climatic conditions ensure that Verdicchio di Matelica wines are distinctive, with a structured and refined profile compared to those from lower altitudes and more coastal areas​​​​.

Common Soils of the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC

The Verdicchio di Matelica DOC, located in the Marche region of Italy, is known for its distinctive terroir, which significantly influences the quality and characteristics of its wines. The soils in this region are diverse and contribute to the unique profile of Verdicchio wines.

Calcareous Clay Soils: One of the predominant soil types in the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC is calcareous clay. These soils are rich in calcium carbonate, which helps in retaining moisture while providing good drainage. This type of soil contributes to the development of wines with notable minerality and complexity. The calcareous clay soils are found particularly in vineyards at elevations ranging from 300 to 450 meters above sea level, where they benefit from a favorable southern exposure​​​​.

Marl and Limestone: In addition to calcareous clay, the region also features soils composed of marl and limestone. These soils are particularly prevalent in the hilly areas of the DOC. Marl is a mix of clay and limestone, which provides a balanced nutrient profile and excellent drainage properties. The presence of limestone enhances the soil's ability to retain heat, which is beneficial for vine growth and grape ripening. This combination results in wines with enhanced aromatic complexity and a well-structured palate​​​​.

Mineral-Rich Sandy Clay: The valley of the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC was once a closed saltwater sea, leaving behind sandy clay soils rich in mineral salts, including active limestone, iron, and magnesium. These soils are particularly effective in promoting vigorous vine growth and high-quality grape production. The mineral content of these soils imparts a distinctive salinity and depth to the wines produced in this region​​.

Alluvial Deposits: Alluvial deposits, consisting of gravelly and fine alluvial soils, are found in certain parts of the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC. These deposits, formed by ancient river activity, contribute to the diversity of the soil composition in the area. The alluvial soils provide excellent drainage and are often found in the lower-lying areas of the valley, where they support healthy vine growth and contribute to the overall balance and structure of the wines​​.

Overall, the varied soil types in the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC, including calcareous clay, marl, limestone, mineral-rich sandy clay, and alluvial deposits, create an ideal environment for producing high-quality Verdicchio wines with unique characteristics and complexity.


Most Common Grapes from the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC

The Verdicchio di Matelica  DOC has the Verdicchio grape as its primary grape variety. To ensure the production of high-quality grapes, specific agricultural and climatic conditions are essential.

Agricultural Requirements

Verdicchio grapes thrive in well-drained soils with a balanced mix of clay, limestone, and marl. These soils provide the necessary nutrients and support for healthy vine growth, ensuring the vines receive adequate moisture while preventing root diseases. Effective vine training and pruning are crucial for Verdicchio cultivation. Common training systems, such as Guyot and spur-pruned cordon, help manage vine growth and optimize sun exposure. Regular pruning maintains vine health, controls yields, and promotes the development of high-quality grapes.

Consistent but moderate watering is essential for Verdicchio vines. Irrigation practices should prevent water stress while avoiding excessive moisture, which can lead to diseases. Drip irrigation is preferred as it allows precise water application and conservation. Protecting Verdicchio vines from pests and diseases is critical. Common threats include powdery mildew, downy mildew, and grapevine moths. Integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, which include regular monitoring, biological controls, and the careful use of fungicides and insecticides, are essential for maintaining healthy vines.

Climatic Requirements

Verdicchio grapes flourish in a temperate climate with warm summers and cool nights. Optimal growing temperatures range between 20°C and 30°C (68°F to 86°F), supporting balanced grape ripening and the development of desirable sugar levels and acidity. Adequate sunlight is crucial for Verdicchio grapes. The vines need full sun exposure for at least six to eight hours daily during the growing season. Proper sunlight promotes photosynthesis, leading to healthy vine growth and fruit maturation.

Moderate rainfall is ideal for Verdicchio vineyards, with annual precipitation ranging between 600 to 800 millimeters (24 to 31 inches). Excessive rainfall can cause waterlogging and disease issues, while insufficient rainfall may lead to water stress and reduced yields. Vineyards planted at elevations between 200 and 500 meters (656 to 1,640 feet) above sea level are ideal for Verdicchio. Higher altitudes provide cooler temperatures and better airflow, reducing the risk of fungal diseases and supporting the development of grape complexity. Moderate winds benefit Verdicchio vineyards by enhancing air circulation, reducing humidity, and lowering the risk of fungal infections. Wind exposure also helps strengthen the vine structure, promoting resilience and stability.

Verdicchio di Matelica DOC Wines

Verdicchio di Matelica DOC, located in the Marche region of Italy, is known for producing a range of high-quality wines. The most common wines from this DOC are Verdicchio di Matelica Bianco, Verdicchio di Matelica Spumante, and Verdicchio di Matelica Passito. Each of these wines has a unique aromatic and flavor profile, showcasing the versatility of the Verdicchio grape.

White Wines

Verdicchio di Matelica Bianco: This wine is made primarily from Verdicchio grapes. It has a bright, straw-yellow color and offers a complex aromatic profile with notes of green apple, pear, and citrus fruits, complemented by hints of almond and floral undertones. The flavor is fresh and crisp, with a balanced acidity and a slightly bitter almond finish that is characteristic of Verdicchio.

Sparkling Wines

Verdicchio di Matelica Spumante: Verdicchio di Matelica Spumante is a sparkling wine produced using the Verdicchio grape. It features a delicate bouquet of white flowers, green apple, and citrus, with subtle yeasty notes from the secondary fermentation in stainless steel tanks. On the palate, it is lively and refreshing, with fine bubbles and flavors of lemon, apple, and a touch of brioche. The finish is clean and pleasantly persistent.

Dessert Wines

Verdicchio di Matelica Passito:This dessert wine is crafted from Verdicchio grapes that have been dried to concentrate their sugars and flavors. Verdicchio di Matelica Passito has a rich, golden color and a luxurious aroma of dried apricots, honey, and candied citrus peel, with nuances of almonds and spices. The taste is sweet and luscious, with a full-bodied texture and a harmonious balance of sweetness and acidity, leading to a long, satisfying finish.

Each of these wines highlights the unique characteristics of Verdicchio, offering a diverse range of flavors and aromas that reflect the terroir of the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC.
