Valtellina Superiore

Valtellina Superiore

46°10' N


9°52' E




about this subregion

Nestled amidst the dramatic slopes of the Italian Alps, the Valtellina Superiore DOCG is a wine region that marries breathtaking landscapes with vinicultural excellence. The vineyards, terraced on steep mountainsides, have been a testament to human perseverance and passion for centuries. Here, the vines not only battle the elements but also defy gravity, resulting in wines with unparalleled character and depth.

At the heart of Valtellina Superiore's vinicultural legacy is the Nebbiolo grape, locally known as Chiavennasca. This grape thrives in the region's unique microclimate, drawing nourishment from mineral-rich soils and basking under the sun's gentle warmth filtered through the valley. The result is wines that are a true reflection of their origin—powerful, elegant, and with a marked sense of place.

Two wines define the spirit of this appellation: the Rosso and the Riserva. The Rosso is a true embodiment of the region's terroir, offering a harmonious blend of fruit, floral notes, and a tantalizing hint of minerality. The Riserva, on the other hand, is a testament to time. Aged longer and crafted with meticulous care, it showcases the aging potential of Nebbiolo, revealing layers of complexity, depth, and a refined structure that can only be achieved with time.

In Valtellina Superiore DOCG, every bottle tells a story of the land, the people, and a tradition that has been passed down through generations. It's a narrative of nature and nurture in perfect harmony.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



1000-1300 GDD


Discover Terroir

Nestled in the heart of the Italian Alps, Valtellina Superiore DOCG is a viticultural haven sculpted by nature's grandeur. The region is characterized by its narrow, elongated valley that stretches east to west, flanked by towering mountain peaks which protect the vineyards from cold northern winds and allow them to bask in ample sunlight. This topography presents a unique sun-trap, making the area ideal for grape cultivation despite its northerly location.

The vineyards of Valtellina Superiore cling to steep terraced slopes, facing south to harness the maximum warmth and light from the sun. These terraces, some ancient and built from dry stone walls, are not just functional but are also a testament to the region's rich winemaking history. They epitomize the tenacity of generations of winemakers who've tamed this challenging terrain to produce wines of outstanding quality.

As you traverse the region, the terraced vineyards appear like a series of cascading green steps, descending gracefully towards the Adda river that snakes its way through the valley. The combination of the rugged alpine backdrop, the meticulously manicured terraces, and the serene river makes Valtellina Superiore not just a wine designation, but a breathtaking landscape that speaks of harmony between man, vine, and nature. This is a place where the very soil and scenery whisper tales of vineyards past and promise of vintages to come.

Tucked away in the northern corners of Italy's Lombardy, the Valtellina Superiore DOCG is a testament to the magic that unfolds when alpine serenity meets continental vigor. The region's climate is a delicate dance between the imposing alpine influences and the subtle nuances of the continent.

The surrounding alpine mountains, majestic and protective, shield the vineyards from piercing northern winds, offering a sanctuary of stability. Their towering presence ensures that even the warmest summer days give way to refreshingly cool nights. This dance between day and night ensures the grapes mature leisurely, soaking in flavors and retaining a spirited acidity.

Yet, the heart of the continent beats strongly here. The region's winters wear a cold, crisp cloak, while the summers radiate warmth without tipping into searing heat. This gentle warmth allows the revered Nebbiolo grape, locally embraced as Chiavennasca, to ripen with grace, balancing its inherent sugars and acids, giving birth to wines that are robust yet gracefully aged.

The meandering Adda River adds its own touch to this climatic tapestry. It tempers the temperatures, softening the chill of the night and adding a touch of humidity. While this riverine embrace protects against early frosts, it also whispers to the vigilant winemakers the tales of challenges that humidity often brings.

But, it's the terraced terrain that stands as the silent hero. Facing the sun, these steep terraces capture every ray, ensuring the grapes are always in nature's warm embrace, leading to consistent ripening.

The Valtellina Superiore DOCG is a testament to the intricate dance between vine and earth. Nestled within the Northern Italian Alps, the wines from this region are as much a reflection of the Nebbiolo grape as they are of the varied soils beneath. A complex blend of geological history and climatic influences has resulted in a patchwork of soil types, each contributing to the nuanced profile of the wines.

  1. Sandy Soils:Predominant in many parts, these soils ensure excellent drainage, vital for preventing root diseases and regulating vine hydration. Sandy terrain tends to yield wines of elegance and vibrant aromas, capturing the innate finesse of Nebbiolo.
  2. Loamy Soils:A balanced blend of sand, silt, and clay offers vines a steady moisture supply, especially crucial during warm growing seasons. The resultant wines often possess a harmonious profile, marked by expressive fruitiness and layered depth.
  3. Gravely Deposits:Traces of ancient rivers and glaciers have endowed certain areas with significant gravel. Such terrains are adept at ensuring proper aeration and drainage, leading to wines with a distinct mineral undertone and heightened complexity.
  4. Slate and Schist:These rocky fragments, found sporadically across the region, are adept at retaining heat. This results in wines with an intense color, rich palate, and a trademark minerality.
  5. Clayey Patches:Though less dominant, the clayey regions of Valtellina Superiore play a pivotal role. Such soils are naturally moisture-retentive, producing wines that are full-bodied, with assertive tannins and a sturdy structure.


The Nebbiolo grape, known in the Valtellina Superiore DOCG as Chiavennasca, is a true manifestation of the harmony between nature and nurture. With its thin skin and a deep, ruby-red hue that tends to garnet as it ages, Nebbiolo is as elegant to the eye as it is on the palate. The grape clusters are generally compact, with elongated, elliptical berries, making them particularly distinctive. Their appearance, often likened to small lanterns glowing in the sun, hints at the treasures enclosed within.

On the aromatic front, Nebbiolo from Valtellina Superiore is a symphony of sensations. Delicate floral notes of roses intertwine with red fruits like cherries and raspberries. As the wine evolves, it introduces more complex layers: hints of dried herbs, tar, leather, and often a characteristic note of anise or licorice. On the palate, the wine doesn't disappoint. While Nebbiolo is known for its robust tannins, in Valtellina Superiore, they are beautifully balanced by a bright acidity and a medium to full body. This balance allows the wine to age gracefully, deepening in complexity over time, transforming the bright fruit notes into more subdued, earthy flavors. The journey of Nebbiolo in a glass is a testament to the enduring legacy of Valtellina Superiore DOCG and the alchemy of its terroir.

Deep within the terraced landscapes of Valtellina Superiore DOCG lies a narrative of two exceptional wines: Rosso and Riserva. Crafted predominantly from the Nebbiolo grape, fondly referred to locally as Chiavennasca, these wines encapsulate the essence of the region. The blend, which is majorly Nebbiolo, is complemented by other authorized non-aromatic red grapes, adding nuances and layers to the already intricate flavor profile of Nebbiolo. The varying aging processes these wines undergo enhance their complexity and individual characteristics, making each sip a journey into the heart of Valtellina.

  1. Rosso: The Rosso of Valtellina Superiore is aged for a minimum of two years, including 12 months in barrels. This wine captures the vibrancy of its youth and the early maturation of the Nebbiolo grape. Aromatically, Rosso greets the senses with fresh notes of red berries, plums, and a hint of violets. As it unfolds on the palate, it displays a medium body with a delightful balance between its lively acidity and soft tannins. The influence of oak aging subtly introduces a touch of spice and vanilla, adding depth and structure to the wine.
  2. Riserva: The Riserva, having been aged for at least three years, is the more introspective sibling. It carries the weight of its extended aging gracefully, showcasing a deeper, more intricate aromatic profile. Dried fruits, tobacco, and leather come to the fore, complemented by the ever-present floral notes inherent to Nebbiolo. On the palate, Riserva is more robust, with pronounced tannins that have been softened by time, and a longer, lingering finish. The aging in barrels brings forward nuances of toasted oak and dark chocolate, making it a wine that not only speaks of its origin but also of the passage of time.