Lison (Friuli-Venezia Giulia)

Lison (Friuli-Venezia Giulia)







about this subregion

Lison DOCG, formerly recognized as Lison-Pramaggiore DOCG, is gracefully tucked away in the northeastern expanses of Italy, straddling the boundaries between Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia. The region's environment, predominantly flat with gentle undulations, plays a crucial role in shaping the distinctive wines that carry the Lison label.

The Lison terrain benefits from its proximity to both the Adriatic Sea and the Alpine ranges, giving it a balanced climate. Warm days harmonize with cooler nights, allowing grapes to mature with a harmonious balance of sugars and acids. This diurnal temperature variation is essential in preserving the aromatic integrity of the grapes.

Lison DOCG is best known for its cultivation of the Friulano grape variety. The wines crafted from this variety have garnered attention for their subtle yet intricate profiles. Lison Bianco is a fine representation of the region, offering a delicate bouquet of floral and fruity notes, underpinned by a refreshing minerality. Its counterpart, the Lison Bianco Classico, delves deeper into tradition. With stricter regulations on its production and a nod to time-honored techniques, the Bianco Classico boasts an even more refined palate, often with a fuller body and enhanced aromatic complexity.

Each sip of Lison DOCG wines is a testament to the region's rich tapestry of landscapes, climate, and dedicated viticulture.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Lison DOCG is a picturesque tapestry nestled between the regions of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia in northeastern Italy. As one traverses its expanse, a predominantly flat terrain unfurls, occasionally interrupted by gentle, rolling undulations that whisper tales of the region's ancient geological formations.

This serene landscape is characterized by expansive vineyards that stretch as far as the eye can see, painting the land with a myriad of green hues. In the distance, one might glimpse the subtle shadows of the Alpine ranges to the north, their looming presence acting as both protector and influencer of the region's unique microclimate.

Close by, the gentle caress of the Adriatic Sea's breezes can be felt. These winds weave through the vines, bringing with them a touch of maritime salinity and tempering the warmth of the Italian sun. This interplay of mountain and sea creates a harmonious environment, ensuring the grapes mature with a balance of sugars and acids.

Throughout Lison DOCG, ancient vineyards coexist with modern ones, a testament to the region's deep-rooted viticultural history. The soil beneath tells its own story, a rich blend of minerals and nutrients that imbue the grapes with their distinctive character.

In essence, the landscape of Lison DOCG is a harmonious blend of natural beauty, historical depth, and viticultural richness, creating a setting where both vines and wines thrive in their full glory.

In the heart of northeastern Italy, the Lison DOCG is cradled by a climate that's as generous as it is distinctive. This region enjoys a climatic embrace where continental influences kiss the maritime, crafting an environment that is both nurturing and challenging for its vines.

The days in Lison DOCG are often bathed in the warmth of the Italian sun, ensuring the grapes bask in a consistent luminosity that aids their maturation. Yet, as the sun dips below the horizon, the nights usher in a refreshing coolness. This diurnal temperature shift, the dance of warm days and cool nights, is a vital rhythm that preserves the grapes' aromatic potential and ensures a harmonious balance of sugars and acids.

Beyond the daily ebb and flow, the seasons too play their part. The winters, though mild, are crisp enough to let the vines rest, while the summers, sun-drenched but tempered by the nearby Adriatic Sea, encourage steady ripening. The sea breezes, which occasionally meander through the vineyards, bring not only relief from the heat but also a touch of salinity, adding nuance to the grape's profile.

Rainfall is moderate, distributing itself relatively evenly through the year. Spring and autumn showers are particularly timely, offering hydration just when the vines most yearn for it.

In essence, the climate of Lison DOCG is a poetic interplay of sun and sea, warmth and coolness. It's a testament to nature's balance, allowing viticulturists to harness the best of each season, nurturing wines that are truly reflective of their terroir.

Lison DOCG's terroir is a testament to the land's geological past, where each layer of soil narrates a story of time and transformation. Here's a closer look at the predominant soil types that grace this wine-growing region:

  1. Alluvial Deposits:The flat expanses of Lison DOCG are often dominated by alluvial soils. These soils are a testament to ancient river activities, where sediments rich in sand, silt, and clay were deposited over millennia. Their relatively loose structure allows for good drainage, making them ideal for viticulture as they force the vine roots to delve deep in search of water and nutrients, in turn imparting a unique depth of character to the grapes.
  2. Clayey Soils:In certain pockets of the region, one encounters dense, clayey terrains. These soils, characterized by their blue-grey hue and compactness, are adept at retaining moisture. Vines planted in such soils tend to produce grapes with a more pronounced mineral profile, often resulting in wines with a richer, fuller body.
  3. Gravel and Stones:Interspersed among the alluvial and clayey stretches are patches of soils generously endowed with gravel and stones. These rocky components ensure excellent drainage and also act as natural heat regulators. By absorbing the sun's warmth during the day and releasing it at night, they provide a consistent temperature to the vines' root system, ensuring a steady maturation process for the grapes.
  4. Limestone:Certain areas of Lison DOCG also boast limestone-rich soils. Limestone, with its alkaline nature and ability to regulate water access, plays a pivotal role in influencing the acidity and aromatic complexity of the grapes. Wines from limestone terrains often exhibit a vibrant freshness and notable aromatic finesse.

In essence, the diverse soils of Lison DOCG are a mosaic, each type contributing its unique essence, shaping the character of the wines and echoing the land's rich geological tapestry.


Nestled in the verdant expanses of northeastern Italy lies the Friulano grape, an iconic white variety formerly christened as Tocai Friulano. In the embrace of the vineyard, the grape's distinct appearance unfurls. Its medium-sized clusters, bathed in a soft yellowish-green hue, arrange themselves in gentle cylindrical or pyramid shapes. The touch of its skin, delicate yet with a whisper of resistance, and its uniquely pentagonal leaves, tell tales of its identity.

The nose is greeted with a floral tapestry where wildflowers, predominantly almond blossoms, intertwine with the crispness of green apple. As the wine matures, an evolving aromatic dance emerges, revealing notes of fresh hay and toasted nuances, adding depth to its allure.

On the palate, Friulano paints a landscape of flavors. The taste of green pear and ripe apple waltzes harmoniously with its moderate acidity, culminating in a signature almond finale. Subtle brushstrokes of tropical fruit, minerals, and a hint of saline might appear, especially in wines birthed from older vines or unique terroirs. Each sip is rounded, leaving a lingering imprint, an invitation to explore its depths once more.

In essence, the Friulano grape is a liquid ode to Lison DOCG, capturing the spirit and traditions of a region rich in viticultural heritage.

Hailing from the celebrated terroirs of Lison DOCG, both Bianco and Bianco Classico wines stand as beacons of the region's viticultural prowess. While both wines derive their core from the Friulano grape, the beauty lies in the harmony between this dominant grape and other authorized non-aromatic white varietals. This ensemble ensures a wine experience that carries the region's signature while offering diverse layers of aroma and taste.

  1. Lison Bianco:Crafted predominantly from Friulano, Lison Bianco introduces itself with an aromatic profile reminiscent of wildflowers and green apple, an ode to its primary grape. As the wine swirls in the glass, subtle undertones from the complementary white grapes might emerge, adding dimension and intrigue. On the palate, a moderate acidity marries flavors of pear and hints of citrus, culminating in a refreshing finish. Adhering to its DOCG standards, this wine gracefully carries a minimum alcohol level of 12.0% and matures for at least 2–3 months, ensuring a balance of youthfulness and depth.
  2. Lison Bianco Classico:Elevating the traditions of Lison DOCG, the Bianco Classico is a more refined expression. It boasts a slightly higher alcohol content of 12.5%, endowing it with a richer body. Aromatically, it’s akin to a symphony where notes of ripe apples, toasted nuances, and perhaps a whisper of salinity play in harmony. The palate experience is more profound, with a rounded mouthfeel and flavors that delve deeper, echoing the wine's extended aging and higher Friulano concentration. Like its counterpart, it undergoes a maturation of 2–3 months, yet its flavors linger, resonating with the timeless tales of its terroir.

Both wines, with their distinct profiles, invite enthusiasts to embark on a sensorial journey through Lison DOCG, each sip echoing the land's legacy and passion.
