Fortana del Taro IGP

Fortana del Taro IGP







about this subregion

Nestled within the captivating landscape of Emilia-Romagna lies the Fortana del Taro IGP, a wine designation celebrated for its distinct character and rich heritage. Encompassed by the serene flow of the river Bit to the north and cradled by pre-hill areas to the south, this IGP enjoys a unique environmental embrace. Its boundaries stretch to meet the provinces of Reggio Emilia to the east and Piacenza to the west, painting a tapestry of varied terrains and microclimates.

Central to the identity of Fortana del Taro is its namesake grape, Fortana. This variety, known for its robust nature and adaptability, thrives in the region's harmonious blend of maritime and continental influences. The soils here, enriched over millennia, offer the grape a deep repository of nutrients, ensuring wines of depth and character.

The climatic rhythm of the region, marked by warm summers and cool winters, allows Fortana grapes to mature gracefully, developing a balance of sugars, acids, and aromatic compounds. When harvested, they yield wines that are a true testament to the land's generosity and the expertise of its vintners.

In the vast wine mosaic of Emilia-Romagna, Fortana del Taro stands out, not just for its geographical distinctions but for its commitment to preserving the legacy of the Fortana grape. A sip from this region is not just a taste of wine, but a journey through an age-old viticultural narrative.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



1700 - 2200


Discover Terroir

Nestled within the Italian famed wine-producing region of Emilia-Romagna, the Fortana del Taro IGP stretches across a captivating tableau of natural beauty. The region is framed by the gentle flow of the river Bit to its north, providing a tranquil ambiance and acting as a natural boundary, protecting and nourishing the vineyards that lie alongside its banks.

To the east and west, the IGP is bordered by the administrative boundaries of Reggio Emilia and Piacenza respectively, creating a union of diverse terrains and microclimates. This interplay of landscapes, ranging from expansive plains to rolling pre-hills, bestows the region with a multifaceted terroir, each pocket of land imparting its own unique character to the grapes cultivated there.

As one ventures southward, the topography gently rises, transitioning from the lush plains to the pre-hill areas. These undulating terrains, never ascending beyond 300 meters above sea level, offer an array of microclimates and soil compositions, allowing for a diverse range of viticultural practices.

The Fortana del Taro IGP is a testament to nature's artistry. Its vineyards, bathed in the warm Italian sun and cooled by the evening breezes, stand as emerald patches amidst a landscape painted in varying shades of green. Streams crisscross the plains, their glistening waters reflecting the azure skies, while the distant pre-hills stand as silent sentinels, watching over this viticultural haven. Every element here, from the whispering winds to the rich, fertile soils, comes together in harmony, making Fortana del Taro IGP a true embodiment of Emilia-Romagna's natural splendor.

In the heart of Emilia-Romagna, the Fortana del Taro IGP enjoys a climate that is both a guardian of tradition and a harbinger of innovation. Here, nature has choreographed a delicate dance of elements, ensuring that the vines experience a myriad of influences throughout the year.

The region is graced with a temperate climate, marked by a harmonious balance of maritime and continental elements. Summers in Fortana del Taro are typically warm and sun-drenched, with days bathed in golden light ensuring the grapes soak in ample sunshine, aiding in their optimal sugar accumulation. As evening descends, the temperature drops, a gentle nod from the nearby Adriatic Sea, preserving the innate acidity of the grapes and ensuring a balanced ripening process.

Winters, on the other hand, are cool and often misty, allowing the vines a period of rest and rejuvenation. The cold, though rarely harsh, ensures that the vines go through a vital dormancy period, preparing them for the growing season ahead.

Rainfall in the region is moderate and well-distributed throughout the year. These showers, often gentle and nurturing, provide the vines with the hydration they need, while the well-draining soils prevent waterlogging, ensuring the roots remain healthy and vibrant.

Wind, too, plays its part, with breezes from both the sea and the Apennine Mountains meandering through the vineyards. These winds not only offer respite during the hotter days but also act as a natural deterrent to pests, ensuring the vines remain robust and thriving.

In essence, the climate of Fortana del Taro IGP is a testament to nature's wisdom. Every element, from the radiant sun to the nurturing rains and cooling breezes, works in unison, creating an environment where vines don't just grow, but thrive, producing grapes that carry the very essence of this climatic symphony in their taste and character.

The Fortana del Taro IGT is a unique wine designation located in Italy, and like many wine regions, its distinctiveness is largely attributed to the specific soils found there. The soils play a pivotal role in influencing the taste, aroma, and overall profile of the wines produced. Here's a breakdown of the different types of soils you'll find in the Fortana del Taro IGT:

  1. Alluvial Soils: Alluvial soils in the Fortana del Taro IGT are deposited by river action. These soils are typically rich in minerals and often have good drainage properties. The fertile nature of alluvial soils can support vigorous vine growth, often leading to wines with pronounced fruit-forward characteristics. Layers of sand, silt, and clay can be present, with the composition varying based on specific locations within the region.
  2. Clayey Soils: Predominantly made up of tiny particles, clayey soils in this region offer a unique blend of attributes. These soils can retain water effectively, which can be a boon in drier years but can also challenge the vines during wetter periods. Wines from clayey terrains tend to be more robust and fuller-bodied, with earthy and mineral undertones.
  3. Calcareous Soils: Characterized by their high content of calcium carbonate, these chalky soils are commonly found in some parts of the Fortana del Taro IGT. Vines planted in calcareous soils often struggle, leading them to produce lower yields. However, the stress experienced by the vines can lead to grapes with greater concentration and complexity. The resulting wines tend to have bright acidity, refined mineral notes, and pronounced aromatics.
  4. Loamy Soils: Loam is often considered the ideal soil type for viticulture as it strikes a balance between sand, silt, and clay. In the Fortana del Taro IGT, the presence of loamy soils provides vines with good drainage and adequate nutrient retention. Wines produced on loam soils tend to be balanced with a combination of fruit, spice, and earthy notes.
  5. Sandy Soils: Sandy soils are well-draining and less fertile compared to some of the other types. This can lead to reduced vigor in the vines, often resulting in grapes with more intense flavors and aromas. Wines from sandy terrains in the Fortana del Taro IGT often showcase bright fruit notes with a silky texture and elegant structure.


The Fortana grape, often recognized by its deep, ruby-red hue, holds a prominent place in the annals of Emilia-Romagna's viticultural history. Its clusters, medium-sized with a slightly elongated shape, are adorned with round berries that boast a thick skin. This protective layer not only guards the precious juice within but also provides the grape with its signature intense coloration, making it immediately distinguishable amidst a sea of vine varieties.

Agriculturally, Fortana demonstrates a resilient nature. The grape is notably adaptable, able to thrive in a variety of soil compositions, from the well-draining alluvial terrains to the richer clayey pockets of the Fortana del Taro IGP. Its sturdy vine structure is resistant to many common pests and diseases, a testament to its robust genetic makeup. In terms of climatic needs, Fortana benefits from the harmonious interplay of warm summers and cool winters characteristic of the Emilia-Romagna region. Warmth ensures optimal sugar accumulation, while cooler periods, especially during nights, help in preserving the grape's innate acidity. The consistent, moderate rainfall, interspersed with sunny days, further aids in the grape's balanced ripening process. Together, these conditions shape the growth journey of Fortana, allowing it to express its full potential in the wines of Fortana del Taro IGP.

Within the serene landscapes of the Fortana del Taro IGP, wines are crafted that encapsulate the very soul of the region. The foundation of these wines rests primarily on the Fortana grape, locally referred to as Fortanella, Fortanina, or Uva d’Oro. Its influence is evident in the composition of the wines, with other approved regional grape varieties playing a complementary role. The wines of this region, particularly the Rosso and Novello, showcase the adaptability and richness of the Fortana grape, each expressing its unique interpretation of the terroir.

  1. Rosso: The Fortana del Taro Rosso is an ode to the depth and intensity of the Fortana grape. On the nose, it often unveils a symphony of red and black fruit aromas, interwoven with subtle hints of earth and spices. The palate is greeted with a robust structure, where flavors of ripe cherries, blackberries, and plums take center stage. The wine's natural acidity and moderate tannins lend it a refreshing finish, making it a versatile companion for a variety of dishes.
  2. Novello: Novello from Fortana del Taro IGP is a celebration of the grape's youthful exuberance. This wine showcases a vibrant aromatic profile, with predominant notes of fresh red fruits like strawberries and raspberries. Beneath this fruity veil, one might detect nuances of rose petals and violets, adding to the wine's allure. On the palate, its flavors are lively and fresh, with a delightful lightness that dances on the tongue. Its relatively low tannins and bright acidity make it a joy to sip, capturing the essence of a young Fortana grape in every glass.

Through these wines, Fortana del Taro IGP offers a journey into the heart of Emilia-Romagna, where tradition meets innovation, and every sip tells a tale of the land and its passionate custodians.
