Colli d’Imola

Colli d’Imola

44°21'32" N


11°42'47" E




about this subregion

This DOC covers wines produced in the south and east of Imola, located in the province of Bologna.

In this DOC, storms frequently affect the vineyards closest to the coast. As a result, summers are hot and humid, while winters are cooler and drier. In addition, the Mediterranean breezes help prevent mildew that could occur due to the high humidity.

On the other hand, the soil in the region is mainly sandy.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Colli d'Imola DOC is nestled within the picturesque Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy. This charming wine-producing area showcases a landscape that beautifully marries the elegance of rolling hills with the authenticity of Italian countryside.

Rolling vine-covered hills grace the landscape, offering panoramic vistas of lush green vineyards as far as the eye can see. These vineyards are meticulously tended to, showcasing a blend of grape varieties that thrive in this favorable terroir. The undulating terrain adds depth and character to the region, creating a unique microclimate that influences the grapes' development.

The Apennine Mountains, which frame the horizon, not only add to the area's visual appeal but also provide shelter from harsh weather elements, making the Colli d'Imola DOC an ideal viticultural haven. These protective mountains contribute to a climate characterized by moderate temperatures, ample sunlight, and well-balanced rainfall, ensuring the grapes ripen evenly and with excellent flavor complexity.

As you explore the Colli d'Imola DOC, you'll encounter charming villages and historic wineries nestled among the vine-covered hills. These quaint settlements provide a warm and inviting atmosphere for visitors seeking to experience the authentic Italian wine culture.

In summary, the Colli d'Imola DOC, situated in the heart of Emilia-Romagna, boasts a captivating landscape of rolling vineyard-clad hills, framed by the majestic Apennine Mountains. This harmonious blend of natural beauty and viticultural heritage makes it a delightful destination for wine enthusiasts and travelers alike.

The climate of the Colli d'Imola DOC, nestled in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, is a nuanced symphony that orchestrates the growth of grapes with precision and care. This delightful wine-producing area enjoys a temperate and continental climate, which plays a vital role in shaping the character of the wines it produces.

Spring in the Colli d'Imola DOC is a time of awakening and anticipation. The temperature begins its gentle ascent, coaxing the vineyards into a lush, vibrant green. The days are crisp and invigorating, while the nights remain cool, a perfect backdrop for the delicate process of bud break and flowering. During this period, the grapevines lay the foundation for the vintage to come, with each sunny day contributing to the promise of a bountiful harvest.

As summer approaches, the Colli d'Imola DOC basks in the warm embrace of the sun. The sun-drenched days are marked by generous sunshine, fostering photosynthesis and the accumulation of sugars in the grapes. However, the region's elevated position and proximity to the Apennine Mountains ensure that evenings remain cool and refreshing. This diurnal temperature variation is a winemaker's dream, as it encourages a slow and steady ripening process. The grapes benefit from this gradual maturation, developing a rich complexity of flavors, vibrant acidity, and a distinct sense of place.

Autumn is a transformative time in the Colli d'Imola DOC. The landscape undergoes a metamorphosis as the vineyards transition into a symphony of colors, painting the hillsides with shades of gold, crimson, and amber. Harvest season, a time of celebration and toil, arrives under favorable conditions. The dry and temperate climate ensures that the grapes reach their peak of ripeness, ready to be transformed into exceptional wines.

Winter, with its cooler temperatures and occasional dusting of snow, provides a well-deserved respite for the vineyards. The vines enter a period of dormancy, storing energy for the upcoming growing season. This cycle of seasons, carefully choreographed by nature, shapes the wines of the Colli d'Imola DOC, imbuing them with a harmonious balance of fruit, acidity, and a nuanced expression of terroir.

In essence, the climate of the Colli d'Imola DOC is a conductor of nature's symphony, orchestrating the rhythm of the vineyards' growth and the flavor profile of its wines. It's a testament to the region's commitment to quality winemaking, ensuring that each glass of wine from this charming corner of Emilia-Romagna tells a story of a unique and vibrant terroir.

Nestled within the picturesque Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, the Colli d'Imola DOC boasts a rich viticultural heritage. One of the key factors contributing to the diversity and depth of wines produced here is the unique tapestry of soils that underlies the vineyards. These soils play a vital role in shaping the character and flavor profiles of the region's wines. Let's delve into the various types of soils found in this esteemed wine-producing area:

  1. Clay Soils: Some parts of the Colli d'Imola DOC feature clay-rich soils. These soils are known for their excellent water retention capacity, ensuring a steady supply of moisture to the grapevines during dry periods. Clay soils contribute to wines with a robust body and generous tannins, often lending them structure and aging potential.
  2. Sandy Soils: In other areas, sandy soils prevail. These well-draining soils allow excess water to pass through, preventing waterlogging. Grapes grown in sandy soils often exhibit pronounced fruitiness and a lighter, more approachable character, making them ideal for early consumption.
  3. Limestone and Marl: Portions of the Colli d'Imola DOC boast limestone and marl soils, a combination that provides an ideal balance between drainage and moisture retention. These soils tend to yield wines that are both expressive of their terroir and exhibit a harmonious interplay of fruit and minerality.
  4. Calcareous Soils: Calcareous soils, characterized by their high calcium content, are also present. These soils encourage deep root penetration and efficient drainage, resulting in grapes with concentrated flavors and vibrant acidity. The wines from calcareous soils often display a distinct sense of place and age gracefully.
  5. Alluvial Soils: Along the waterways and riverbanks of the Colli d'Imola DOC, alluvial soils can be found. Comprising a mixture of sand, silt, and clay, these soils are versatile and provide a balance between drainage and moisture retention. Grapes grown in alluvial soils often exhibit a pleasing balance of fruitiness and minerality.
  6. Volcanic Soils: In certain pockets of the region, volcanic soils make their presence known. These soils, formed from volcanic ash and rocks, contribute to wines with unique mineral characteristics and intriguing earthy notes. Wines from volcanic soils often have a distinct terroir expression.
  7. Schist and Gravel: Some vineyards in the Colli d'Imola DOC are planted in schist or gravel-rich soils. These rocky compositions challenge grapevines to struggle for nutrients, often resulting in wines with pronounced minerality, complexity, and depth.

The Colli d'Imola DOC's diverse range of soils is a testament to the region's geological complexity. Each soil type plays a crucial role in shaping the character of the wines, allowing winemakers to craft a wide array of unique and expressive expressions of their terroir.


Most Planted Red Grape Varieties: Barbera, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese

Most Planted White Grape Varieties: Chardonnay, Trebbiano

Hot and humid summers, with cool and dry winters. The vineyards closer to the coast are more affected by storms, and the Mediterranean breezes help prevent mildew.
