Castelfranco Emilia IGP

Castelfranco Emilia IGP







about this subregion

Nestled in the heart of the Emilia-Romagna region, the Castelfranco Emilia IGP is a testament to Italy's viticultural heritage. The region, with its continental climate, offers the perfect blend of warm days and cooler nights, making it an idyllic environment for grape cultivation.

The terrains of Castelfranco Emilia are enriched by the bounteous rivers that crisscross the area, imparting the soil with unique mineral compositions. This unique environment, coupled with meticulous cultivation methods, allows the grapes to develop nuanced flavors and aromatic profiles.

The IGP is renowned for its production of a trio of distinct grape varieties. Montù, an indigenous grape varietal, local to the area, is known for its vibrant acidity and crisp character. Moscato, with its sweet and aromatic notes, often finds its expression in sparkling and dessert wines that enchant the palate. Trebbiano, a versatile grape, plays a significant role in the region, contributing to both single-varietal wines and blends, standing out with its light, fruity undertones.

These grapes, nurtured by the pristine environment of Castelfranco Emilia, embody the spirit of Emilia-Romagna – a fusion of tradition, terroir, and timeless passion for winemaking.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



1400 - 1900


Discover Terroir

Nestled within the Emilia-Romagna region, Castelfranco Emilia IGP is a picturesque enclave that captures the timeless beauty of Italy. The area boasts a harmonious blend of natural landscapes that seem as if they were meticulously designed for grape cultivation.

Gently undulating hills cradle meticulously maintained vineyards, their rows forming symmetrical patterns that stretch towards the horizon. These hills, kissed by the warmth of the Mediterranean sun, are interspersed with fertile valleys that benefit from the region's generous rainfall, providing the vines with the moisture they crave.

Ancient olive groves and cypress trees punctuate the vineyard landscapes, standing as silent witnesses to the area's rich agricultural legacy. The soils here vary in composition, from rich loam to gravely terrains, each lending its unique characteristics to the grapes that thrive upon them.

Beyond the vineyards, one can find verdant meadows and fields dotted with wildflowers, especially in spring, creating a colorful tapestry against the backdrop of the azure sky. Small streams meander through the landscape, their gentle babbling a testament to the region's abundant water sources.

In the distance, the soft silhouette of the Apennine Mountains can be discerned, their majestic peaks casting a protective gaze over Castelfranco Emilia, ensuring the region remains shielded from the harshest of weather patterns.

All in all, the landscape of Castelfranco Emilia IGP is a harmonious interplay of nature's finest elements, a serene and bounteous setting where viticulture doesn't just thrive; it flourishes with a character and charm unique to this enchanting corner of Italy.

The climate of Castelfranco Emilia IGP is a delicate tapestry woven with the threads of nature’s finest elements, creating an environment where viticulture thrives. The region is cradled by a continental climate, yet it carries whispers of the Mediterranean, resulting in a unique atmospheric interplay that is both nurturing and challenging for the vineyards.

Summers in Castelfranco Emilia are characterized by warm, sun-drenched days where the vineyards bask in the radiant glow of the sun, absorbing its energy and translating it into ripening fruit. Yet, as the day draws to a close, the nights often bring with them a gentle coolness, ensuring the grapes don't overripen and maintain their inherent acidity. This diurnal temperature variation is a blessing, allowing the grapes to develop complex flavors while preserving their fresh, vibrant character.

Winters, on the other hand, can be quite crisp, with the region occasionally blanketed in a thin layer of frost. The cold is seldom harsh enough to harm the dormant vines, but it provides them with the necessary rest, ensuring they awaken in spring with renewed vigor.

The transitional seasons of spring and autumn are particularly enchanting. Spring showers often grace the vineyards, nourishing the budding vines and setting the stage for a promising growing season. Autumn, meanwhile, carries with it a misty romance, with mornings often shrouded in a soft fog that slowly lifts, revealing the vivid hues of ripening grape clusters.

Throughout the year, Castelfranco Emilia enjoys a balanced distribution of rainfall. While prolonged wet periods can sometimes pose challenges, the region's well-draining soils and the expertise of its vintners ensure that the vines remain healthy and vibrant.

In essence, the climate of Castelfranco Emilia IGP is a symphony of nature’s rhythms. It's a climate that has, over centuries, shaped the character of its wines, ensuring they resonate with the very soul of this remarkable region.

Nestled in the heart of Emilia-Romagna, Castelfranco Emilia IGP stands as a testament to the enduring relationship between land and vine. This region, blessed with an intricate patchwork of soils, has witnessed countless generations of vintners tending to their vineyards, each seeking to unlock the secrets of the terrain beneath their feet. The soils here are a rich tapestry of geological stories, tales of ancient rivers that once flowed, glacial movements that reshaped the landscape, and time's persistent sculpting of the earth. Each soil type, with its distinct composition and characteristics, imparts its own unique signature to the grapes, influencing their growth, maturation, and ultimately, the character of the wines they produce.

  1. Loamy Soil: Loamy soil, often considered the gold standard for many agricultural pursuits, is abundant in certain pockets of the region. This soil type is a balanced blend of sand, silt, and clay, resulting in a structure that's well-draining yet retains enough moisture to sustain the vines during drier periods. Vines rooted in loamy soils tend to produce grapes with a balanced flavor profile, capturing both the minerality of the earth and the freshness of the region's climate.
  2. Sandy Soil: The sandy soils of Castelfranco Emilia IGP are particularly prevalent near ancient riverbeds and streams. These soils offer excellent drainage, ensuring the roots of the vines don't remain waterlogged. The resultant wines often have an elegant, light character with a pronounced aromatic profile, reflecting the free-draining nature of their terroir.
  3. Clayey Soil: In contrast to the sandy pockets, certain areas of the region boast of dense, clay-rich soils. Clay soils have a remarkable ability to retain water, acting as reservoirs during hot, dry spells. Grapes grown in these soils tend to yield wines that are robust, with a full-bodied character, drawing from the depth and richness of the earth.
  4. Calcareous Soil: Patches of calcareous or limestone-rich soils can also be found scattered across the region. These soils are alkaline in nature and are known for their ability to regulate the pH balance for vines, leading to grapes with vibrant acidity. Wines stemming from calcareous terrains often exude a distinct mineral undertone, with a crispness that lingers on the palate.


The rolling hills of Castelfranco Emilia IGP, ensconced in the fertile embrace of Emilia-Romagna, are a veritable tapestry of vineyards. This region, steeped in history and kissed by the Mediterranean sun, has nurtured viticulture for centuries. As you wander through its terraced vineyards, the gentle sway of grapevines captures the imagination, painting a picture of nature and man in harmonious collaboration. Each vine tells a story - of ancient traditions, of hands lovingly tending to them, and of the rhythms of seasons dictating their growth. Amidst this rich panorama, three grape varieties stand out, casting long shadows in the golden light: Montù, Moscato, and Trebbiano. These grapes, with their distinctive shapes and radiant hues, are not just the pride of Castelfranco Emilia but are emblematic of the region's enduring love affair with winemaking.

  1. Montù: Montù is a grape that thrives in well-draining soil structures, often gravitating towards sandy and loamy compositions. The grapevine is known for its robustness, showing resilience against many common vine diseases. Agriculturally, the Montù vine requires regular pruning to ensure optimal sunlight exposure and air circulation. Climatically, it prefers moderate temperatures without extreme fluctuations, allowing the grape to mature gradually and achieve a balanced sugar-acid ratio.
  2. Moscato: Recognized worldwide, Moscato finds a comfortable home in Castelfranco Emilia's climate. Preferring calcareous and clayey soils, Moscato benefits from sites with good water retention. Despite its preference for moisture, it's crucial to avoid waterlogged conditions as it can lead to root diseases. The grapevine responds well to temperate climates, seeking warmth but avoiding excessive heat, ensuring the preservation of its inherent sweetness.
  3. Trebbiano: Trebbiano, a widely planted grape in Italy, is adaptable to a variety of soil types but shows a particular affinity for limestone-rich terrains. Agriculturally, it's a high-yielding grape, necessitating vigilant canopy management to regulate grape concentration and maintain quality. Its climatic flexibility is one of its strengths, but it leans towards regions with consistent warmth during the growing season, ensuring full maturation.

In the verdant heartland of Emilia-Romagna, the vineyards of Castelfranco Emilia IGP unfurl like a green tapestry kissed by the Mediterranean sun. These lands, which have borne witness to centuries of winemaking traditions, offer wines that are a mosaic of flavors and aromas. Every bottle tells a tale of the gentle breezes, the nurturing soil, and the passion of the vintners who have crafted wines here for generations. While the region is celebrated for its myriad of grape varieties, it's the delicate dance of Montù, Moscato, and Trebbiano with other authorized white grapes that truly define the essence of Castelfranco Emilia's wines. As one delves into the array of wines—be it a Bianco, a varietal, a dual-varietal, or the enchanting Mosto di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato—one is transported on a sensory journey through time and tradition, discovering the very soul of Emilia-Romagna in each sip.

  1. Bianco: The Bianco from Castelfranco Emilia is an aromatic delight, where the dominant presence of Montù brings forth fresh floral notes. The backdrop is graced by hints of green apple and pear, intertwined subtly with a mineral undertone, making it a refreshing and elegant sip.
  2. Moscato: This varietal, with its Moscato dominance, enthralls the senses with pronounced notes of peach, apricot, and orange blossom. Hints of honey and citrus zest add depth, resulting in a wine that is both vibrant and harmonious.
  3. Trebbiano: Leading with Trebbiano, this wine boasts of delicate citrus aromas, primarily lemon and lime. Accompanied by nuances of almond and green herbs, it presents a balanced and crisp profile.
  4. Dual Varietals: Dual varietals from this region offer a delightful interplay between Moscato or Trebbiano and another grape variety. This combination leads to wines with layered aromas, where tropical fruits meet subtle floral notes, creating a tapestry of flavors that is both intricate and captivating.
  5. Mosto di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato: This wine, reminiscent in composition to Bianco or the varietals, offers a sensory journey highlighted by gentle effervescence. Bursting with fresh fruit aromas, from crisp apples to ripe peaches, it wraps up with a delicate sweetness, making it an irresistible choice for those seeking a light and vivacious wine experience.

In every glass of Castelfranco Emilia IGP wine, one discovers a symphony of flavors, a testament to the region's dedication to producing wines of unparalleled character and quality.
