Aglianico del Taburno

Aglianico del Taburno

41° 00' 00" N


14° 00' 00" E




about this subregion

The Aglianico del Taburno DOCG, nestled in the picturesque region of Campania in Italy, stands as a testament to the interplay between nature and viticulture. The environment here is characterized by hilly terrains with elevations ranging from 200 meters to over 600 meters above sea level. This altitude combined with the unique microclimate lends a hand in cultivating some of the finest grape varieties.

Contrary to common perceptions, the main grape variety of Aglianico del Taburno is not Friulano but rather Aglianico. Friulano, primarily known in the northern regions of Italy, plays no prominent role in this southern DOCG. The Aglianico grape, deeply rooted in the region's history, results in wines that are expressive, robust, and deeply reflective of the land.

The wines from Aglianico del Taburno come in three primary styles: Rosato, Rosso, and Rosso Riserva. The Rosato, with its elegant pink hue, offers a fresh palate with nuances of red berries and floral notes. The Rosso is a fuller-bodied expression, showcasing the depth and structure the Aglianico grape is known for. For those seeking complexity and a wine that can age gracefully, the Rosso Riserva stands out, often matured for several years, resulting in a wine that weaves the stories of the region with every sip.

In essence, Aglianico del Taburno DOCG is where the dance of the environment and grape variety culminates in wines that speak volumes of Campania's rich wine heritage.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled within the heart of Italy's Campania region, the Aglianico del Taburno DOCG unveils a mesmerizing canvas of natural splendor and viticultural majesty. The region is dominated by the imposing presence of Mount Taburno, which casts a protective shadow over the vineyards that clamber up its slopes. This mountainous backdrop creates a series of microclimates that play a crucial role in the cultivation of the Aglianico grape, providing a delicate balance of sunlight and shade.

The landscape is a harmonious blend of undulating hills, punctuated by steep inclines and gentle valleys. These varying elevations offer an array of soil compositions from calcareous clay to mineral-rich deposits, each lending its unique character to the grapes. Streams meander through the terrain, reflecting the azure of the Italian sky, and providing vital sustenance to the vineyards, especially during the hot, dry summers.

Olive groves and forests sporadically dot the landscape, adding to its verdant charm. The interplay of light and shadow, the contrast between the lush green vineyards and the ruggedness of Mount Taburno, and the serene ambiance create a tranquil yet vibrant setting. It is within this breathtaking tableau that the Aglianico grape thrives, drawing nourishment not just from the soil, but from the very essence of this enchanting landscape. The Aglianico del Taburno DOCG is more than just a wine-producing region; it's a testament to nature's capacity to inspire, nurture, and create wonders.

Within the embrace of Campania's rolling landscape lies the Aglianico del Taburno DOCG, a region where the climate weaves a tale of harmony and contrast. Here, the rhythm of the seasons plays out in a delicate dance, creating an environment that is both nurturing and challenging, perfect for the cultivation of the storied Aglianico grape.

The influence of Mount Taburno is paramount in shaping the region's climate. Its imposing stature acts as a sentinel, shielding the vineyards from the harshest of northern winds, while also funneling cooler breezes down its slopes during the hotter months. This mountainous barrier ensures that the region experiences a predominantly Mediterranean climate, characterized by warm, dry summers and mild, wetter winters. Yet, due to the elevation and the mountain's presence, there's a touch of continental nuance, bringing cooler nights even during the peak of summer.

This diurnal temperature variation—the contrast between warm days and cool nights—becomes the secret ingredient for the Aglianico grape's maturation. It allows the grape to develop rich sugars and aromatics during the sunlit hours, while the chill of the night preserves acidity, building a grape that's both robust and balanced.

Rainfall, though moderate, is timed almost perfectly for the vine's needs. The winter and early spring months see the most precipitation, providing essential hydration to the soil. As summer rolls in, the rains recede, allowing the grapes to ripen without the threat of moisture-related diseases.

In essence, the climate of Aglianico del Taburno DOCG is a masterful composition of nature—warm yet breezy, consistent yet varied, challenging yet nurturing. It's a climate that not only shapes the character of the wines but also tells the story of a region in perfect harmony with its environment.

The Aglianico del Taburno DOCG boasts a complex tapestry of soils, each contributing a unique voice to the chorus that shapes the region's wines. The terrain here is a testament to geological history, showcasing the influence of both volcanic activity and millennia of erosional processes. As we delve into the soil profiles, a multifaceted narrative emerges, revealing the very foundation upon which the esteemed Aglianico grape thrives.

  1. Calcareous Clay: Found predominantly on the gentler slopes and valleys of the region, calcareous clay soils are a blend of limestone and clay. This combination provides excellent water retention, ensuring that vines have access to moisture even during drier months. The limestone component adds a touch of minerality to the wines, enhancing their complexity and depth.
  2. Volcanic Soils: Remnants of ancient volcanic activity, these soils are scattered throughout the region, providing a dark, fertile base for the vines. Rich in minerals, volcanic soils impart a distinctive character to the wines, often leading to bolder flavors and a pronounced mineral undertone. This soil type also offers excellent drainage, ensuring that the roots are not waterlogged and can breathe freely.
  3. Sandy Loam: Located in pockets within the region, sandy loam soils offer vines a lighter, well-draining medium. The sand component ensures that the soil remains aerated, allowing roots to penetrate deeply. Wines from these soils tend to be more aromatic, with a delicate finesse that is unmistakable.
  4. Gravelly Deposits: Found mainly along the region's stream beds and lower terrains, gravelly soils consist of a mix of pebbles, stones, and finer soil particles. This structure allows for excellent drainage, making sure that vines are never overwatered. The resulting wines often possess a vibrant, lively character with a refreshing acidity.


The Aglianico grape, the crown jewel of the Aglianico del Taburno DOCG, is a variety steeped in ancient history and tradition. Its dark, almost inky hue hints at its depth and intensity, while the thick-skinned berries resist the harshness of the environment, ensuring a consistent and high-quality yield. The robust structure of the grape is mirrored in the wines it produces, making them a favorite for those who appreciate complexity and depth.

The aromatic profile of the Aglianico grape is a heady mix of intrigue and nostalgia. With the first whiff, it transports the senses to the sun-drenched landscapes of Campania, evoking notes of dark cherries, wild berries, and plums. Underneath these primary scents lies a tapestry of tertiary aromas including tar, leather, and hints of dried herbs, adding layers to its olfactory narrative. On the palate, the grape expresses itself with a firm tannic structure, elevated by flavors of dark fruit coupled with nuances of chocolate, tobacco, and a distinct minerality. Its high acidity ensures a lingering finish, making each sip an odyssey that tells tales of its origin.

The Aglianico del Taburno DOCG wines, originating from the captivating region of Campania, represent a harmonious blend of tradition and terroir. Each wine is a testament to the excellence of the Aglianico grape, which forms the primary backbone. Complemented by other authorized regional grapes (OARG), these wines showcase the distinctiveness and diversity of the region. Each has its own unique characteristics, journey, and story to tell, which make them an enthralling trio in the world of Italian wines.

The aromatic and flavor profiles of these wines are as layered and intricate as the landscapes from which they spring. Common across the three is a dance of dark fruits, intertwined with notes that hint at the Mediterranean climes and calcareous soils of their birth. Aging plays a pivotal role in crafting their narrative. For the lively Rosato, a minimum of 4-5 months aging allows it to capture the freshness of youth, while the Rosso, with a minimum of 2 years maturation, begins to unfold deeper, more complex tales. The Rosso Riserva, aged for a minimum of 3 years – inclusive of 12 months in barrel and an additional 6 months in bottle – emerges as the epitome of depth and sophistication, revealing intricacies with every sip.

  1. Rosato: A vibrant wine that carries the spirit of summer in its blush. Its shorter aging process ensures that it captures the essence of the Aglianico grape in its most youthful and refreshing form. Red fruit notes dominate the palate, complemented by hints of florals, making it a delightful choice for lighter fare or an aperitif.
  2. Rosso: With two years of aging, the Rosso delves deeper into the heart of the Aglianico grape. Richer and more robust than the Rosato, it unfolds with layers of dark berries, cherries, and subtle spicy undertones. This wine is a beautiful companion to hearty dishes, reflecting the warmth and heartiness of the Campania region.
  3. Rosso Riserva: The crowning jewel of the trio, the Riserva is a wine of patience and contemplation. Its extended aging, partly in barrels, imparts nuances of oak, leather, and tobacco. Every glass tells a tale of time, terroir, and meticulous craftsmanship, making it a wine to be savored and celebrated.