

50° 55' N


119° 16' W




about this subregion

The Shuswap region, situated north of the renowned Okanagan Valley, is a hidden gem in the world of Canadian winemaking. This area, with its diverse landscape, revolves around the majestic Shuswap Lake, which stands as the dominant feature of this picturesque region. Since 1997, vineyards in the Shuswap have been cultivating a unique collection of wines, primarily focusing on early-ripening grape varieties.

The Shuswap's climate is characterized by warm, sun-drenched summers and crisp, cold winters, creating a harmonious balance for grape cultivation. Abundant sunshine graces the vineyards during the day, allowing grapes to ripen to perfection. However, what truly sets the Shuswap apart is the moderating influence of the pristine Shuswap Lake. This vast body of water acts as a natural regulator, mitigating extreme temperature fluctuations and creating an ideal environment for grapevines.

Thanks to these climatic conditions, the Shuswap region has emerged as an excellent destination for early-ripening grape varieties. The combination of ample sunshine, temperature moderation, and the region's unique terroir imparts distinctive characteristics to its wines, making them a delightful reflection of the Shuswap's natural beauty and viticultural potential. With every sip, wine enthusiasts can taste the essence of this remarkable region, tucked away in the heart of British Columbia.



Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled within the serene embrace of the British Columbia's interior, the Canadian Shuswap wine region emerges as a bastion of both natural wonder and vinicultural expertise. Enveloped by the majestic landscapes of the Shuswap region, this wine-producing enclave is cradled between the tranquil waters of Shuswap Lake to the south and the rugged Monashee Mountains to the north, offering a breathtaking panorama for its thriving vineyards. Against this backdrop, Shuswap wines come to life, a true reflection of the region's distinctive terroir and the steadfast commitment of its vintners.

Leading the charge in advocating for the exceptional quality and unique character of Shuswap wines are esteemed organizations such as the Wines of British Columbia association and the British Columbia Grape Growers Association. Serving as staunch advocates for the region, these entities ensure that the voices of Shuswap winegrowers resonate prominently within the industry. Through proactive advocacy, educational initiatives, and collaborative community-building endeavors, they strive to raise the profile of Shuswap wines and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the artistry and dedication embodied in each bottle.

Beyond their advocacy roles, these organizations also serve as catalysts for fostering camaraderie and collaboration within the local wine community. By facilitating meaningful connections among growers, winemakers, and enthusiasts, they create an ecosystem where knowledge is exchanged, creativity flourishes, and innovation thrives. This spirit of cooperation not only strengthens the fabric of the Shuswap wine industry but also fuels its ongoing evolution and prosperity.

At the heart of the Shuswap wine region lies the British Columbia Wine Authority, the authoritative body entrusted with certifying and safeguarding the quality and authenticity of wines produced within the region. Committed unwaveringly to upholding stringent standards and ensuring compliance with regulations, the British Columbia Wine Authority inspires consumer confidence and upholds the esteemed reputation of Shuswap wines as emblems of excellence and integrity. Through diligent oversight and impartial evaluation, they preserve the reputation of the region, reinforcing its stature as a premier destination for wine production.

Nestled amidst the rugged terrain of British Columbia, the Shuswap subregion is a testament to the natural beauty and climatic diversity that defines the interior of the province. Its climate, influenced by both the expansive Shuswap Lake and the surrounding mountains, weaves a complex tapestry of weather patterns that shift with the seasons, offering a rich variety of experiences to those who dwell within or visit this picturesque area.

In the Shuswap, the dance between the seasons is vividly displayed. The summers are warm, inviting residents and visitors alike to bask in the sunshine that reflects off the lake's surface, encouraging a multitude of outdoor activities from swimming to boating. The gentle breezes that sweep across the landscape temper the warmth, making summer days thoroughly enjoyable. Yet, as the sun dips below the horizon, the evenings bring a refreshing coolness that whispers of the region's continental climate roots.

Transitioning from the balmy embrace of summer, autumn unfurls in a cascade of vibrant hues, painting the hills and valleys in shades of gold, orange, and red. This season is a spectacle of natural beauty, accompanied by crisp air that carries the promise of the coming winter. The precipitation during these transitional months prepares the land for the colder days ahead, enriching the soil and nourishing the diverse ecosystems that thrive in the Shuswap.

Winter in the Shuswap is a softer, gentler version of the harsh conditions found in more mountainous parts of British Columbia. Snow blankets the landscape, transforming it into a tranquil, serene setting that invites contemplation and outdoor adventure in equal measure. Despite the chill, the cold is rarely biting, moderated by the lake and the insulating effect of the valley, making it an ideal retreat for those seeking the quiet beauty of winter without the extreme cold.

As the snow melts and the first buds of spring emerge, the Shuswap awakens once again to the cycle of renewal. Rainfall is more frequent during this time, a vital component in the rebirth of the region's flora and fauna. The air, filled with the scent of fresh growth, heralds the return of warmer days, completing the annual cycle that is both predictable in its progression and endlessly fascinating in its variations.

Throughout the year, the Shuswap's climate is a dynamic backdrop to the lives of those who live there and the memories of those who visit. From the gentle lapping of waves against the lake's shore to the rustle of leaves in the forest, the climate shapes the environment and the experiences it offers. It is a region where each season holds its own charm, inviting exploration and appreciation of the natural world in all its forms.

In the Shuswap wine region, the diverse array of soils plays a pivotal role in shaping the distinctive character of its wines. These soils are a testament to the region's rich geological history, offering vintners a varied canvas on which to craft their unique expressions. Here, we delve into the specific soils that contribute to the region's viticultural diversity:

  1. Glacial Till Soils: These well-draining soils are a prominent feature of the Shuswap region. They originated from the retreat of glaciers thousands of years ago, leaving behind a mix of sand, silt, clay, and rocks. Grapes grown in glacial till soils often exhibit complex flavors and excellent drainage, ensuring the vines' resilience.
  2. Alluvial Soils: Found along riverbanks and valley floors, alluvial soils are fertile and rich in organic matter. They provide excellent water retention capabilities, making them well-suited for white grape varieties. Wines produced from grapes grown in these soils often showcase vibrant acidity and fresh fruit characteristics.
  3. Granitic Soils: The presence of granitic soils in some areas of the Shuswap region imparts a distinctive mineral quality to the wines. These well-drained, rocky soils offer a unique terroir that influences the wine's flavor profile, resulting in wines with a pronounced sense of place.
  4. Clay-Loam Soils: Known for their water retention properties, clay-loam soils can be found in pockets throughout the region. These soils are particularly well-suited for red grape varieties, as they help to regulate water availability and temperature, contributing to wines with depth and structure.
  5. Volcanic Soils: In certain areas, volcanic soils have made their mark, adding to the geological diversity of the region. These soils offer excellent drainage and often contribute to wines with intriguing minerality and a distinct sense of terroir.
  6. Limestone and Marl Deposits: Limestone and marl deposits provide unique conditions for grapevines to thrive. They can impart subtle earthy and mineral notes to the wines, enhancing their complexity and adding depth to the overall flavor profile.

In the Shuswap wine region, these various soils serve as a testament to nature's intricate artistry, providing vintners with a rich palette of options to craft wines that capture the essence of this exceptional terroir. Each soil type contributes its own character, enriching the diversity of wines produced in this remarkable Canadian wine region.


In the charming Shuswap wine region of British Columbia, each grape variety tells its own story through its unique growing needs:

  1. Marechal Foch: Think of this early-ripening red grape as a hardy character, well-suited to Shuswap's cooler climate. It likes the region's well-drained soils and the not-too-hot summers, which are just right for nurturing its growth.
  2. Zweigelt: This red variety is a bit of a sun-seeker, flourishing in the sunnier spots of Shuswap. It loves well-drained soils and relishes the region's warm days balanced by cooler nights, essential for its even ripening.
  3. Ortega: A white grape that's a perfect match for Shuswap's cooler days. It's an early bird in the ripening world and does well in the region's well-drained soils, while the cool temperatures keep its natural zestiness intact.
  4. Siegerrebe: This white grape thrives in the region’s cooler yet sunny settings. It’s not fussy about soil as long as it drains well, and it enjoys Shuswap's blend of light and cool air.
  5. Gewürztraminer: This aromatic white grape needs a bit of warmth to ripen, which it finds in Shuswap. It prefers well-drained soils and needs a bit of help from careful pruning to get just the right amount of sun.
  6. Kerner: Another white variety, Kerner loves the cooler climate here. The chilly nights help keep its zesty acidity, and it grows best in soils that drain well and get a moderate dose of sunshine.

These grapes, each with their unique preferences, thrive in the Shuswap wine region's distinct climate and soil, contributing to the area's diverse and flourishing wine scene.

The Shuswap wine region, situated in the heart of British Columbia's interior, has gained recognition for its production of a variety of distinctive wines, each offering its own set of aromatic and flavor characteristics. Let's delve into the prevalent wines from this region:

  1. Marechal Foch: This red wine is celebrated for its deep hue and robust structure. It typically exudes rich, dark fruit aromas, often with a subtle smoky undertone. On the palate, Marechal Foch from the Shuswap region boasts a full-bodied presence, supported by firm tannins, and frequently showcases flavors reminiscent of dark berries and earthy notes.
  2. Zweigelt: Shuswap's Zweigelt wines often present a lively and fruity bouquet, brimming with red berry fragrances. In terms of taste, they tend to be medium-bodied with a harmonious balance of fruity notes and acidity, delivering a palate that is simultaneously invigorating and smooth, featuring hints of cherry and spice.
  3. Ortega: Ortega wines are typically aromatic, with a fragrance that frequently includes floral hints and ripe stone fruit undertones. When tasted, these wines are generally light to medium-bodied, displaying a seamless fusion of fruitiness and acidity, offering a crisp and refreshing drinking experience.
  4. Siegerrebe: Siegerrebe wines are celebrated for their intensely aromatic character, often filled with floral and fruity nuances. The palate usually mirrors these aromatic qualities, offering a light to medium-bodied wine with vibrant acidity, occasionally accompanied by a subtle sweetness.
  5. Gewürztraminer: Shuswap's Gewürztraminer is renowned for its exotic and spicy aromatics, often featuring hints of lychee and rose petals. It delivers a rich and full-bodied flavor profile with distinctive spiciness and a touch of sweetness, balanced by moderate acidity.
  6. Kerner: Kerner wines frequently boast a delicate aroma, characterized by citrus and white floral notes. In terms of flavor, these wines are typically light to medium-bodied, featuring crisp acidity and a refreshing palate, occasionally offering hints of citrus and green apple.

Each wine from the Shuswap region, with its unique characteristics, reflects the distinct terroir and climate of the area, further enhancing the region's reputation within the Canadian wine industry.
