







about this subregion

Nestled within the broader Steiermark wine region of Austria, Weststeiermark offers a captivating canvas where environment and viticulture merge seamlessly. It unfurls across a picturesque landscape, where undulating hills and verdant valleys cradle vineyards bathed in a gentle, invigorating climate.

Weststeiermark’s environment is characterized by a favorable continental climate, with warm, sun-drenched summers and cold, crisp winters providing ideal conditions for grape cultivation. The region’s topography, marked by elevations ranging from 350 to 550 meters, presents diverse microclimates that contribute to the complexity and allure of the wines produced here. The soils are a mosaic of marl, sand and clay, imparting nuances to the wines that echo the terrain’s richness.

The star of Weststeiermark is undoubtedly the Blauer Wildbacher grape, the primary component of the celebrated Schilcher rosé. Unique to the region, Schilcher boasts vibrant acidity and effervescent fruitiness, mirroring the energetic landscape from which it hails. Sauvignon Blanc finds a harmonious home in the region’s vineyards as well, producing wines with aromatic intensity and a balance between acidity and minerality. Additionally, Weißburgunder (Pinot Blanc) graces the region with its presence, yielding wines that balance elegance with a delightful creaminess, showcasing the delicate dance between the variety and the Weststeiermark terroir.

Each grape variety within Weststeiermark responds to the environmental embrace with expressive wines that are both distinctive and reflective of this enchanting Austrian wine region’s spirit and character.



Vineyard Hectares



1000 - 1300


Discover Terroir

Weststeiermark, a distinguished sub-region within the celebrated Steiermark wine area, is nestled in the enchanting landscape of Austria. This alluring locale beckons with its tranquil beauty and geological variety, offering an idyllic environment where vines flourish under the watchful gaze of the sky and embrace of the earth.

The tapestry of Weststeiermark unfurls across a serene backdrop of rolling hills and sprawling valleys, each contour of the land contributing to the unique personality of the wines crafted here. The hills stand as silent sentinels, witnessing the annual ballet of seasons while cradling the vineyards with gentle slopes that provide both protection and exposure, elements crucial for the cultivation of grapevines.

Weststeiermark’s soils are a symphony of geological diversity, featuring marl, sandstone, and layers of clay and loam, each component adding a different note to the region’s terroir. These soils are remnants of ancient seas, and they whisper tales of time in the ears of the grapevines, imparting nuances and characteristics to the grapes that are unique to the locale.

This is a region where nature showcases its artwork through the canvas of vineyards. Interspersed among the grapevines, forests stand tall and proud, their canopies waving in the wind like green seas, providing not just scenic beauty but also contributing to the region’s biodiversity. Small streams and rivers meander through the valleys, singing songs of liquid crystal as they nourish the land.

Each vineyard in Weststeiermark seems like a carefully painted stroke, meticulously placed to achieve a harmonious balance with the surrounding environment. Here, agriculture is not just about cultivation; it’s a dialogue between humanity and nature, a conversation that happens in the silent language of growth, seasons, and harvests.

The vistas in Weststeiermark seem almost poetic, with vineyards basking under the azure sky, bathed in sunlight that filters through the clouds like liquid gold. This is a region where each dawn brings promise and each dusk leaves behind a legacy of shadows and whispers, with the landscape holding stories that are ancient, timeless, and deliciously intoxicating, much like the wines that originate from this captivating Austrian paradise.

The climate of Weststeiermark is a subtle tapestry of gentle contrasts, delicate rhythms, and harmonious balance that graciously unfolds across its picturesque vine-clad hills and valleys. Engaged in a continuous dance with the region’s varied topography, the climate performs a ballet of warmth and coolness, playing a pivotal role in shaping the unique identity of the wines born in this enchanting Austrian canvas.

With a climate predominantly continental, Weststeiermark is cradled in an embrace that is both nurturing and challenging for its vineyards. The summers here are warm but not overwhelmingly hot, offering the grapes a tender caress of sunlight that kisses them into ripeness. These sunlit days are painted with long hours of daylight, allowing the grapes to bathe in the warmth, accumulating the sugars and aromas that will eventually be their signature.

However, the climate here is not just about the summer’s embrace; the nights in Weststeiermark bring with them a coolness, a gentle drop in temperatures that provides relief to the vines and preserves the crucial acidity in the grapes. This diurnal temperature variation, the dance between day and night temperatures, crafts wines that are balanced and harmonious, with a vibrancy and liveliness that echo the region’s climatic ballet.

Autumn in Weststeiermark is a season of golden beauty and crisp air, with the climate beginning to prepare the vines for the approaching winter. The days are still warm, offering the late-ripening varieties an opportunity to reach their full potential, while the evenings whisper of the chill that is to come, slowly lulling the vineyards into a state of rest.

Winter is mild yet sufficient to provide the vines with a period of dormancy, a necessary rest that ensures they will awaken rejuvenated and ready for the new growing season when spring arrives with its melody of renewal and hope. The spring climate is gentle and encouraging, with temperatures slowly climbing and the skies clearing, inviting the buds to break and the vines to begin their annual journey towards harvest.

Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year, with each drop nurturing the soil and providing the vineyards with the moisture they need to thrive. However, the skies of Weststeiermark are mindful, often clearing during the harvest season to offer the pickers days of dry, clear weather, making the harvest not just a chore but a celebration of the year’s labor and anticipation of the vintage to come.

Ultimately, the climate of Weststeiermark is a silent poet, writing verses of warmth and chill, sun and rain, into the very soul of its vineyards. It’s a climate of sensitivity and strength, crafting wines that are reflections of the skies under which they grew, the air they breathed, and the many moods of the weather they witnessed. Each bottle from Weststeiermark is, therefore, not just wine, but a liquid narrative of its climate, a delicious story waiting to be uncorked and savored.

Weststeiermark unfurls a captivating and diverse soil tapestry, providing the intricate groundwork that significantly influences the wine’s characteristic profile and expressions. Each type of soil, with its unique set of properties, contributes distinctively to the vines’ development, playing a crucial role in the region's viticultural richness and diversity.

  1. Marl Soils: Marl soils take center stage in parts of Weststeiermark, offering a unique blend of clay and limestone. This combination creates a balanced environment for the vine's roots, with the limestone providing adequate drainage while the clay retains necessary moisture. The marl contributes to the structure and complexity of the wines, imparting minerality and a nuanced flavor profile that reflects the region’s terroir.
  2. Sandstone Soils: The presence of sandstone soils is another remarkable feature of Weststeiermark’s landscape. These soils, formed from compressed sand, are known for their excellent drainage properties, ensuring that the vines are not waterlogged even during periods of substantial rain. Sandstone soils help in producing wines with a distinct elegance and a subtle, refined fruitiness that is enticing and memorable.
  3. Clay and Loam Soils: Pockets of clay and loam soils are dispersed across Weststeiermark, providing a different set of advantages for viticulture. These soils are proficient in retaining water, supporting the vines during drier periods. The mix of clay and loam also provides a supportive structure for the vine roots while contributing to the development of wines with depth and intensity of flavor.
  4. Gravel Soils: Gravel soils in the region are appreciated for their drainage capabilities, allowing the vine roots to access water without the risk of standing in it. These soils warm up quickly under the sun, creating a warm microenvironment for the vines and assisting in the ripening process of the grapes. Wines from gravel soils often exhibit a vibrant acidity and freshness, making them delightful and refreshing to the palate.
  5. Slate Soils: In some areas of Weststeiermark, you will find patches of slate soils. Renowned for their heat-retaining properties, slate soils radiate the absorbed heat back to the vines during the cooler nighttime, aiding in the ripening process. These soils contribute to the wine's minerality, yielding bottles with a complex, multifaceted aromatic and flavor profile.

Through the prism of its varied soils, Weststeiermark whispers tales of its geological past and viticultural heritage, with each type of soil singing a different, harmonious note in this silent but expressive symphony of terroir. Each wine crafted in the region carries the imprint of these soils, telling stories of the land in the language of taste and aroma, inviting wine enthusiasts to explore and savor the delightful diversity of Weststeiermark through each sip.


Amidst the stunning tapestry of Vulkanland Steiermark's vineyards, three grape varieties stand as silent, yet eloquent storytellers, narrating the tales of the region’s distinctive terroir through their unique physical aspects and growth patterns. The trio of Blauer Wildbacher, Sauvignon Blanc, and Weißburgunder, each with their own visual charm and agricultural narrative, are the beating heart of the vineyards, showcasing a delightful palette of colors and shapes under the Austrian sun.

Blauer Wildbacher presents clusters of deep, almost mysterious hue, while the Weißburgunder grapes hang with a quiet elegance, their pale, soft coloring akin to precious pearls bathed in sunlight. In contrast, the Sauvignon Blanc grapes sparkle with a lively green, embodying the vibrant energy of the region itself. Together, these grapes paint a compelling portrait of Vulkanland Steiermark’s vineyards, reflecting the dance of sunlight and shadows, the whisper of the winds, and the secret conversations between the soil and the vines.

  1. Blauer Wildbacher: The Blauer Wildbacher grape is recognized for its robustness, capable of thriving in the distinct microclimates scattered across Vulkanland Steiermark. While it's not predominantly grown in Vulkanland Steiermark, when it is, the grape demands well-drained soils, preferably volcanic, which support its growth and development. This late-ripening variety requires a long growing season, soaking in the warmth of the summer and early autumn to achieve optimal ripeness and concentration. The vines are quite hardy and resistant to major diseases, making them relatively easier to cultivate once their primary climatic and soil requirements are met.
  2. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc vines in Vulkanland Steiermark enjoy the cooler yet sunny climate, which is instrumental in developing their characteristic acidity while allowing the grapes to achieve optimal ripeness. This variety thrives in well-drained soils, with the region’s volcanic soils offering an ideal environment. Sauvignon Blanc is sensitive to extreme weather conditions, hence the mild temperatures, adequate sunlight, and the careful management of the canopy in Vulkanland Steiermark vineyards are essential for producing high-quality grapes.
  3. Weißburgunder (Pinot Blanc): Weißburgunder, or Pinot Blanc, finds a comfortable home in Vulkanland Steiermark due to the region’s balanced climate and fertile soils. The variety prefers cooler climates for retaining its natural acidity but needs sufficient warmth during the growing season to ripen fully. Well-drained soils are crucial for preventing root diseases, while careful vineyard management practices help in maintaining the health and vigor of the Weißburgunder vines.

Together, these grape varieties encapsulate the viticultural tapestry of Vulkanland Steiermark, each with its agricultural and climatic preferences, weaving a story of resilience, adaptation, and harmony with the terroir they inhabit. Their physical aspects and growth requirements are testament to the diversity and richness of the wine-producing tradition in this Austrian region.

Within the picturesque and vibrant landscapes of Weststeiermark, nestled in the broader expanses of the Steiermark wine region, wines of unparalleled charm and unique character are meticulously crafted. These wines, born from the ancient, nurturing soils and caressed into ripeness by the tender sun and gentle breezes, present themselves in the glass with a visual appeal as captivating as the terrains they hail from. Each variety unveils a canvas of colors, from the blushing, spirited pink of the Schilcher to the refined, whispering gold of the Weißburgunder and the lively, effervescent hues of the Sauvignon Blanc. These visual characteristics are preludes, inviting wine enthusiasts to explore further.

But the tales these wines tell are not only of captivating colors; they whisper of texture and body as well. The wines from Weststeiermark possess bodies that are symphonies of the region’s climatic dance and geological poetry, ranging from light, delicate, and flirtatious to those that carry themselves with more gravitas and depth, eloquently speaking of the years and care invested in their making. These are wines that feel alive, vibrant, and pulsating with the heartbeat of the vineyards, offering on the palate a tactile experience that complements their aromatic and flavor complexities.

  1. Schilcher: Exclusively crafted from the Blauer Wildbacher grape, Schilcher is a celebration of freshness and vitality in a glass. On the nose, it releases playful bursts of red berries and cherries, with subtle undertones of currants weaving through. The aroma is reminiscent of a serene walk through a blooming garden, where roses unfurl their petals under the soft glow of summer, filling the air with subtle, delightful fragrance.
  2. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc of Weststeiermark is a lively aromatic experience, marked by vibrant notes of gooseberries and crisp green apples. Occasionally, you may also catch whispers of tropical fruits dancing through, adding complexity and allure to its profile. There’s also the characteristic hint of fresh-cut grass and subtle herbal notes, making each sniff and sip a refreshing embrace of nature’s bounty.
  3. Weißburgunder (Pinot Blanc): With an aroma that speaks in hushed tones of elegance and finesse, Weißburgunder offers soft whispers of green pears and yellow apples, accompanied by the delicate scent of white flowers. Hidden beneath these delightful fruit and floral notes, there is a subtle minerality and occasionally a hint of almonds or fresh brioche, crafting a scent profile that is as complex as it is inviting.

Through their aromatic and flavor profiles, these wines from Weststeiermark offer more than just a delightful beverage; they present a sensory journey into the heart of a region where the land and the vine are in harmonious dialogue, creating symphonies of taste that are at once unique and universally enchanting. Each wine tells a story, a tale of soil, sun, and care, unfolding in the glass with every sip taken.
