

47°49' N


16°45' E




about this subregion

Nestled within the broader Burgenland wine area, Leithaberg unveils its winemaking tapestry, marked by a distinct environment and signature grape varieties. The region is embraced by gentle, undulating hills, with its vineyards basking under a generous sun, creating an ambiance of warmth and vibrancy conducive to viticulture.

The terroir of Leithaberg is captivating, featuring a myriad of soils including limestone, schist, and slate, each contributing to the intricate flavor profiles of its wines. This geological diversity, paired with a favorable Pannonian climate, gifts the region with warm summers and mild winters, presenting an idyllic cradle for the grapevines to flourish and bear fruit that is expressive of its place of origin.

Weißburgunder, or Pinot Blanc, is one of the cherished white grapes in Leithaberg, producing wines that are elegantly structured, with a bright acidity and notes of crisp apples and citrus, delicately woven with subtle minerality. Chardonnay thrives in this exceptional terroir as well, yielding wines that are harmoniously balanced, showcasing a delightful dance of ripe fruits, subtle floral undertones, and a whisper of oak.

On the red spectrum, Blaufränkisch stands prominent, crafting wines that are deeply colored and complex, with a robust structure and alluring notes of dark berries, cherries, and a hint of spice. Each variety, meticulously nurtured, mirrors Leithaberg’s unique environment, offering wine enthusiasts a taste that is truly reflective of this Austrian wine haven’s character and charm.



Vineyard Hectares



1300 - 1600


Discover Terroir

The Leithaberg wine region, a sub-area within the illustrious Burgenland wine region in Austria, paints a stunning vista of viticultural allure and natural beauty. Elegantly unfurling along the western shores of Lake Neusiedl, Leithaberg seamlessly intertwines with the undulating landscape, presenting a panoramic tableau of vine-studded hillsides and serene vistas.

A predominant feature of the Leithaberg landscape is its namesake, the Leitha Mountains, which gently rise, crafting a terrain of gentle slopes and elevated plateaus. This topographical tapestry not only provides a mesmerizing backdrop but is also vitally significant for viticulture. The slopes, with their varied gradients and orientations, gift the vineyards with diverse microclimates and exposure to sunlight, allowing each vine to bask in optimal conditions for growth and maturation.

The soils of Leithaberg are as varied and complex as its topography, weaving a subterranean mosaic of limestone, schist, and other mineral-rich formations. Each soil type imparts its unique character to the vines, influencing their growth and the profiles of the grapes they yield. The result is a terroir that is dynamic and multifaceted, a living canvas that changes subtly with each hill and valley, offering a plethora of expressions and possibilities for winemaking.

Amidst this geological symphony, Lake Neusiedl plays a soothing melody of moderation. Its expansive waters act as a climate regulator, tempering the extremes of the continental climate. During summers, the lake mitigates the heat, while in winters, it softens the cold's bite, providing the vineyards with a more balanced and predictable growing environment.

Leithaberg’s landscape is a harmonious confluence of earth, water, and sky, a natural amphitheater where the vines grow under the watchful eyes of the hills and the gentle caress of the lake breezes. Every element in this enchanting locale contributes to the cultivation of grapes, coming together to craft a terroir that is as exquisite and refined as the wines that emerge from the cellars of Leithaberg.

The Leithaberg wine region enjoys a Pannonian climate, moderated by the proximity of Lake Neusiedl and the Leithagebirge hills. Summers here are warm and dry, with temperatures often ranging from the high 20s to low 30s Celsius (mid-80s to low 90s Fahrenheit), providing optimal conditions for grape ripening, which is crucial for developing the rich flavors and aromas in the wines. The winters are typically mild with occasional colder periods.

The region receives moderate rainfall, which is evenly distributed throughout the year, supplying vineyards with adequate moisture without causing excessive waterlogging. Leithaberg benefits from approximately 2000 to 2200 hours of annual sunshine, ensuring full grape ripening and resulting in high-quality wines. Regular winds from the west and northwest help keep vineyards dry, minimizing disease and pest risks.

The Leithaberg wine region is distinguished by its diverse and complex soils, contributing significantly to the terroir and the unique characteristics of its wines.

  1. Limestone (Kalkstein): Limestone is a dominant soil type in the Leithaberg region. It is alkaline and well-draining, offering vital minerals and nutrients to the vines. This type of soil is known for producing wines with a distinct mineral quality, bright acidity, and elegant structure.
  2. Schist (Schiefer): Schist is prevalent in various parts of Leithaberg. This metamorphic rock is characterized by its flaky and layered structure, providing excellent drainage. Schist imparts a mineral complexity to the wines and is often associated with delicate, aromatic, and elegant wine profiles.
  3. Leithakalk: This is a specific type of limestone found in the region, known for its high fossil content. Leithakalk contributes to the minerality and finesse in the wines, supporting their structure and providing a unique character.
  4. Loess: In some areas, loess is found, which is a fine, wind-deposited sediment. It has good water retention properties and imparts a fuller, rounder mouthfeel to the wines.
  5. Clay: Patches of clay soil offer excellent water-holding capacity, supporting vines during dry periods and contributing to the richness and body of the wines.

The interplay of these varied soil types in Leithaberg offers a dynamic and multifaceted growing environment for vines. Different grape varieties respond distinctively to each soil type, resulting in a wide range of wine styles and profiles within the region. The limestone and schist soils, in particular, are highly prized for their ability to produce wines with marked minerality, complexity, and elegance. The diversity in soils allows winemakers to craft wines that are not only reflective of the region's unique terroir but also possess individuality and distinction.


The Neusiedlersee region, with its harmonious blend of climatic conditions and rich soil diversity, offers an ideal environment for nurturing a variety of grape vines. Three grape varieties, namely Weißburgunder, Chardonnay, and Blaufränkisch, thrive remarkably in this area, presenting a visual spectacle of healthy, robust vines, verdant leaves, and clusters of vibrant, plump grapes ready to be transformed into exquisite wines.

  1. Weißburgunder (Pinot Blanc): Weißburgunder vines are relatively hardy and adaptable, prospering well in the diverse soils of the Neusiedlersee region. These vines prefer well-drained soils and benefit from locations that receive ample sunlight, essential for the grapes to achieve optimal ripeness. Weißburgunder is often harvested earlier in the season, requiring vigilant monitoring to ensure the grapes are picked at the right balance of acidity and sugar levels.
  2. Chardonnay: Chardonnay vines are quite versatile, able to adapt to various soil types and climatic conditions. In Neusiedlersee, they are often planted in locations with good sun exposure and in soils that are not overly fertile, helping concentrate the flavors in the grapes. While Chardonnay can be susceptible to certain diseases and pests, careful vineyard management practices, including canopy management and yield control, help in producing healthy, quality grapes.
  3. Blaufränkisch: This red grape variety thrives in the warmer sites of Neusiedlersee. The well-drained soils and the warm, temperate climate of the region are conducive for Blaufränkisch, allowing the grapes to develop deep color and tannins. These vines demand careful attention to avoid overcropping, and the growers often implement green harvesting to ensure that the remaining grapes receive adequate nutrients and energy for maturation.

Wines emanating from the Leithaberg region are lauded for their remarkable diversity and expressiveness, with each bottle encapsulating the area's distinct terroir. The visual allure of these wines ranges from the luminous, pale gold of the whites to the intense, ruby red of the reds, reflecting the splendid variety of grapes cultivated in the vineyards. These wines usually possess a medium to full body, with the whites presenting an elegant structure and the reds offering a robust and hearty palate.

  1. Weißburgunder Wines: Weißburgunder wines from Leithaberg offer a delightful aromatic spectrum, often displaying nuances of green apple, pear, and citrus fruits. These wines may also possess subtle hints of nuts and brioche, particularly if they have been aged in oak barrels. On the palate, Weißburgunder expresses a delicate balance of acidity and fruitiness, creating a refreshing and pleasing taste that lingers gracefully, making them versatile and appealing to a wide range of wine enthusiasts.
  2. Chardonnay Wines: Leithaberg's Chardonnay wines are celebrated for their vibrant and complex aromatic profiles. These wines often reveal notes of ripe tropical fruits, melon, and peach, intertwined with delicate floral and buttery undertones. Depending on the winemaking style, you might also detect hints of vanilla and toast, adding layers of complexity and depth to the wine's overall profile, providing a rich and indulgent drinking experience.
  3. Blaufränkisch Wines: Blaufränkisch wines are deeply aromatic, with a prominent showcase of dark fruits like blackberries, cherries, and plums. These fruit-forward notes are often complemented by subtle spices and occasionally, traces of herbal and earthy tones. The wines are known for their vibrant acidity and moderate to high tannins, resulting in a structured and well-balanced palate that mirrors the aromatic complexity and intrigue of their scent.