Perth Hills

Perth Hills

31° 90’ S


138° 49’ E




about this subregion

The Australian Perth Hills wine subregion of Western Australia is renowned for its picturesque environment and ideal conditions for grape cultivation. Nestled within the Darling Range, the region's undulating hillsides offer a unique microclimate characterized by cool nights and warm days, fostering optimal grape ripening. The area benefits from its proximity to the Indian Ocean, which moderates temperatures and provides cooling breezes that mitigate heat stress on the vines.

Primarily known for its boutique wineries, Perth Hills produces notable expressions of Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, and Shiraz. These grape varieties thrive in the region's diverse soils, which range from gravelly loams to granite-based sands. Winemakers in Perth Hills are celebrated for their dedication to sustainable viticultural practices, further enhancing the quality and distinctiveness of the wines.

Visitors to Perth Hills can indulge in wine tastings amidst stunning natural scenery, with many vineyards offering cellar door experiences. The region's charm lies not only in its exceptional wines but also in its tranquil ambiance and panoramic views of rolling vineyards. With its combination of favorable climate, diverse terroir, and passionate winemaking community, Perth Hills continues to be a prominent destination for wine enthusiasts seeking unique and memorable tasting experiences.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled along the scenic Darling Scarp and bordered by the eastward expanse of the Swan District and the northern edges of Peel, lies the enchanting Perth Hills wine subregion, a beloved destination for wine lovers and enthusiasts alike. Spanning from the northern outpost of Gidgegannup to the southern reaches of Serpentine Jarrahdale, this captivating region showcases a landscape that is as diverse as it is breathtaking.

The undulating hills of the Perth Hills create a mesmerizing vista, with their lush greenery and meandering valleys providing the perfect canvas for viticulture. These rolling hills not only offer a picturesque backdrop but also play a crucial role in shaping the microclimates that make this area so conducive to grape cultivation. The elevation and slope variations across the region contribute to variations in temperature, sun exposure, and soil drainage, providing winemakers with a rich tapestry of growing conditions to craft wines of exceptional quality and character.

Renowned for its unique terroir, the Perth Hills boast a variety of soils, ranging from gravelly loams to sandy granite-based compositions. This diversity allows for the cultivation of an array of grape varieties, each expressing its own distinct characteristics reflective of the land from which it originates. Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, and Shiraz are among the primary grape varieties cultivated in the region, thriving in the Mediterranean climate characterized by warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters.

Despite its relatively modest size, the Perth Hills wine subregion is a significant contributor to Western Australia's thriving wine industry. Between September 2020 and September 2021, this region produced an average of 39,000 liters of wine, a testament to its productivity and the dedication of its winemakers. The region's boutique wineries are celebrated for their commitment to quality and innovation, producing wines that reflect both tradition and modernity.

Visitors to the Perth Hills are treated to more than just exceptional wines; they are invited to immerse themselves in an experience that celebrates the beauty of nature and the artistry of winemaking. Whether exploring the vineyards, indulging in cellar door tastings, or simply taking in the stunning vistas, a journey through the Perth Hills is sure to captivate the senses and leave a lasting impression. With its scenic beauty, diverse terroir, and commitment to excellence, the Perth Hills wine subregion continues to enchant and inspire wine enthusiasts from near and far.

The Perth Hills wine subregion, nestled within the expansive Western Australian wine regions, stands out as a distinctive area with a unique combination of climatic conditions and geographical features that are particularly favorable for viticulture. While detailed climate data specific to the Perth Hills wine subregion is not readily available, the general climate characteristics of the area can be inferred to play a significant role in shaping its viticultural practices and wine production. The region benefits from a Mediterranean climate, characterized by wet, cool winters and dry, warm summers. This climate type is particularly well-suited for growing a wide range of grape varieties, enabling local winemakers to craft an eclectic array of wines that reflect the rich diversity of the area.

The Perth Hills wine region distinguishes itself with its collection of boutique wineries and vineyards, many of which remain family-owned and operated. This aspect lends a deeply personal touch to the wine-tasting experiences offered in the area, allowing visitors to connect more closely with the winemaking process and the people behind it. The region's elevation, along with its diverse terrain, introduces a variety of microclimates within the Perth Hills, each influencing the flavor profiles and characteristics of the wines produced in distinct ways. Such variability ensures that wines from this region carry a unique signature, influenced by the specific conditions under which their grapes were cultivated.

Moreover, the rich soils of the Perth Hills contribute to the success of both red and white grape varieties, supporting the cultivation of vines that yield high-quality fruit. This, in turn, enables the production of exceptional wines that are celebrated for their distinct regional characteristics. The area's soil composition, alongside its favorable climate, creates an ideal environment for viticulture, fostering the growth of grapevines that produce complex and nuanced wines.

Wine tourism is an increasingly popular draw for the Perth Hills, attracting visitors not only with the scenic beauty of its landscapes but also with the high quality of its wines and the welcoming nature of its winemaking community. The region is becoming well-known for its wine-related events, which occur throughout the year, offering further opportunities for visitors to explore the diverse viticultural and enological practices of the area. These events range from wine tastings and vineyard tours to festivals that celebrate the local culture and the art of winemaking, enhancing the appeal of the Perth Hills as a destination for wine enthusiasts and tourists alike.

In summary, the Perth Hills wine subregion represents a remarkable component of Western Australia's wine landscape, marked by its favorable Mediterranean climate, diverse geographical features, and rich soils. These elements, combined with the region's emphasis on boutique, family-run wineries, contribute to the production of distinctive wines that capture the essence of the area. The growth of wine tourism in the Perth Hills further underscores the region's appeal, highlighting its scenic vistas, exceptional wines, and the warm hospitality of its winemaking community. As such, the Perth Hills stand as a testament to the vibrant and diverse nature of Western Australia's wine culture, offering a unique and enriching experience for wine lovers and visitors from around the world.

The Perth Hills wine subregion, renowned for its diverse viticultural areas, benefits significantly from its varied soil composition. This diversity plays a crucial role in the cultivation of a wide range of grape varieties, each contributing to the unique characteristics of the wines produced in this area:

  1. Brown Clay Soils: The brown clay soils prevalent in the Perth Hills wine subregion are known for their excellent water retention capabilities. This type of soil tends to be dense and can hold onto nutrients well, which is beneficial for vine health and growth. The water-holding capacity of brown clay soils ensures that vines have access to moisture even during drier periods, reducing the need for artificial irrigation. However, the high density of these soils can also pose challenges for root penetration, necessitating careful vineyard management practices to ensure that vines can access the nutrients and water they need for optimal growth.
  2. Sandy Loams Mixed with Gravel: Sandy loam soils, interspersed with gravel, are another common soil type in the Perth Hills wine subregion. These soils are well-drained, preventing water from accumulating around the roots and thus reducing the risk of root diseases. The gravel content improves soil structure, enhancing aeration and facilitating root penetration. These soils tend to heat up quickly, which can advance the ripening of grapes, potentially influencing the development of sugar and flavors in the fruit. The combination of sandy loam and gravel provides an excellent balance of drainage and moisture retention, supporting the cultivation of vines that produce high-quality grapes.

The interaction between these soil types and the region's unique climate conditions contributes to the distinct terroir of the Perth Hills wine subregion. The variation in soil composition across different vineyards allows for the production of a wide array of wine styles, reflecting the unique characteristics imparted by the region's terroir. Vineyard managers and winemakers in the Perth Hills leverage these soil attributes through meticulous vineyard practices, aiming to produce wines that express the essence of their origin.


Nestled within the Darling Range and a short drive from Perth's CBD, the Perth Hills wine subregion is a jewel of Western Australia's wine country. Known for its unique microclimates, varied terrain, and fertile soils, this area is a haven for viticulture, producing wines that are as distinctive as the landscape. The warm Mediterranean climate, characterized by warm dry summers and cool, wet winters, alongside the diverse soil types, sets a perfect stage for a variety of grapevines to thrive. Among the myriad of grape varieties cultivated in this region, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, and Shiraz stand out as the most common, each with its unique set of agricultural and climatic needs.

  1. Cabernet Sauvignon: Cabernet Sauvignon thrives in the Perth Hills' warm and dry conditions, benefiting from the cool nights that help maintain acidity and structure in the grapes. This variety prefers well-drained soils, and the region's mix of sandy loam and gravelly soils suits it perfectly. The grape's thick skin and robust vine make it relatively resistant to the challenges posed by the area's climate, allowing it to ripen consistently and produce high-quality fruit.
  2. Merlot: The Perth Hills' soil diversity, including its deep loamy and clay soils, provides an excellent environment for Merlot vines, which require good water retention to support their vigorous growth. The warm days promote consistent ripening, while the cool nights ensure that Merlot grapes develop balanced acidity and tannins. This grape benefits from the region's ability to provide consistent warmth without excessive heat, preventing over-ripening and preserving the grape's subtle nuances.
  3. Shiraz: Shiraz is well-suited to the warm, dry climate of the Perth Hills, with its ability to tolerate heat and drought conditions making it a resilient choice for the region's growers. The variety excels in the well-drained soils found throughout the area, from sandy loams to gravels and clays, allowing for deep root penetration and stable vine growth. The diurnal temperature variation contributes to the development of Shiraz's complexity, with warm days promoting sugar accumulation and cool nights preserving vital acidity.
  4. Chardonnay: Chardonnay, a versatile grape variety, adapts well to the Perth Hills' diverse microclimates and soil types, from sandy loams to clay. It benefits from the region's sunny days for optimal photosynthesis, while the cool breezes and lower night temperatures help preserve its acidity and freshness. The moderate climate allows for a longer ripening period, which is crucial for developing the complexity for which Chardonnay is known, without sacrificing the grape's natural acidity.

The Perth Hills wine subregion's commitment to quality viticulture is evident in the care and dedication applied to growing these four key grape varieties. The unique combination of climate, soil, and topography in the Perth Hills allows Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, and Shiraz to express their full potential, contributing to the region's reputation for producing diverse and high-quality wines. This careful balance of natural elements ensures that the Perth Hills remain a distinguished and vital part of Western Australia's wine heritage.

Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Western Australia, the Perth Hills wine subregion is renowned for its exceptional wines, where the unique terroir imbues each bottle with distinct characteristics. This region, celebrated for its boutique vineyards and artisanal winemaking approaches, excels in producing wines that are not only reflective of their origin but also boast remarkable aromatic and flavor profiles. Among the plethora of wines produced here, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, and Shiraz stand out as the most common and beloved by both locals and connoisseurs worldwide.

  1. Cabernet Sauvignon: Perth Hills' Cabernet Sauvignon is distinguished by its complex aroma profile, featuring a blend of dark fruits like blackcurrant and plum, accented with hints of mint and eucalyptus. On the palate, these wines exhibit a robust structure, presenting flavors of ripe blackberries and cherries, underpinned by a savory undertone and a lingering finish of fine, well-integrated tannins. The balance between fruit intensity and elegant oak influence results in a wine that is both powerful and refined.
  2. Merlot: Merlot wines from this region are known for their soft, velvety texture and approachable character. Aromatically, they offer a generous bouquet of ripe red fruits like cherries and raspberries, complemented by nuances of chocolate and spice. On the palate, these wines are smooth and medium-bodied, with flavors mirroring the nose and additional layers of plum and subtle herbal notes, leading to a pleasing, soft finish.
  3. Shiraz: Shiraz from Perth Hills is celebrated for its vibrant and spicy profile, marked by aromas of black pepper, dark berries, and subtle smoky undertones. The flavor is equally compelling, with a rich tapestry of dark fruit flavors, such as blackberry and plum, intertwined with spice, licorice, and a hint of leather. These wines are full-bodied, with a firm tannic structure and a long, peppery finish, showcasing the strength and vitality of Shiraz in this region.
  4. Chardonnay: The Chardonnay from Perth Hills showcases a spectrum of aromas from vibrant citrus and green apple to more nuanced notes of peach, melon, and tropical fruits. Flavor-wise, these wines can range from crisp and refreshing with a mineral edge to richer and more rounded, featuring buttery nuances and a creamy texture. The use of oak aging is skillfully applied to add complexity, imparting subtle hints of vanilla and toasted almonds without overshadowing the wine's intrinsic fruit character.

Each wine from the Perth Hills wine subregion is a testament to the rich and diverse terroir of Western Australia, offering wine lovers a distinct and memorable tasting experience. From the bold and structured Cabernet Sauvignon to the nuanced and elegant Chardonnay, the smooth and fruity Merlot, and the spicy and robust Shiraz, these wines embody the essence of their origin, reflecting the skill and passion of Perth Hills' winemakers.
