South Burnett

South Burnett

33° 37' S


151° 85’ E




about this subregion

The South Burnett sub-region, nestled in the heart of the Australian Queensland wine region, is a wine lover's paradise renowned for its unique environment and exceptional grape varieties. This flourishing wine-producing area, which is close to breathtaking viewpoints such as the Sunshine Coast, boasts a diverse landscape of rolling hills, fertile soils, and a climate perfectly suited for viticulture.

Among the myriad of grape varieties cultivated in the South Burnett, Chardonnay and Shiraz have taken center stage. These grapes thrive in the region's warm days and cool nights, resulting in wines of remarkable character and complexity.

Chardonnay, with its elegant and crisp profile, showcases the region's ability to produce exceptional white wines. The South Burnett's Chardonnays are celebrated for their notes of citrus, green apple, and a subtle hint of oak, making them a delightful choice for wine enthusiasts.

Shiraz, on the other hand, flourishes in the region's terroir, yielding red wines that are bold, rich, and full-bodied. South Burnett's Shiraz is characterized by its dark fruit flavors, spicy undertones, and velvety tannins, making it a standout among Australian red wines.

In addition to Chardonnay and Shiraz, the South Burnett also cultivates a diverse array of grape varieties, including Tempranillo, Saperavi, Merlot, Verdelho, Viognier, and Semillon. These grape varieties contribute to the region's vibrant and expanding wine portfolio, attracting wine enthusiasts from far and wide to savor the unique flavors of the South Burnett.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The South Burnett wine region, nestled in the southeastern expanse of Queensland, Australia, beckons wine enthusiasts and travelers alike to explore its rich tapestry of vineyards and wineries. Situated approximately 200 kilometers (124 miles) northwest of Brisbane, Queensland's bustling capital city, and about three hours drive from the Sunshine Coast, this picturesque region boasts a diverse landscape characterized by rolling green hills, verdant valleys, and expansive farmlands. It is within this idyllic setting that the South Burnett's thriving viticultural scene has flourished, harnessing the region's fertile soils and favorable climate to produce wines of exceptional quality and character. South Burnet is, along with the Granite Belt, a key wine producing area of Queensland.

At the heart of the South Burnett wine region lies the vibrant town of Kingaroy, a bustling hub of wine tourism and agricultural activity. Serving as a gateway to the area's renowned vineyards and cellar doors, Kingaroy invites visitors to embark on a journey of discovery, where they can sample the region's acclaimed wines, immerse themselves in its rich cultural heritage, and savor the bounty of its local produce. From quaint cafes and gourmet restaurants to artisanal markets and boutique shops, Kingaroy offers a plethora of experiences to delight the senses and nourish the soul, making it an essential stop for any wine lover traversing the South Burnett.

As visitors venture beyond the town limits of Kingaroy, they are greeted by a landscape teeming with vineyards and wineries, each contributing its own unique charm and character to the region's viticultural tapestry. From family-owned estates to award-winning boutique producers, the South Burnett boasts a diverse array of winemaking talent, with a focus on crafting wines that reflect the terroir and heritage of the land. Whether exploring the sun-drenched slopes of the vineyards or indulging in a leisurely tasting session at a cellar door, visitors are treated to an immersive experience that celebrates the art and science of winemaking in all its glory.

In addition to its renowned wines, the South Burnett region offers a wealth of recreational opportunities for visitors to enjoy. From scenic drives through the countryside to hiking adventures in the nearby national parks, there's no shortage of ways to explore the natural beauty and charm of this picturesque region. Whether seeking relaxation or adventure surrounded by natural beauty, the South Burnett wine region promises an unforgettable journey filled with warmth, hospitality, and the timeless allure of Australian wine country.

The South Burnett wine region, nestled in the heart of Queensland, Australia, enjoys a subtropical climate that is perfectly suited to the cultivation of premium grapes and the production of exceptional wines. With its hot summers, characterized by temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C, and mild winters hovering around 10°C to 20°C, the region experiences a harmonious balance of cool and warm climate throughout the year. This temperate climate, coupled with moderate rainfall distributed evenly across the seasons, provides an ideal environment for grape cultivation, allowing the vines to thrive and flourish under optimal conditions.

The subtropical climate of the South Burnett region plays a pivotal role in shaping the character and quality of its wines, with a focus on varietals that excel in these conditions. Red grape varieties such as Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon thrive in the region's warm summers, benefiting from ample sunlight and heat accumulation to achieve optimal ripeness and flavor development. The resulting wines are renowned for their bold, full-bodied character and rich, complex aromas.

In addition to its red wine offerings, the South Burnett region also produces an array of high-quality white wines, thanks to its favorable climate and diverse terroir. Varieties such as Chardonnay and Verdelho flourish in the region's mild winters and moderate rainfall, yielding wines of exceptional elegance and finesse. With their crisp acidity, vibrant fruit flavors, and lingering finish, these white wines capture the essence of the South Burnett's unique terroir, showcasing the region's commitment to excellence and innovation in winemaking.

As the South Burnett wine region continues to gain recognition on the global stage, its subtropical climate remains a cornerstone of its success, providing the foundation upon which its world-class wines are crafted. With each bottle bearing the hallmark of the region's unique terroir and climate, the wines of the South Burnett stand as a testament to the dedication and passion of its winemakers, inviting wine lovers everywhere to savor the beauty and bounty of Australian wine country.

The South Burnett wine subregion, nestled within the picturesque landscape of Queensland, Australia, boasts a diverse array of soils that play a crucial role in shaping the region's viticultural landscape. From light sandy soils to rich clays of various hues, each soil type contributes unique characteristics to the terroir, influencing the growth of grapevines and the flavors of the wines they produce.

  1. Light Sandy Soils: One of the predominant soil types in the South Burnett wine subregion is light sandy soils, characterized by their loose texture and excellent drainage properties. These soils are typically found in higher elevations and hilly areas, where they provide optimal conditions for grape cultivation. With their ability to warm up quickly in the sun and retain moisture effectively, light sandy soils encourage healthy vine growth and contribute to the development of vibrant fruit flavors in the wines.
  2. Red Clays: Red clays are another common soil type found throughout the South Burnett wine subregion, imparting a distinct reddish hue to the landscape. Formed from the weathering of underlying bedrock and minerals, these clay soils offer excellent water retention capabilities and fertility, making them well-suited for grape cultivation. With their ability to regulate moisture levels and provide essential nutrients to the vines, red clays play a crucial role in producing wines of depth and complexity.
  3. Brown Clays: In addition to red clays, the South Burnett is also home to brown clay soils, which exhibit similar characteristics but with slight variations in color and composition. These soils are typically found in lower-lying areas and valley floors, where they contribute to the region's diverse terroir. With their rich organic content and moisture retention capabilities, brown clays provide a fertile foundation for grapevines, resulting in wines of richness and structure.
  4. Black Clays: Completing the quartet of common soil types in the South Burnett wine subregion are black clays, which are renowned for their deep color and high fertility. Derived from the decomposition of organic matter over time, black clays offer excellent water retention and nutrient availability, providing optimal conditions for grapevine growth. With their ability to support vigorous vine development and enhance fruit expression, black clays contribute to the production of wines of exceptional quality and character.

In conclusion, the diverse soils of the South Burnett wine subregion form the bedrock of its viticultural landscape, providing a rich tapestry of terroir that is reflected in the wines it produces. From light sandy soils to red, brown, and black clays, each soil type imparts its unique imprint on the grapes, influencing their flavor profile and aromatic nuances. As a result, the wines of the South Burnett embody the essence of the land, inviting enthusiasts to explore the myriad expressions of this vibrant wine region.


Nestled within the picturesque South Burnett subregion of the Queensland wine region lies a rich tapestry of grape varietals that thrive amidst its fertile soils and favorable climatic conditions. From robust reds to crisp whites, each grape cultivar contributes its unique characteristics to the viticultural landscape, reflecting the region's diverse terroir and the expertise of its winemakers.

  1. Shiraz: A stalwart of the South Burnett, Shiraz thrives in the region's warm, sunny climate and well-drained soils. Known for its resilience to drought conditions, Shiraz vines require ample sunlight and moderate water availability during the growing season to achieve optimal ripeness. With careful canopy management and irrigation practices, winemakers can coax out the varietal's rich, full-bodied expression.
  2. Tempranillo: Tempranillo, a Spanish native, finds a second home in the South Burnett's Mediterranean-like climate. This grape variety flourishes in well-drained, limestone-rich soils, where it can bask in the region's ample sunshine and mild temperatures. With its relatively late ripening cycle, Tempranillo benefits from a long growing season, allowing it to develop its characteristic depth and complexity.
  3. Cabernet Sauvignon: Cabernet Sauvignon thrives in the South Burnett's temperate climate and gravelly soils. This late-ripening grape variety requires ample sunlight and consistent water availability throughout the growing season. While it can withstand warmer temperatures, Cabernet Sauvignon benefits from cool nights to preserve acidity and enhance flavor development. In the South Burnett, Cabernet Sauvignon yields wines with bold fruit flavors and firm tannins.
  4. Saperavi: Hailing from the Caucasus region, Saperavi thrives in the South Burnett's continental climate and fertile alluvial soils. This hardy grape variety is well-suited to the region's hot summers and cold winters, requiring minimal intervention to reach maturity. With its thick skins and high acidity, Saperavi lends itself to extended maceration and aging, producing wines of bold structure and longevity.
  5. Merlot: Merlot, a classic Bordeaux varietal, adapts well to the South Burnett's diverse terroir. With its early ripening cycle, Merlot benefits from the region's warm days and cool nights, allowing for gradual maturation and optimal flavor development. Well-drained soils, such as sandy loam or gravel, provide the ideal growing conditions for this versatile grape, yielding wines of supple texture and fruit-forward character.
  6. Chardonnay: Chardonnay, a beloved white grape, thrives in the South Burnett's cooler microclimates and fertile soils. While it can adapt to a range of soil types, including clay and limestone, Chardonnay excels in well-drained, moderately fertile soils that allow for balanced vine growth. The region's diurnal temperature variation and ample sunshine promote optimal ripening, resulting in Chardonnays of elegance and finesse.
  7. Verdelho: Verdelho, a Portuguese variety, finds its niche in the South Burnett's subtropical climate and sandy loam soils. With its early bud break and vigorous growth habit, Verdelho requires careful canopy management to mitigate excessive vigor and promote fruit quality. The region's warm, humid summers and mild winters provide an ideal backdrop for this varietal, yielding wines of vibrant acidity and tropical fruit flavors.
  8. Viognier: Viognier, known for its aromatic intensity and voluptuous texture, thrives in the South Burnett's warm, sunny climate and well-drained soils. This grape variety requires a long, warm growing season to reach optimal ripeness, with careful attention to irrigation to prevent water stress during the critical stages of fruit development. The region's diurnal temperature shifts and ample sunshine enhance Viognier's aromatic complexity and structural finesse.
  9. Semillon: Semillon, a versatile white grape, excels in the South Burnett's maritime-influenced climate and fertile alluvial soils. With its early ripening cycle and susceptibility to botrytis, Semillon requires meticulous vineyard management to achieve optimal balance between acidity and sugar levels. The region's moderate temperatures and occasional rainfall provide ideal conditions for this varietal, yielding wines of finesse and longevity.

Nestled within the scenic landscape of Queensland, Australia, the South Burnett wine subregion showcases a diverse array of wines that reflect the region's unique terroir and winemaking expertise. Among these offerings, Shiraz and Chardonnay stand out as quintessential representations of the subregion's vinicultural prowess, each offering its own distinctive aromatic and flavor profile.

  1. Shiraz: South Burnett's Shiraz wines exude a captivating blend of richness and complexity, characterized by bold aromas of blackberry and plum. Upon the palate, layers of dark fruit flavors mingle with hints of spice and pepper, adding depth and intrigue to each sip. With velvety tannins and a lingering finish, Shiraz from this region embodies the epitome of Australian red wine craftsmanship, inviting indulgence and appreciation.
  2. Chardonnay: Chardonnay reigns supreme among South Burnett's white wine offerings, captivating the senses with its elegant aromas of ripe orchard fruits and citrus blossoms. On the palate, flavors of crisp apple and juicy pear intertwine with subtle hints of vanilla and toasted oak, imparting a creamy texture and lingering finish. With its balance of fruitiness and acidity, Chardonnay from this region epitomizes sophistication and refinement, making it a perennial favorite among wine connoisseurs.