Consorzio di Tutela Vini d'Abruzzo

Consorzio di Tutela Vini d'Abruzzo

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Abruzzo, a region home to over 250 wineries, stands the beacon of integrity and authenticity, the Consorzio di Tutella Vini d'Abruzzo. This consortium is not merely an institution but the embodiment of dedication to preserve the genuine essence of Abruzzo's wines.

At the heart of the consortium's mission is the relentless pursuit of monitoring, protecting, and safeguarding the designations of Abruzzo's rich wine heritage. During the crucial sales phase, their vigilance is evident on two main fronts. Technically, they ensure that all protected products strictly adhere to production regulation requirements, thereby maintaining the revered quality synonymous with the region. Administratively, the consortium stands as a bulwark against malpractices, defending the designations from the threats of plagiarism, unfair competition, usurpation, and other illicit endeavors.

Yet, the Consorzio di Tutella Vini d'Abruzzo's role is not limited to protection. It also wears the hat of a guide. By consulting the representatives of specific designations, the consortium shapes the execution of pertinent government policies, aligning them with the region's wine-centric ethos. Furthermore, it orchestrates and harmonizes the diverse activities of all categories involved in the production and marketing of DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) or IGP (Protected Geographic Indication) wines.

As a custodian of tradition and authenticity, the consortium actively engages in making proposals related to the regulations of DOP (including DOCG and DOC) and IGP wines. Beyond this, it offers invaluable advisory services about the product involved, standing as a pillar of support regarding the laws that protect designations of origin and the geographic indications of wines.

Association Descriptors

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