Consorzio di Tutela Freisa di Chieri

Consorzio di Tutela Freisa di Chieri

Established in 2002, the Consorzio di Tutela Freisa di Chieri and Collina Torinese stands as a guardian of viticultural history and the heritage of the hills. Operating as a non-profit, its core missions not only include supporting and coordinating its member companies but also celebrating and spotlighting their productions. While it acts autonomously, collaboration with esteemed bodies such as the Turin Chamber of Commerce enriches its operations. Moreover, it positions itself as a hub of legislative information, offering its members technical, viticultural, oenological, and legal consultancy.

The heart of this Consortium lies in the Freisa grape, a quintessentially Piedmontese variety with documented history spanning at least half a millennium. Although its presence in the territories of today's Monferrato and Collina Torinese dates further back, it went by different local names. The enduring art of winemaking in this region, even through barbarian invasions post the Roman Empire, is credited to monks, especially the Augustinian monks from the Vezzolano Abbey. Their dedication ensured the Freisa vine's propagation and the wine's significance for religious celebrations like the Eucharist.

Historically, the region, which Giovanni Battista Croce referred to as the "Turin mountain", is the last extension of the Monferrato's undulating hills. Rich in vineyards and wine production, this land saw contributions from eclectic personalities like Croce, a Milanese who, although not referencing Freisa directly, spoke of grapes like "Cario" and "Malvagie" which he cultivated and studied.

From the 17th to the 19th century, noble estates flourished, hosting vineyards likely dominated by Freisa. These vineyards, referred to as "vinee ultra padum" (vineyards beyond the Po) in official documents, over time evolved into properties called "villas". A notable one is Vigna della Regina, owned by Madama Reale Christina of France. Reactivated in 2008, its vineyard stretches over a significant area, majorly dedicated to Freisa and other regional varieties.

The "Turin hill", a verdant haven near the Piedmontese capital, holds memories of local traditions like Sunday outings, Easter Monday excursions, and delectable treats paired with the region's fruity wines.

The Consortium takes pride in its role of protecting the denominations Freisa di Chieri (since 1973) and Collina Torinese (since 1999) in its varied forms. With a current membership of 8 companies spanning the provinces of Turin and Asti, the Consorzio continues its invaluable work of upholding the legacy of the hill and vine.

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