Associazione Consorzi Tutela Vini Lombardi

Associazione Consorzi Tutela Vini Lombardi

In the heart of Italy's diverse wine regions stands Lombardy, an epicenter of vinicultural richness, tradition, and innovation. Spearheading the mission to protect and promote this wealth is the Associazione Consorzi Tutela Vini Lombardi (Ascovilo). Bringing together Lombardy’s esteemed consortia, Ascovilo ensures the cherished legacy of DOC, DOCG, and IGT wines from this region are nurtured and showcased to the world.

Lombardy is a land of contrasts and surprises. It tantalizes the palate with an array of wines – from the mineral-laden, long-lived whites of Lugana and the sophisticated classic method sparkling wines of Oltrepo to the vivacious rosé wines from Lake Garda and the robust alpine reds of Valtellina. But it's not just the wines; Lombardy bewitches with its myriad landscapes – ancient vineyards recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites, rare vines cradled by Italy's tiniest appellation, the crisp air of its mountains, and the balmy Mediterranean embrace on its lake shores.

Ascovilo's commitment to the region's vinicultural heritage is further underscored by their recent collaboration. Teaming up with Grana Padano Cheese Consortium, Ascovilo is proudly participating in a three-year promotional project titled ‘Eccellenze europee del gusto. Nati per stare insieme’ (‘European gastronomic delicacies. Born to be together’). Spanning from May 2021 to April 2024 and co-financed by the European Union (pursuant to Regulation (EU) 1144/2014), this initiative is a joint venture with the Grana Padano Consortium. Its mission? To celebrate and elevate the recognition of two of Europe's iconic gastronomic wonders in both Italy and Germany.

In essence, Ascovilo stands as a testament to Lombardy's vinicultural splendor, ensuring that every sip from this region is an ode to its rich heritage, diverse landscapes, and unwavering passion for winemaking.

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