Asociación de Bodegueros de Rioja Alavesa

Asociación de Bodegueros de Rioja Alavesa

Asociación de Bodegueros de Rioja Alavesa (ABRA) (Rioja Alavesa Winemakers Association)

This association represents a group of winemakers and producers in Rioja Alavesa, a Rioja subregion. It works to promote the wines and producers of the region, advocate for its interests, and support its members in various aspects of winemaking and marketing.

Established in 1990, ABRA emerged as a collective and representative initiative aimed at addressing the needs of wineries within the Laguardia-Rioja Alavesa quadrant. With a three-decade legacy, the nearly one hundred wineries constituting this association stand as a mirror to the locality, showcasing the potency derived from their united industry front.

ABRA's objectives encompass: advocating for the sector both within the industry and on institutional platforms; driving promotional and commercial initiatives; facilitating effective communication channels; fostering the development of strategic undertakings, research, innovation, and development; providing consultative services; and offering comprehensive training opportunities.

Association Descriptors

Rioja Alavesa
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