The Real Wine Fair

The Real Wine Fair

The Real Wine Fair

The Real Wine Fair, hosted biennially at England's Tobacco Dock, serves as a celebration of artisan winemakers and their unwavering commitment to crafting outstanding wines that authentically represent their unique terroirs. Its core objectives encompass the showcasing of artisan vignerons' talents, the spotlighting of the diverse world of naturally-made wines, and the facilitation of meaningful exchanges of knowledge and ideas among growers and wine enthusiasts.

This exceptional event brings together a select group of the globe's most accomplished artisan vignerons, offering attendees a rare opportunity to delve into the vast spectrum of naturally-crafted wines. Here, participants can immerse themselves in the intricate flavors and individual character of these wines, all while engaging directly with the passionate growers who bring them to life.


The Real Wine Fair

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Start Date

April 28, 2024

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End Date

April 29, 2024

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Tobbaco Dock

Pennington Street off Wapping Lane London E1W 2SF United Kingdom





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10 am-18 pm

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Event participants

More than 170 growers and winemakers will be part of the fair, as well as different artisan food producers.

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The tickets can be bought via the Eventbrite website. Tcikets for general public will be available only for Sunday, with a charge of 25 euros. Tickets for Press and members of the Trade Association are free of charge, and can be adquired for Sunday and Monday.