Mercato dei Vini

Mercato dei Vini

Organized by the expositors of the event

The Mercato dei Vini is an illustrious gathering for those devoted to the allure of natural and low intervention wines. Slated to unfurl over the course of three days, from November 25th to November 27th, in the historic and culturally rich city of Bologna, Italy, this independent wine fair promises an exceptional foray into the world of wines untainted by additives or chemicals. It stands as a beacon for enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike, offering not only the chance to sample an array of new and unique natural wines but also the opportunity to delve into the rich tapestries of stories behind each producer.

The Mercato dei Vini is not merely a venue for tasting; it is an educational journey that invites attendees to engage directly with the minds and hearts behind the bottles. This platform where wine producers, from the seasoned to the emerging, converge to share their passion, knowledge, and vision for what winemaking can and should be.


Organized by the expositors of the event

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Start Date

November 25, 2024

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End Date

November 27, 2024

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Bologna Fiere

Viale della Fiera, 20, 40127 Bologna BO, Italy





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The time of the event will be anounced in the next days.

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Event participants

The participants of the event willl be anounced on the next days.

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The price of the tickets will be anounced in the next days.